Tuesday, May 31, 2011

About my granny

I just heard from my sister, that our mom is at our granny's again. This time because she had called our mom and asked her to come help her. She wasn't able to get out of her bed or from the sofa, so she needed some help with living. Our mom didn't inform anyone about this trip either (not going to stress over that now, as at least she has been helping her own mom for a change).

So anyway, she is living at home and not feeling very well. She needs someone to be there 24/7. I believe that if all her children and her grandchildren would pitch in, we wouldn't need that much extra help. Unfortunately as I see it, we are going to need some extra help. I have been toying with the idea of moving there for a while, but I just don't see how could I. I would need to give away the apartment I am living in now, as I don't own this and I don't know how long I should stay there.

I would be able to be there as I work from home, so all I need with me is my laptop. But its just that I would have to put my life on hold yet again. It's been on hold for so long, that I think I might have forgot how to enjoy it. But anyways, I can't help but think how could I make it work. One good thing that came out of the way I was raised. I always try to think how could I help others and I respect my elders.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am very protective of my nearest and dearest. I also would do pretty much anything they ask. I think my granny knows this, and thus has not yet asked me to come. Because if she asks me to move there, I will. But note, that it really does have to come from here and not from anyone else. I've been tricked one too many times with "she said, she wants, etc".

About my ear...

I got a phone call today from a nurse. She got some good news for me. They had few openings in their schedule, so I was able to get a time for my "hearing exam" (you know, listen to the beep and raise a hand) for next month. Well it is about three weeks from Thursday. Just few days away from mid summer. So my mid summer can be really really depressive (with bad news) or really really good (with good news). I know that I will have to wait for a few weeks before I will get a doctors appointment about the results, but I am sure they can say right away if I have perfect hearing or not.

Last time I had the test (when I was a kid) I had the perfect hearing (heard all the beeps). So I would hope that I haven't lost too much of my hearing. I hate tests and exams, let them be just blood tests but still. I prefer not to be tested...

Sad sad conversations (youtube)

I've just found this conversation thingy! It cracks me up. Especially the one that is the latest  at the moment.

Of course not all of it is that funny, but you'll just have to see it yourself to believe it. I can already see a movie been made of this. How actors start a vlog about how their days are going etc. Maybe its just me an my imagination, but it is just so thrilling to watch. Too bad they live in different time zone, as I would love to see more vids! Now I just have to wait until they wake up :/

Yes there are more than one posting the vids. Me likes.

(Click the title to go to the sadsadconversations youtube site)

Feeling a bit angsty

I am very protective of those who I hold near and dear. So when one of them is not "protected right" I feel like I should step up. The reason why I don't usually do this, is because I can be a bit aggressive with my protection. Like when I was in Stockholm with my friend and sis, my friend said that I am the one that takes care of everything. And that was just a little trip, with no harm and foul.

So just think if I would come to situation where some harm and foul has been done to someone... Let's just say that I just wish to give some physical pain to the other party. So all this aggression makes me feel bit angsty, because that is not who I am. Well kind of I am, but I am not acting upon it. Really, I couldn't hurt a fly! Well unless the fly is really, really, really annoying and doesn't leave me alone. (It's just a fly!)

Anyways, this has been on my mind for a while now, but just don't seem to know how to write about it. So multiposting ahead as I will try to hide this away. But still posting this!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 3D

Well I do not know what to say about this movie. It was okey. It was better than the number 2. Maybe better or as good as number 3. Not as good as number 1. There wasn't that much effects as they could have used, but at least some wide screen location shots looked pretty good.

So if you have the chance to go see this movie, and you can choose between normal and 3D, I would recommend you watch the normal one. I sometimes forgot that I was watching 3D movie. Only thing that reminded me of that was the fact that the 3D glasses were dropping of my nose... I use glasses so I have to put them over my normal glasses. Not the most pleasant experience I would say.

I think I might not want to go see the fifth (wrote fourth at first, wopsie) movie, which I assume will be coming in few years. Just getting tired of it, I think. If you really, truly are a fan, then by owe means go check it out. But if you have any hesitations, don't. You'll just be disappointed.

