Will be going to see the Red Riding Hood tomorrow in Helsinki. I do not have high expectations of that film. I think it will be something nice to watch, but I don't think I will be wowed. My friend promised to wake me up at eight tomorrow, so I think I will have to go to bed early today.
I will also go to Stockholm in this weekend. I promise to take pics from there and share them here. This time I will take pics, promise! I will also go to Stockholm later this month with my brothers family. We shall see how interesting that trip will be :) Two little children and three adults... We all will be running after them a lot! Pics from there as well.
Next weekend (a week from now) I will be going to see my granny in Pieksämäki. She should be off from Hospital. I haven't called her as my mom has been there. I have no intention of talking to her, so I haven't called my granny. I have written in my granny's journal when I am coming (I reserve the weekends early on, so that I can plan my other things around them. So that I will have time to go) so she knows that I am coming.
This reminds me of one (or two) of my friends who have trouble planning ahead. Sometimes it is really frustrating to watch them, as the planning is my second nature. I remember the times that I was unemployed/student and was trying to find a job. I would stay wake few days in a row, because I wasn't able to plan the near future.
So when my friend(s) are troubling with the timetables, I wish I could just say that you need to start writing stuff down. Like one has trouble with seeing her family. If she wrote the weekends in already, she wouldn't plan other things over them. I have had my trouble with friends who broke their promises because they had accidentally (or not) made multiple plans on one day.
One thing that I hate the most, is to have to change things in the last minute. Especially if the thing that caused the change could have been avoided!
Anyways, this was supposed to be about the movie... well I haven't seen it yet, so I can't tell you what I think of it. Just that I think that it is not going to be very good, and this in mind I should be able to enjoy the movie. Don't get me wrong. I like movies that are based on children's books. I loved the Little Reg Riding Hood that came five (? or so) years ago. (The animated one.)
Anyways, yada yada and have a good night!
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