Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Feeling a bit angsty

I am very protective of those who I hold near and dear. So when one of them is not "protected right" I feel like I should step up. The reason why I don't usually do this, is because I can be a bit aggressive with my protection. Like when I was in Stockholm with my friend and sis, my friend said that I am the one that takes care of everything. And that was just a little trip, with no harm and foul.

So just think if I would come to situation where some harm and foul has been done to someone... Let's just say that I just wish to give some physical pain to the other party. So all this aggression makes me feel bit angsty, because that is not who I am. Well kind of I am, but I am not acting upon it. Really, I couldn't hurt a fly! Well unless the fly is really, really, really annoying and doesn't leave me alone. (It's just a fly!)

Anyways, this has been on my mind for a while now, but just don't seem to know how to write about it. So multiposting ahead as I will try to hide this away. But still posting this!

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