My time off work

As I mentioned earlier I got sick leave from work because I got an ear infection. So while I was not working, but still sitting at home, I was able to read a book and watch couple of movies that I have (and haven't seen before).

I also asked my friend if I would come over even though I am kind of sick (I know that ear infection won't catch on, but as she has a small baby at home, I thought it would be better to ask). Lucky me she didn't mind. So I was able to see a friend whom I haven't seen since 1,5 years. Before that it was almost 3 years. So I think it was time to reconnect.

My few hour visit turned out to be almost seven hours... (wopsie). My brother called me while I was there and informed me that he has a sofa for me :) So I had to go and show where my new sofa should go. Of course after he had left I rearranged my living room and guest bedroom (as the old sofa was taken there).

During the weekend I was babysitting my nephew and went shopping with a friend. I think my nephew like it, as his sister was away in a trip as well. So they both got to travel that day. :) After that I stayed the night at my brother's new home and tested their new sofa. It was really comfy!

Then we left (with my brother's family) to a cruise to Stockholm. It was really nice trip even though most of the time I couldn't hear what everybody else was saying. Somehow the noise of the ship was too much for my one good ear. With that I mean that there was too much noise and it was hard for me to tell where the noise was coming aka if someone was talking to me or not.

We went to Skansen where there was a small zoo like thingy. It was really good for the children as they were able to run around. I will post pics if I have any from there :)

Also I had to call to the doctors again as there still was some pain in my ear. Compared to the time when I called in and said that I think there might be infection in my ear, I couldn't feel any difference. So I got the time for the same day as we got home from the cruise. The doc had some good news and some not so good. The ear should have healed already ( with this I mean the colour was dark gray not light gray as it should). There was no sign of infection, but it didn't look healthy either. Also the hearing thingy test that he did wasn't very good, so I got an appointment to make a proper test. Well I am in line and might or might not be able to get in later this year.

But result is, that I still have loss of hearing in my right ear. Though today I have been able to make it "crack" which would mean that I might be getting my hearing back soon. The cracking sound should have started already almost a week ago, when I got the medication. But hey better late than never. Tomorrow will be the last day I need to eat the antibiotics. I think I might not need to eat any painkillers either. I had to take one yesterday, but I have not taken any today. I don't like eating pills, so if I can drop them out I will.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My ear hurts

Yesterday I was blowing my nose and my right ear got locked (not sure it that is the right term, but you can correct me if you don't understand me) and it didn't seem to unlock at all. I wasn't too worried about it, as I figured that it would pop up any second...

Any second turned into hours (and hours into days...). So I decided to go to bed early, in case it would help if I lay down. It indeed did seem to work at first (heard the popping sound), but then the pain hit me. I was turning and rolling for few hours, then I set the alarm clock to wake me up so that I would be able to call and get a doctor's appointment. That was wishful thinking. Not the doctor's appointment, but that I would need alarm clock to wake me up...

It hurt so much that I woke up really early. I just had to wait for the time to pass so I could make the call. In the meantime I texted with my friend and my aunt. I informed my aunt that I wouldn't be working today, and that my ear hurt. I have a medication for my hand, so I was really reluctant to take another pain killer for my ear. My aunt (whom has had trouble pain few years back) told me that I should be able to take a normal amount of pain killers (not burana or aspirin). So I did take the normal pain killers in the morning, which was good because the time seemed to roll over so slowly.

I was in luck when I called. I think I was the first one, so no waiting in line and I got the appointment an hour away. I had already decided that if I am not able to get a morning time, I would go to private hospital. So I was really happy, that I didn't have to pay myself silly by going to there. The public hospital/health center visit only costs under 14 euros and the private would be double that. So I went to the health center in good time, even though sometimes you need to wait quite long time because they are running behind the schedule. Yet again the luck was on my side, and when it was my time the doctor asked me to come in. Also the Doctor was specialist in ear-nose-throat thingies (in Otorhinolaryngology), well I guess that since I told the nurse that my ear hurts, she decided to send me to him :)

