Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Sent applications out today

Yay me! I applied to at least five jobs today. I am not sure if I will be called to the interview. I doubt it. But at least I have sent applications out. It is a step closer on finding a new job. Also my hand hurts today really bad. Well not really bad it is more like one moment writing happily (not), about something work related and then suddenly I wish I could rip my hand off.

I promise to get an appointment next week. If I am up early enough to get an appointment. I am afraid that what I need is a vacation from computers. :( That means no writing blogs... Oh well at least I could pic up my camera again :) I really love taking pics. Maybe one day I will have a really good camera (Canon of course). With long lens.

In few minutes I will go eat with my brother et al. Then I will be watching after et al. Well not his wife of course, but the kids :) I am so easy to please... My bro just called if I would like to eat something and of course I said yes :) Today I went lunch with my friend as she was driving through. She was going home from her parents. We made plans about summer. Well about bbq :)) That is one thing that I love about summer. BBQ.

Now I gotta stop and find something to wear.

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