Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Why o'why

Is my fridge full of food that has gone bad? I think I need to start eating more... Or at least start to think what I have eaten as I am not hungry and the stuff in my fridge is not gone. I think I might be able to make mozzarella salad. But I will have to do it today and eat it by tomorrow.

I really do not like throwing stuff out, but now I really need to. This time with stuff I mean food. Not stuff stuff like I usually do :P

Well yeah, I was about to make myself breakfast, when I noticed that almost everything is out of date. One reason for this might be that I've been gone a lot and done small trips to my brother's place. (I get fed there.) (I can't wait till summer as I'll be able to bbq over there. Well my brother is going to and I will do the eating :P) Also I did a small trip to Tornio, Pieksämäki, Helsinki, Mäntsälä and Brighton in the last month... I will also go to Stockholm next weekend.

Yes I am aware that at one point I was complaining about not having anything to do or anywhere to go... I still would love to travel a bit further than Europe. There is still continents that I haven't visited! Asia and Australia, and Africa. I would like to visit Antarctica, but somehow I think it would be as easy as going to space... (for me I mean).

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