First he did a sound check (you know with the thingy, if I can hear the sound or more likely where do I hear the sound) and then he checked my ears. The left ear (the good one) was with no surprises in good condition. (He talked what it looks like while looking in.) Then was the turn of right ear (the one that hurts) and he was silent the whole time! Like: lets see what we can find in here... Because he didn't say anything right after he had checked the ear, I went in my head o'ou, this can't be good. I think that the doctor was a bit surprised that I wasn't in more pain, or at least didn't complain about it. Apparently my ear looks like it should hurt a lot. :/

I think that the meds I took for my hand, covered the pain in my ear. Oh well, now I got more meds to eat. Oh happiness... NOT. I don't like eating pills. Really I do not like eating any kind of pills. I have been practicing with vitamins, but I still can't just swallow a pill. I need something with it. No water is not enough. No, nothing liquidy is good either. So yes, oh the glory that I have to go through for the next week. After a week I can drop one out. Then I think I will also drop the meds for my hand. So after 10 days, I shouldn't be eating any meds daily. Blaah I tell ya, Blaah!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Phone conversation with sis

Yesterday I called my sis to talk about how our granny is doing. I had talked to her earlier so I had current news. I also told her that my granny new that it was our mother's birthday, but she was too tired to call. (She really was tired at the time. She might have called later that evening.) So I told my sis if she has already called our mom. She hadn't but she then decided to make the call after we had finished. She said she would also send the greetings from our granny to our mom.

Well today my sister called about the conversation that she had with our mom. On totally another note, my nephew has been diagnosed with milk allergy. My sister told our mother about it, and she was like: -right, right. So he can only drink the Lactose free milkdrink (where the Lactose has been removed and not cut). Where my sister replied: - No, he can't drink that. He only can drink Soy, rice or oat drink. To which our mom replied: - Oh, yes like J, (our niece) is allergic to milk too! This was really surprising news to me and my sis. We new that our nephew (J's brother) drinks milkdrink and was allergic to mother's milk. This also means that I am in big trouble since last time I saw J, I only gave her normal milk... (Don't worry, she is not allergic to anything. Our nephew is a bit lactose intolerant, but not allergic to milk either.)

Then when my sister again got a word in, they talked about granny. My sister told our mom that I couldn't call because I was visiting a friend. (Yes that's true, I did not call her on her birthday! She does call me on my birthday and on my brother's birthday if he doesn't answer. If she calls any other time, she needs something.) Also my sister told her that our granny wasn't feeling so well but that she was thinking of her. To this she said: - I know that she is NOT well. I DO know what is going on with MY mother, even though I don't talk to her every day.

Totally besides the point! I know and my sister know that she knows, our granny is not well. She was there for almost a week to take care of her! So no need to be snappy about it. Like our granny wanted we are just shareing the latest news and that our granny was feeling tired and hadn't called her because of it. But she turned it around so, that it sounded like we were blaming her of not knowing what's going on and not calling her.

Of course she wasn't that interested on hearing what her grandchildren were doing. That is one thing that has been troubling my sister for quite some time now. She wanted us to have children when we move away ( I was 15, and yes she expected me to call her that I was pregnant...). Now that she has four grand child she doesn't want have anything to do with them. Like when she was here taking care of granny, our brother was at the area with his family. J (my niece) asked her who she is and why does she know her... Last time they met was about 1,5 years ago. If our granny hadn't told my sister in law that she is coming, they wouldn't have met again. My mom really didn't inform anyone else except our granny that she was coming over.

She does that a lot. Once she told me that if I would be at the railway station in two hours she would give me money. I went there, but not because I wanted the money, but because I wanted to see her. Well let me tell you that the experience of seeing your mom's new boyfriend and seeing her strip (changed clothes)(in the parking lot of the railway station)(no, not in the car)(really!) was not worth 36,50 (euros) (I was promised 40, but she needed to drink some coffee...). Anyways the moral of the story in that time was (and in many other cases) that she doesn't tell the truth.

This reminded me of another case. She went to Helsinki to get her shoulder fixed/operated. She had left her car at my place (in Tampere) and went rest of the way with train. She would be staying with me for few days, and then we would drive to Tornio. So when she came back, first thing she did was take a walk... She showed the scar (well it hadn't scarred yet as it had just been operated) to people even thou the doctors had told her not to reveal the wound yet. Then when we left, I started to drive. She said that she would be able to drive if needed. I had already made my mind that I will drive the whole journey.

