I just visited Dublin for the second time. This time I went there with my sister, who has never been there. We stayed at the same place and saw the same places as I had seen before. The good thing was that at least we didn't get lost. It was nice to have someone with to see it all. Now I don't have to explain everything myself as my sis was there too.
It was very windy in Ireland and they acctually had cancelled all (at least I think so) the flights from Dublin airport in Sunday. Luckily we were already there at that time. It was nice to walk around and see people walk around and NOT hear any Finnish. Well me and sis talked only Finnish, but that's not the point.
We have planned on doing this trip again next year. Obviously we are not going to Dublin. We will probably go to Poland. We will see that next year. :)
This is a blog. About me. If you need more description, read the blog.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Second job
I got myself a second job. I hate both my jobs, but I do have bills to pay. Both my jobs involve talking to people over the phone. Luckily I don't have to sell anything in the second job, as I am sure otherwise I wouldn't have accepeted it. :) I also have an interview in the 17th. I would like to get that job, even though it means that I would have to move.
Now I am off to eat something before going to workplace number one.
Now I am off to eat something before going to workplace number one.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Finnish lakes

Here is a picture of a finnish lake. They all look a like so just multiply the image about a thousand times, and you'll have a finnish view. ;)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
My Work
It is so boring... Luckily I only have a month left of it. I am pretty sure that I won't do anything like that for a while. Or atl east that is what I say now, but when it is time to pay the rent, I might change my mind. I hate the fact that I have to do in the evening... I really don't have the energy do that kind of a work. I have been applying for hunders of other places, and also got into interviews but that's it. No luck otherwise. :(
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My friend is coming over
One of my friends is coming over here in a fourth nigth. She is British and I have talked about her in here. :) She is staying four days and I have no idea what to do. There is not that many palces to show in here. Well there is more then you think, but they cost money to see... And we don't have too much extra money to spent. So let's hope that it is enough that we walk around city.
So if you want to come over to visit me, just let me know and I'll se what I can do. :)
So if you want to come over to visit me, just let me know and I'll se what I can do. :)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Driving License
I have finally got it! Now I can drive a car leagally. It took me app. two months to get it. The therory lessons were a bit boring (as always) but the driving itself was thrilling. I was able to give a ride to my sister and her daugther too. Because I passed my theory exam in the first try I got two extra dirivng lessons for free.
I'll let you know when I get myself a car. So you all know to beware of crazy driver.
I'll let you know when I get myself a car. So you all know to beware of crazy driver.
Friday, August 25, 2006
I have passed it
Today I passed the theory exam. I only had three mistakes :) YEY. Two more weeks and I have the driven test then. This is sooo exating.
Thank you for remembering my b-day
I got a b-day card from Rebecca and Tanja, e-card I got from Anne&Sami&Jonna and Susan. Thank you for remembering. :D
Saturday, August 12, 2006
It is that time of the year!
It is only 8 days away... If you don't know what, you haven't read my blog. I ment my entire blog. The answer is somewhere in my blog... :P
Dog Park
I went with my dog to a dog park today. We found it couple of weeks ago, just before solo got ill. Now we have been there couple of times and solo really seems to like the place. Especially today as he played with a puppy (5 months old). Well he thought that the puppy is a girl... But at least he played there almost an hour. Usually he just walks around and don't even seem to notice the other dogs.
Now that it is just sooo hot in here, I don't like to take him there. He gets so hot on our small daily walks, so I can only imagine what would happen if he spent the couple of hours in there. I hope the weather is going to be good for a while so that we can go there. I know that most of the people wish for rain, but I don't. We have long winters, so it's nice to see some sun for a while.
Now that it is just sooo hot in here, I don't like to take him there. He gets so hot on our small daily walks, so I can only imagine what would happen if he spent the couple of hours in there. I hope the weather is going to be good for a while so that we can go there. I know that most of the people wish for rain, but I don't. We have long winters, so it's nice to see some sun for a while.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Name day
I had my name day couple of days ago. Well it was almost a week ago, but anyway. Now I have told you about my ex-boss, haven't I. So you should already know that she and I do not get along. So, to my surprise she had sent me a happy name day -email. We haven't talked or emailed since the demands. She hasn't sent me any bills or anything... (well she knows she can't do anything, because she ows me money). Now she acts like nothing has happened??
Some how I feel like I do not want to get anything from her. Not even happy name day -emails. It just feels weird. I wouldn't do it. No normal person would do that. Well she is definately not a normal person...
