Yesterday I called my sis to talk about how our granny is doing. I had talked to her earlier so I had current news. I also told her that my granny new that it was our mother's birthday, but she was too tired to call. (She really was tired at the time. She might have called later that evening.) So I told my sis if she has already called our mom. She hadn't but she then decided to make the call after we had finished. She said she would also send the greetings from our granny to our mom.
Well today my sister called about the conversation that she had with our mom. On totally another note, my nephew has been diagnosed with milk allergy. My sister told our mother about it, and she was like: -right, right. So he can only drink the Lactose free milkdrink (where the Lactose has been removed and not cut). Where my sister replied: - No, he can't drink that. He only can drink Soy, rice or oat drink. To which our mom replied: - Oh, yes like J, (our niece) is allergic to milk too! This was really surprising news to me and my sis. We new that our nephew (J's brother) drinks milkdrink and was allergic to mother's milk. This also means that I am in big trouble since last time I saw J, I only gave her normal milk... (Don't worry, she is not allergic to anything. Our nephew is a bit lactose intolerant, but not allergic to milk either.)
Then when my sister again got a word in, they talked about granny. My sister told our mom that I couldn't call because I was visiting a friend. (Yes that's true, I did not call her on her birthday! She does call me on my birthday and on my brother's birthday if he doesn't answer. If she calls any other time, she needs something.) Also my sister told her that our granny wasn't feeling so well but that she was thinking of her. To this she said: - I know that she is NOT well. I DO know what is going on with MY mother, even though I don't talk to her every day.
Totally besides the point! I know and my sister know that she knows, our granny is not well. She was there for almost a week to take care of her! So no need to be snappy about it. Like our granny wanted we are just shareing the latest news and that our granny was feeling tired and hadn't called her because of it. But she turned it around so, that it sounded like we were blaming her of not knowing what's going on and not calling her.
Of course she wasn't that interested on hearing what her grandchildren were doing. That is one thing that has been troubling my sister for quite some time now. She wanted us to have children when we move away ( I was 15, and yes she expected me to call her that I was pregnant...). Now that she has four grand child she doesn't want have anything to do with them. Like when she was here taking care of granny, our brother was at the area with his family. J (my niece) asked her who she is and why does she know her... Last time they met was about 1,5 years ago. If our granny hadn't told my sister in law that she is coming, they wouldn't have met again. My mom really didn't inform anyone else except our granny that she was coming over.
She does that a lot. Once she told me that if I would be at the railway station in two hours she would give me money. I went there, but not because I wanted the money, but because I wanted to see her. Well let me tell you that the experience of seeing your mom's new boyfriend and seeing her strip (changed clothes)(in the parking lot of the railway station)(no, not in the car)(really!) was not worth 36,50 (euros) (I was promised 40, but she needed to drink some coffee...). Anyways the moral of the story in that time was (and in many other cases) that she doesn't tell the truth.
This reminded me of another case. She went to Helsinki to get her shoulder fixed/operated. She had left her car at my place (in Tampere) and went rest of the way with train. She would be staying with me for few days, and then we would drive to Tornio. So when she came back, first thing she did was take a walk... She showed the scar (well it hadn't scarred yet as it had just been operated) to people even thou the doctors had told her not to reveal the wound yet. Then when we left, I started to drive. She said that she would be able to drive if needed. I had already made my mind that I will drive the whole journey.
At one pit stop, I hear my mom talking on the phone about the operation and what she has been up to so far. She said that she was afraid that she will have to drive home, because she couldn't stay the night at my sisters place (was not true, my sister had made her bed and everything ready and our mom just did not want to stay). She said on the phone that she will probably have to drive most of the way, even though she has a driver at the moment. She stopped talking soon after I arrived to the table. I did not let her drive at all. (This was mainly because she was barely able to turn her head and the stitches might have opened if she drove.) She stayed in Tornio for few hours and then left.
I told my sister about the conversation that I had overheard. It is so nice to know that all our mom's friends will think that we are the most terrible children who will not take care of their own mother. It is not that we care what other people think, but some people that she talks to are people that we know. Also this was an experience that really helped me make sense on few things that had happened in the past. I still believe that if I would have let her drive a bit, she would have stayed the night. Also it is worth mentioning that we had planned to go to Rovaniemi the next day (so that she really didn't need to drive home, she choose to do it despite what doctors had told), but because she didn't want that, we didn't go.
Whopsie... I think you see what's on my mind... I promise that I will try not to write so much about my mom in here. I know that this stuff is not interesting to read. Hint for next week: I am going to see yet another movie ;)
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