At one pit stop, I hear my mom talking on the phone about the operation and what she has been up to so far. She said that she was afraid that she will have to drive home, because she couldn't stay the night at my sisters place (was not true, my sister had made her bed and everything ready and our mom just did not want to stay). She said on the phone that she will probably have to drive most of the way, even though she has a driver at the moment. She stopped talking soon after I arrived to the table. I did not let her drive at all. (This was mainly because she was barely able to turn her head and the stitches might have opened if she drove.) She stayed in Tornio for few hours and then left.

I told my sister about the conversation that I had overheard. It is so nice to know that all our mom's friends will think that we are the most terrible children who will not take care of their own mother. It is not that we care what other people think, but some people that she talks to are people that we know. Also this was an experience that really helped me make sense on few things that had happened in the past. I still believe that if I would have let her drive a bit, she would have stayed the night. Also it is worth mentioning that we had planned to go to Rovaniemi the next day (so that she really didn't need to drive home, she choose to do it despite what doctors had told), but because she didn't want that, we didn't go.  

Whopsie... I think you see what's on my mind... I promise that I will try not to write so much about my mom in here. I know that this stuff is not interesting to read. Hint for next week: I am going to see yet another movie ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Last weekend

So yeah, I went to visit my granny last weekend. I also took my niece to her granny and got some small chairs for my cousin. Saturday morning we left bright and early as my niece woke me up at 6.30. I was told that she would sleep late (till eight or so) so I was surprised when she woke me up. But I wasn't worried, as I knew that the trip could need few stops when travelling with kids. Well in the end we only did one stop before arriving to her granny's home.

There I was fed full and I continued my way to collect the chairs my cousin had bought (she is pregnant and is not able to travel as easily as I am. Nothing to do with pregnancy, but with two children that she has). Luckily the place was really easy to find, and in no time I was at my granny's home. When I was behind her front door I called her (as to surprise) that I was behind her door. Well surprise surprise, she was not at home. She was still at hospital. So I said to her that I would come right over.

So on Saturday I was there for few hours. Just chatting at first as she was still a bit tired. After the tea brake she was a bit more chatty herself. She was in a room where there was just one other person, and there was no toilet. The toilet is just outside the room (so not too far away). Well my granny did do a trip to the toilet, and when she came back she said that she just barely was able to walk there and back.

She then said that she need to rest a bit more, and I left to her place. I did some cleaning there (just put some stuff to the bin and put the dirty dishes to the dishwasher) and then watched some tv. It was so weird to be there without my granny there. I could have sworn that I sometimes heard her sleeping on the sofa.

So next day I woke up when the neighbor came in (its a twin house, and they share a sauna) and told me that my granny had called her. The nurses think that she might have a virus (that could easily spread) so she is not allowed to take any visitors. (Just called her, and there are other people in the isolation as well.) My granny's neighbor asked if I would like to come see their new summer cottage, and of course I said yes. It is really nice and peaceful place. I already made a reservation for it if I could go there with my friends. She was okey with it, as she and her husband don't go there too much. He is very ill, and thus for is not able to stay away from the modern conveniences (like electricity).

So basically I traveled 210 km (one way) to see someone that I could only see for few hours and only in one day. My daily carpe diem was the part when I went to see the neighbors summer cottage.

Now normally this weekend wouldn't have sucked that much (it still would have sucked!), but as I already had made a tough decision on who to go see and it felt like I had made the wrong decision, it really made the suckiness suck more!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I would so love to write how my weekend sucked, but I am too tired to do so. This just means that you'll just have to wait. Nothing too major, or well the major part sucked and the minors didn't. Was able to help someone at least. Blaah, that's the mood that I am having.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Red Riding Hood II

The movie is loosely based on the fairy tail we all know (and love). When the movie started I had this strange feeling that I had come to see a wrong movie, that I should leave. Well lucky me the movie wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, and I would say that the experience would be the same if you watched it at home.