I also got best wishes from my friends and a card as well. So thank you Tanja again for the card. It was the only card that I got. It really made my day. Small things you know...
Some how I feel like I do not want to get anything from her. Not even happy name day -emails. It just feels weird. I wouldn't do it. No normal person would do that. Well she is definately not a normal person...
I also got best wishes from my friends and a card as well. So thank you Tanja again for the card. It was the only card that I got. It really made my day. Small things you know...
name day
My work
My work might continue till christmas. At least I hope so. The boss hasn't mentioned anything about us not continueing. With us I mean me and the other girl who started at the same time as I did. I think I might ask my boss whether he has anything else that I could do. I don't think I can continue just calling people all the time. I am already a bit fed up with it, but not that much that I would quit now.
One reason why I am not quitting is the travelling that I am going to do. My trips are going to be paid over a period of time. This means that I is a good idea to have a job that last at least a short period of time. If I find another part time job I will probably take it.
That's it for now. Night y'all!
One reason why I am not quitting is the travelling that I am going to do. My trips are going to be paid over a period of time. This means that I is a good idea to have a job that last at least a short period of time. If I find another part time job I will probably take it.
That's it for now. Night y'all!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Friend came over
My friend from Helsinki came over today. Well she came because one of her friends had an interview in here. So we three spent the afternoon walking around the city. We ate at Koskipuiston Rosso. The service was normal, not slow as my aunt had complained to me. Well I have to say that after we had been served I heard the waitress told other customers that they would have to wait at least 45 minutes for their food. So it was getting busier/rushed. It was nice to eat out (really out) next to the rabid (?) even though the food got could(er) sooner.
We spent 4,5 hours in the city before they had go home. She still has to drive back to Mikkeli, as she is spending her vacation in there. So three more hours for her to drive after a day of walking around. Lucky me who lives here.
We spent 4,5 hours in the city before they had go home. She still has to drive back to Mikkeli, as she is spending her vacation in there. So three more hours for her to drive after a day of walking around. Lucky me who lives here.
I went to see Pirates of Caribbean II with my friends. Well there were supposed to be more then just three of us, but as some were not able to come... So me, my ex-colleague (now friend) and his girlfriend went to the movies. First we went to eat in this small place called SOHO. It has taken influence from Britain and it served so called british food. I liked the food, even though the french fries were little bit too salty.
The movie was ok, but I wouldn't reccomend it. It is something that you have to want to go see. Otherwise it is not worth spending money on. Also half of the movie was just preparing you to the sequal. So after the movie I had the feeling like "was that it?". They could have shortened this movie a lot... The plot was not very good. I would count this and the next one as one movie.
Still, if you are interested of seeing this film, you should go see it. There were some really helarious spots.
The movie was ok, but I wouldn't reccomend it. It is something that you have to want to go see. Otherwise it is not worth spending money on. Also half of the movie was just preparing you to the sequal. So after the movie I had the feeling like "was that it?". They could have shortened this movie a lot... The plot was not very good. I would count this and the next one as one movie.
Still, if you are interested of seeing this film, you should go see it. There were some really helarious spots.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
It means quick get-away. Me and my aunt have finally bought the tickets or well actually we have finally made the reservation for the places. We have planned going on a trip and now we have a place to go. We are going to Bulgaria for a week in September. YEY
I am really looking forward on doing this as I feel like I need some vacation. I hope I can keep my job, as otherwise I migth not be able to pay my tirp. Well actually I can pay the trip, but I won't have any money left for the living.
I am really looking forward on doing this as I feel like I need some vacation. I hope I can keep my job, as otherwise I migth not be able to pay my tirp. Well actually I can pay the trip, but I won't have any money left for the living.
Solo was ill
Last week solo was ill, as he had slipped disc. This meant that he couldn't walk very well. When I took him to the vet they said that he should be put in to bed rest. This meant that I wasn't allowed to let him walk for a week. They also gave him some b-vitamin.
Now he is allrigth. Jumping and running like a youngster. I am not sure whether I should allowe it, but it seems impossible to stop him. He looks happy as he can do what ever he wants.
Now he is allrigth. Jumping and running like a youngster. I am not sure whether I should allowe it, but it seems impossible to stop him. He looks happy as he can do what ever he wants.
Friday, August 04, 2006
"IT" costs...
I have already spent on it 88 euros. My dad gave me 500 euros to the fee. So now I only need 600 more plus app. 100 to cover everything... Yaiks!
