Oh, boy do I love traveling! I do have one problem though. I have some what bigger chest than the average person, I would say. You who know me, know what calibre we are talking about. So when I was going through the security check in the airport, I was not too surprised that the machine beeped while I walked through. So the only thing metal that I had on me was the underwire of my bra and button in my jeans. It is not a first time this has happened and it won't be the last time. So I already knew what I needed to do, spread my hands etc. I was surprised that they didn't take the hand held thingy, which they usually do. Oh, well not my problem. Oh and my glasses are titanium, but I think they won't make the alarm.
Anyway, as I had only hand bag *backbag* I was able to get my ticket quite fast. Well the ticket I took from the self service machine and then just walked to the security check area. This meant that I would be able to walk out of the airport quite fast as well as I wouldn't need to wait for a bag. It was a big surprise to me how well the wifi worked on the plane. I was able to do some surfing while being up there. Unfortunately I have had some trouble with facebook, so I wasn't able to update anything there. Also my earphones did't work at all. Bit surprising that the samnsung earphones did not work with samsung phone... The normal ones that I usually have did work with the phone, but I didn't remember where I had put them so I took the phones own ones instead. Taught me a lesson...
Before I forget, the flight was okey (bit bumpy at the end) but the lines to the passport control was nightmare. Luckily I am over 18 and have passport with the chip. This meant that I was able to get out much faster. I think I spent in line about 35 minutes. Those poor bastards who had children or the old passport had to wait much longer. I was a bit surprised that I was already in the right terminal as with Easyjet I would need to change the terminal to get to the train station. With Norwegian I was taken to the right terminal right away. Ah what service ;)
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