The love triangle thingy, wasn't really a triangle. I was a bit disappointed with that. (Because that's how it was marketed in here.) I would have loved to see a bit more drama between the girl and guys but of course I can't get always what I wish for. Also where in the fairy tails the little red riding hood is a symbol of innocence, in the movie it is not that much. I would have loved to seen this movie named differently and they should have just mentioned that it is loosely based on a fairy tail. It would have given the script a bit more freedom.

It.. oh, I don't know. It is a good movie if you are going to watch it with someone... No need to worry about missing anything.  Me being a genre buff it was kind of okey, but I don't think I would be able to watch too many movies that are so loosely based on the story. Like the Brothers Grimm gave you an idea what to expect but as it didn't have any specific tail mentioned in the title, my mind was more open to variations. But if someone tells me that the name of the movie is RRH it is something that I expect the movie to be.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Went to movies...

With a friend that I hadn't seen in a long, long time. I think last time I saw her was over a year ago and that was a brief meeting. We went to see Thor 3D (as I had a coupon 2 for 1) (and because she had already seen the Red Riding Hood) today. I had reserved the tickets as I thought that there might be quite many people there to see the movie. Boy was I wrong!

The movie it self was from time to time a bit boring. Lets just say that you could have cut out at least 15 minutes and the movie wouldn't have suffered at all. Now remember that I saw it as 3D. Maybe it would have been better if it wasn't a 3D, who knows? The fight scenes were good, the plot was okey (haven't read the comics, so I can't say how well it followed them), the actor playing Thor Yammy! Is there anything else you need to know? Oh, yeah it was 2 hours long.

Oh and I would say that if you are a fan of comics and such then you definitely need to go see it/rent it. But if you are more history buff/ like the historical Thor, then think twice. You might be disappointed. I wasn't expecting much of the movie, so I experienced it to be a good movie. I wouldn't mind watching it again in few years or so.

Red Riding Hood is next on my list. On Thursday there is a "sale" day in our movie theater so I can go see the movie 3 euros cheaper.

@ the doctors

Friday morning as per instructions I called again (very very early to me) and was waiting again. This time the call went through much faster (it took less than 10 minutes). I got an appointment just after noon. Yay!

So first 4 hours or so I worked. I also informed my Aunt that I would be going to see the doctor. I informed her as if I want my boss to remember something it is better to inform his wife aka my aunt. (Never work at your own family's business if you can avoid it!)

So not so long story short: I have a Lateral epicondylitis in my right hand. I got some pain medication and gel for it. This doctor was my kind of doctor. He first checked the mobility and then put pressure to the muscle that was swollen/cramping. The cramp went away as well as the annoying feeling that the cramp made me feel. No needles no unnecessary drugs. I told him that I didn't like to eat pills, so he found a medication that was small, and only needed to be taken once a day. Suites me fine :)

He only gave the day off (well because I asked to have the day off). Which is okey for me too. Now I didn't have to stress about work too much. I asked the day off, because I didn't want the cramp to come back yet. So this week is testing week. If the cramp comes back aka the pills and gel won't work, I need to go see him again.

Yesterday I compared my meds with my grans, who takes 16 different kinds of pills at the moment. I promised to come visit her this weekend, no matter what. So I just need to check before I leave that if she is at home or in hospital. But anyways this was just about my trip to doctors. First time I saw one in here. Last time I saw one in 2006 when I got my drivers license (as you need the doctors bill to get the license).


I did a short trip to Stockholm this weekend. It was just an hour flight, from Helsinki. Of course it took me an hour to get to Helsinki and 30 mins to get from the train station to the airport. My sister had flown in  from Kemi-Tornio earlier Saturday morning. That is why I was at the airport few hours too early.

Also you need to know that the flying hurts my sister ears, so it was big kudos for her that she wanted to try flying. We have planned on flying on a weeks vacation later this year. So this was a reminder flight for  her. So that she would know what to expect. So anyway, at the airport we read books and in the air I tried to make her talk more (as it helped with the ears).

So we landed at Arlanda and took the Arlanda express train from there to Stockholm. It took only 20 mins (compared to bus, 40 min). The train wasn't too expensive, as we got a weekend, 2 persons sale deal. If I would have traveled by myself, it would have cost as much as it did for the two of us. So if travelling by yourself, use the bus! It is much cheaper!