I migth get a temp. job in Helsinki... This would mean that I have to move to Helsinki or somewhere around it. I am already terrified about the cost that it will take.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
This just in...
I was told that my ex-boss claims that I have moved up north after my boyfriend!!! She did not mention that who my boyfriend is, or what I am doing there. All this time I thougth that I lived in Tampere and had no boyfriend... Thank god I was corrected in this matter.
Monday, July 17, 2006
"Dear Veera"
I _____ you. You have a nice _____. You make me ____.
You should _______. Someday I will _____. You + me = ______.
We should __________. If I saw you now I'd _______. I would
build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it
would be _________. If I could I'd give you ___________. We
could __________ under the stars.
(P.S. ______________.)
REPOST THIS "DEAR (YOUR NAME)" AND SEE WHAT ANSWERS U GET... this lots of fun!! and you can really make someone's day. Or you could just make them laugh really hard. You cant put more than one word in the blank
You should _______. Someday I will _____. You + me = ______.
We should __________. If I saw you now I'd _______. I would
build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it
would be _________. If I could I'd give you ___________. We
could __________ under the stars.
(P.S. ______________.)
REPOST THIS "DEAR (YOUR NAME)" AND SEE WHAT ANSWERS U GET... this lots of fun!! and you can really make someone's day. Or you could just make them laugh really hard. You cant put more than one word in the blank
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I have finally started it!
Tomorrow is my first lesson. So far it has cost me 22 euros. It is just the start and luckily I will get money from my dad, so I will be able to pay it.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Hellou hellou
About my situation... Two different person's have told me that I do not need to pay to my boss unless she takes the matter to the court. Even if she had taken the matter to the court, these two lovely person's told me, that I would win. 99% sure! :D:D
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I want a guy with...
You Go For Brains! |
You want a guy with a big... brain. And of course it would be nice if he were a total hottie, but you're not counting on it. What's on the inside is what counts for you. (Besides, you can always change the outside later!) |
Ups, I forgot to tell you
I have a new job... I think I haven't told you this yet. I have been working there for a month now. :) The job is only for three months (unless I take another three months shift). I book appointments for insurance people. That is what I do. I am a bookie. :P
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Last Saturday
I visited my niece in Orimattila. It is near Lahti. I knew you would not know it. First thing that happened when I got there, was that I was handed a baby in my arms... (The baby is my niece). She was still (did not move much) for the first hour... well she was only half'n'hour in my lap, but anyway...
She just followed her mum with her eyes. The eyes were telling her mum, that how did she dare to give her to a total strainger...
After that we barbaqued, ate, ate and ate. That is one sure thing to happen when I go see my brothers family... we will eat. :D This is a good thing as I did not eat very good breakfast. After a while my niece got familiar with me, and wasn't that much afraid of me. She would even smile to me.
I am going to see them again next weekend in Pieksämäki, as I am going there to see (my) granny and Jonna is going to see her granny (mum's mum).
She just followed her mum with her eyes. The eyes were telling her mum, that how did she dare to give her to a total strainger...
After that we barbaqued, ate, ate and ate. That is one sure thing to happen when I go see my brothers family... we will eat. :D This is a good thing as I did not eat very good breakfast. After a while my niece got familiar with me, and wasn't that much afraid of me. She would even smile to me.
I am going to see them again next weekend in Pieksämäki, as I am going there to see (my) granny and Jonna is going to see her granny (mum's mum).
Friday, June 30, 2006
Those e-mails were just to tell me that the amount comes when I take the first paper with false amount and take the second papers amount away from it. The papers are the ones that I got in January and february...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
As promised here is the update on my old boss...
She sent me this e-mail before midsummer, where she claims that I owe her some money and that I have three choices to pay it back. The first choice was that I will have to pay to whole sum to a bankaccount that she had just opened for the "company". the Second one is that I will have to pay it in parts to her own account and then she will put it in the company's account. the Third option was that I will have to do translations for her almost doubble the amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then she sent me the same e-mail next monday nigth (at 23:00) because I hadn't replaied. Tuesday morning I sent her a message asking for written annoucement of the matter and for some explenations.
She just answered that the official invoice will come later.
Today I sent her an e-mail saying that I still need the written annoucement on the matter and some explanation. She has answered to me, but I haven't read them yet.
So, have a nice summer, kids!
