Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Car trouble?

Well my car is working well kind of. When I left from my friend Bday party I had some trouble getting it started. Well it didn't start at all was the problem. The radio and lights worked perfectly. I had to pop up the hood and stare angryly at the motor. I might have wiggled some things in there (don't ask what as I don't know). Anyway I tried again and with the second try it started.

So basically it works but my car doesn't like rain very much. Since that  happened, it hasn't happened again. So it is working right. I need to remember warn my friend about it, but I feel confident that the car will work fine.

I have done couple of day a bit of extra work. Just because there has been so much to do. Also as I will be away two days when I am going to Brighton, I will need to do those hours in. Also I think I will need to ask my sister to do some checking so that I won't have too much work waiting for me when I get back.

I had so much more what I had planned to write, but alas I forgot most of it. :))


  1. Noita käynnistys ongelmia on nyt ollut tovin aikaa.. pitäiskö sun käyttää se auto jossain?

  2. Kylhä Mika sitä on korjaillu aina ku pohjosessa oon käyny. Nytki ku jussin jälkeen meen pohjoseen, niin saa luvan tarkistaa et mikä siinä on.