We were lucky to find out that our hotel was right next to the Central Station where all metros, trains and buses go. Also our friends hotel was on the other side of the Central Station, so we didn't have to walk too far to find it. Our friend had been there already couple of days in a conference and gave a speech in Friday morning. So Saturday was all leisure for all of us. After checking in we walked to the city center and did some shopping. Then we walked to the old town (Gamla Stan) and found a place where to eat. As the Euro and Pound is comparatively week to Crowns (kronos) it was quite expensive to eat. Also if you are vegan, you might need to bring your own food.

There were more options for vegetarians, but it was really difficult to find anything for vegans. My friend is a vegan so this is why we were trying to find some place where vegans can eat. Then from the old town we just walked around Stockholm for few hours. We decided that we need to rest a bit before going to eat dinner, so we returned back to our hotels. I was surprised how well I was able to move around Stockholm, as this was only my fourth time there. We did walk through areas that I hadn't walked through before, but we never got lost :)

So after few hours rest, me and my sister went to the reception and asked if there were any chinese (usually has also vegan food) or vegetarian restaurant. There was one vegetarian restaurant, but it was quite far away, so we decided not to go there. Or actually we presented the option and our friend said that we shouldn't go. So we decided to go the chiense restaurant that was closer by and on the street that went by the Central Station. So it would be really easy to find.

Sunday morning after breakfast and check out, we walked around for half hours and then went to sit in a cafeteria near the train station. Our friends flight would leave later that evening, so she had still some time for sightseeing. She probably didn't do it, as (quoting her) she would get lost. :)

Its a Norwegian, in case you didn't know

In Stockholm

In Stockholm

Me, My sister, and Our friend :)

Thursday, May 05, 2011

"You are n:th in line. Please hold!"

Called to get an appointment with a doctor today. Well my friend woke me up just before eight so I would be able to call in. (They start taking phones in 7:30.) (Well I thought it started at 8, but the lady in the phone corrected me.) After first few tires, I was sure I had the wrong number. So I checked it out. It was correct. Then few more tries... Maybe my phone was not working.

I called my sis... Yes! She answered so my phone is working :). Again few more tries (the phone didn't even ring once when it got disconnected). Then I did some snooping around and found another number (it was to renew things) and I tried with it as well. It didn't connect either. So I had to try waiting... So I waited an hour and tried again... waited and hour and tried again.

Well this time I got connected to the line... Some basic music and "you are n:th in line. Please hold!", "there is traffic on our lines. Please hold!" to keep me company for the next oh, 20 minutes. Then after telling what's wrong with my hand, the lady in the other end says " I can't give you any times for tomorrow as they are only for calls that come in the tomorrow morning. Today we have no available times. I would suggest you call in tomorrow morning 7:30."

If I would have wanted next available appointment I would have had to wait for a long time...

So tomorrow morning, ya'll know what I will be doing!
*If you do know my phone number, please call me after seven, so I will wake up in time*

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Sent applications out today

Yay me! I applied to at least five jobs today. I am not sure if I will be called to the interview. I doubt it. But at least I have sent applications out. It is a step closer on finding a new job. Also my hand hurts today really bad. Well not really bad it is more like one moment writing happily (not), about something work related and then suddenly I wish I could rip my hand off.

I promise to get an appointment next week. If I am up early enough to get an appointment. I am afraid that what I need is a vacation from computers. :( That means no writing blogs... Oh well at least I could pic up my camera again :) I really love taking pics. Maybe one day I will have a really good camera (Canon of course). With long lens.

In few minutes I will go eat with my brother et al. Then I will be watching after et al. Well not his wife of course, but the kids :) I am so easy to please... My bro just called if I would like to eat something and of course I said yes :) Today I went lunch with my friend as she was driving through. She was going home from her parents. We made plans about summer. Well about bbq :)) That is one thing that I love about summer. BBQ.

Now I gotta stop and find something to wear.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Went to see the Red Riding Hood... NOT. It was sold out as today is the last day to use the tickets that one has receive as xmas present. So there were a lot of people there... So instead of RRH we went to see the Scream 4.