She sent me this e-mail before midsummer, where she claims that I owe her some money and that I have three choices to pay it back. The first choice was that I will have to pay to whole sum to a bankaccount that she had just opened for the "company". the Second one is that I will have to pay it in parts to her own account and then she will put it in the company's account. the Third option was that I will have to do translations for her almost doubble the amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then she sent me the same e-mail next monday nigth (at 23:00) because I hadn't replaied. Tuesday morning I sent her a message asking for written annoucement of the matter and for some explenations.
She just answered that the official invoice will come later.
Today I sent her an e-mail saying that I still need the written annoucement on the matter and some explanation. She has answered to me, but I haven't read them yet.
So, have a nice summer, kids!
Monday, June 26, 2006
I am so mad rigth now!!
She did it again... I haven't worked there for six months but still she is able to ruine my day! She actually ruined my midsummer fest too!!!
I'll tell you more, when I am not so hot headed.
I'll tell you more, when I am not so hot headed.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Vacation passport
Thanks to vacation passport (direct translation) I can travel as much as I want in 3 days within a month. I mean that there is three travelling days in a month. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to travel as much as needed.
Now I have promissed to go see Jonna and granny. When I go to see Jonna, I can't take my dog with me, so I can only be a day away. Also granny wants me to stay for a bit longer so that I can help her with her garden.
I also have promised to my friend Tanja that I will visit her again this summer.
So you can see how this VP is coming handy.
*it is called holiday pass actually...*
Now I have promissed to go see Jonna and granny. When I go to see Jonna, I can't take my dog with me, so I can only be a day away. Also granny wants me to stay for a bit longer so that I can help her with her garden.
I also have promised to my friend Tanja that I will visit her again this summer.
So you can see how this VP is coming handy.
*it is called holiday pass actually...*
My niece is called...
Last weekend (17.6) I was in Kemi as I am the godparent (godmother??) of my sister's daugther and in Saturday was her babtism. She was babtised as Finnish Orthodox, and was given the name: Mirka Sofia. We call her Sofia.
The ceremony took an hour, and I held her in my arms the whole time (well only not when the priest took her and when we dressed her up). She is little over 5 kilos now. That is 11 pounds I guess.
I am going back there for the midsummer fest so that my sister and her husband can have some time off.
The ceremony took an hour, and I held her in my arms the whole time (well only not when the priest took her and when we dressed her up). She is little over 5 kilos now. That is 11 pounds I guess.
I am going back there for the midsummer fest so that my sister and her husband can have some time off.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Are you reading this??
If you are reading my blog, please leave a comment!!
Just interested to see how many people is readin this. :)
Just interested to see how many people is readin this. :)
Is a place where my grandmother lives. I was just last weekend there to take care of my grannies garden. Three weeks before that I was taking care of granny as she had an eye operation. Some how I just feel that I am (again) the only one that goes to see her when she needs something. She has visitors, but they usually don't do much there. I admit that sometimes I do nothing too. But that is because granny is a bit stubborn, if she thinks she can do something, she will try to do it.
I am saying again as with my late grannie (from Rapattila) I jused to be the one to clean the farm where she lived. That is one reason why I wanted to go to Florida. It was far enough, so that I didn't need to go to take care of her. I needed some time for me.
Any how. For the midsummer I am going to go there again. In the end it is nice to spent time with her, as she usually tells what is used to be like before (during the war etc.)
I am saying again as with my late grannie (from Rapattila) I jused to be the one to clean the farm where she lived. That is one reason why I wanted to go to Florida. It was far enough, so that I didn't need to go to take care of her. I needed some time for me.
Any how. For the midsummer I am going to go there again. In the end it is nice to spent time with her, as she usually tells what is used to be like before (during the war etc.)
I am going to Kemi next weekend. In saturday is my sisters daugther's babtism. She is so cute. I am her godparent, and I have already bougth her babtismgifts (for 100 €). I am going to go there already on Thursday, so me and my sister will have some time to organize.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I was in Tallinn yesterday. My aunt's man was with me. He got free tickets, because last time he bougth with over 100 euros at the boat. My aunt could not go, so I went instead of her.
It was only a day trip. It means that we went over in the morning and came back in the evening. The day we spent in cloudy Tallinn. First we bougth a handbag for my aunt, and then we went to eat at one of the local restaurant. The food is so good, there is so much food, and it is inexpesive.
