Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 3D

Well I do not know what to say about this movie. It was okey. It was better than the number 2. Maybe better or as good as number 3. Not as good as number 1. There wasn't that much effects as they could have used, but at least some wide screen location shots looked pretty good.

So if you have the chance to go see this movie, and you can choose between normal and 3D, I would recommend you watch the normal one. I sometimes forgot that I was watching 3D movie. Only thing that reminded me of that was the fact that the 3D glasses were dropping of my nose... I use glasses so I have to put them over my normal glasses. Not the most pleasant experience I would say.

I think I might not want to go see the fifth (wrote fourth at first, wopsie) movie, which I assume will be coming in few years. Just getting tired of it, I think. If you really, truly are a fan, then by owe means go check it out. But if you have any hesitations, don't. You'll just be disappointed.

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