So I really didn't have anything in mind when I went to see it. It has been such a long time since I saw the Scream 1,  2 and 3. So When I went in I didn't have any expectations. After the start I was a bit baffled about what kind of a movie did I come to see. But after the start I started to enjoy the movie. I think the sound was too loud, but then I was sitting in the first row...

So I think the movie was good. I didn't expect the ending, even though I kind of did. You know what I mean. I would say that this one ranks almost as high as number 1. I would have to watch the first movie again to make my mind up, but as I recall the first movie was not that good. It is a Horror/Mystery/Thriller (oh why can't they just use one) film. In my opinion they could drop the Horror out. Maybe also Mystery... Thriller would be enough. Compared to good Horror movies, this was really bad one. It was a good thriller though.

I would have not been sad to have had to pay to see the movie. As I said earlier my friend had these tickets that needed to be used by today. But if she hadn't had them, and we would have had to pay the extremely high price to get to see the movie, I wouldn't have been cursing the waste of money. I probably wouldn't have chosen the movie, if I would have had to pay for the tickets...

Why o'why

Is my fridge full of food that has gone bad? I think I need to start eating more... Or at least start to think what I have eaten as I am not hungry and the stuff in my fridge is not gone. I think I might be able to make mozzarella salad. But I will have to do it today and eat it by tomorrow.

I really do not like throwing stuff out, but now I really need to. This time with stuff I mean food. Not stuff stuff like I usually do :P

Well yeah, I was about to make myself breakfast, when I noticed that almost everything is out of date. One reason for this might be that I've been gone a lot and done small trips to my brother's place. (I get fed there.) (I can't wait till summer as I'll be able to bbq over there. Well my brother is going to and I will do the eating :P) Also I did a small trip to Tornio, Pieksämäki, Helsinki, Mäntsälä and Brighton in the last month... I will also go to Stockholm next weekend.

Yes I am aware that at one point I was complaining about not having anything to do or anywhere to go... I still would love to travel a bit further than Europe. There is still continents that I haven't visited! Asia and Australia, and Africa. I would like to visit Antarctica, but somehow I think it would be as easy as going to space... (for me I mean).

Monday, May 02, 2011

Red Riding Hood

Will be going to see the Red Riding Hood tomorrow in Helsinki. I do not have high expectations of that film. I think it will be something nice to watch, but I don't think I will be wowed.  My friend promised to wake me up at eight tomorrow, so I think I will have to go to bed early today.

I will also go to Stockholm in this weekend. I promise to take pics from there and share them here. This time I will take pics, promise! I will also go to Stockholm later this month with my brothers family. We shall see how interesting that trip will be :) Two little children and three adults... We all will be running after them a lot! Pics from there as well.

Next weekend (a week from now) I will be going to see my granny in Pieksämäki. She should be off from Hospital. I haven't called her as my mom has been there. I have no intention of talking to her, so I haven't called my granny. I have written in my granny's journal when I am coming (I reserve the weekends early on, so that I can plan my other things around them. So that I will have time to go) so she knows that I am coming.

This reminds me of one (or two) of my friends who have trouble planning ahead. Sometimes it is really frustrating to watch them, as the planning is my second nature. I remember the times that I was unemployed/student and was trying to find a job. I would stay wake few days in a row, because I wasn't able to plan the near future.

So when my friend(s) are troubling with the timetables, I wish I could just say that you need to start writing stuff down. Like one has trouble with seeing her family. If she wrote the weekends in already, she wouldn't plan other things over them. I have had my trouble with friends who broke their promises because they had accidentally (or not) made multiple plans on one day.

One thing that I hate the most, is to have to change things in the last minute. Especially if the thing that caused the change could have been avoided!

Anyways, this was supposed to be about the movie... well I haven't seen it yet, so I can't tell you what I think of it. Just that I think that it is not going to be very good, and this in mind I should be able to enjoy the movie. Don't get me wrong. I like movies that are based on children's books. I loved the Little Reg Riding Hood that came five (? or so) years ago. (The animated one.)

Anyways, yada yada and have a good night!