I also had a hair cut while I was there. Now I have bangs!! I look sooooo different. :D
It was only a day trip. It means that we went over in the morning and came back in the evening. The day we spent in cloudy Tallinn. First we bougth a handbag for my aunt, and then we went to eat at one of the local restaurant. The food is so good, there is so much food, and it is inexpesive.
I also had a hair cut while I was there. Now I have bangs!! I look sooooo different. :D
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Hello again!
It's been a while! But I have a good explanation. I have tried to sell companies advertising space over the phone... And, oh boy, let me tell you... Not my cup of tea. Still it seems that the only place that wants me is phonesales places. Now I have also been working for my aunts boyfriend, so I haven't been unemployed. I have to admit that I haven't done as well as I would have wished, but the work is just so boring and I have to do it from home. See what I mean. I start to work but then my dog comes next to me and looks at me... Try to work there.
I also have a secret which I will tell you later. No, I do not have a boyfriend yet! I know you think that is my secret. Let me give you a hint... four wheels.
Now I gotta go and have some fresh air! See ya later!
I also have a secret which I will tell you later. No, I do not have a boyfriend yet! I know you think that is my secret. Let me give you a hint... four wheels.
Now I gotta go and have some fresh air! See ya later!
[x] I know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[x] I do my chores after being told once
[x] I always do my homework/work
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[] I think politics are exciting
[ ] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers
[x] I show up for school/work every day unless I'm sick..really sick..
[x ] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse
[x] I've never gotten a ticket
[x] I watch talk shows and point out the incredibility of it all
[x] I know what incredibility means without looking it up
[ ] I drink black coffee
[x] I know how to run the dish washer..or do the dishes
[x] I can count in more than one language
[x] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[x ] I mow the lawn
[ ] I wash my car
[x] I can make adults laugh..without being stupid
[x]I remember to water my plants
[x] I study when I have to
[x] I pay attention at school/work
[x] I remember to feed my pets.
[ x] I'm generally organized
[x] I know the meaning of cruel punishment
[x] I can spell experience without looking at the line above
[x ] I clean up my own messes
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get coffee
[ ] I can go to the store with out getting something I don't need
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said
[ ] I listen to my parents/elders
[x] I understand the fact that the world always screws someone over
[x] I can type fast, because I type every day
[ ] My choice in clothing is acceptable in an office or something like that
[ ] I can watch politics and laugh because I don't understand what is going on
[ ] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[x] I can look at someone hot and not think of sex
[x ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it
[x] People have said that I act older than I am
[x] I can be sent on an errand and not get side tracked
Count up your 'x's, count up your marks, and then post "I act ___"
I act _32
[x] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[x] I do my chores after being told once
[x] I always do my homework/work
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[] I think politics are exciting
[ ] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers
[x] I show up for school/work every day unless I'm sick..really sick..
[x ] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse
[x] I've never gotten a ticket
[x] I watch talk shows and point out the incredibility of it all
[x] I know what incredibility means without looking it up
[ ] I drink black coffee
[x] I know how to run the dish washer..or do the dishes
[x] I can count in more than one language
[x] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[x ] I mow the lawn
[ ] I wash my car
[x] I can make adults laugh..without being stupid
[x]I remember to water my plants
[x] I study when I have to
[x] I pay attention at school/work
[x] I remember to feed my pets.
[ x] I'm generally organized
[x] I know the meaning of cruel punishment
[x] I can spell experience without looking at the line above
[x ] I clean up my own messes
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get coffee
[ ] I can go to the store with out getting something I don't need
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said
[ ] I listen to my parents/elders
[x] I understand the fact that the world always screws someone over
[x] I can type fast, because I type every day
[ ] My choice in clothing is acceptable in an office or something like that
[ ] I can watch politics and laugh because I don't understand what is going on
[ ] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[x] I can look at someone hot and not think of sex
[x ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it
[x] People have said that I act older than I am
[x] I can be sent on an errand and not get side tracked
Count up your 'x's, count up your marks, and then post "I act ___"
I act _32
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I am travelling again... First I am going to Lappeenranta to see my friend's baby boy. I am going to stay there for a couple of days before I leave to Pieksämäki. If we take the period of the last four weeks, I have stayed home for a week, tops. If I hadn't got an address I could live with my relatives :D
That would not be too nice for a longer period of time.
That would not be too nice for a longer period of time.
My brother's baby is going to be babtised in the following sunday. So if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm not home :D
He is going to have the ceremony in Pieksämäki, because almost all of their relatives live there. It is easier for me to go there too, as I can leave my dog at granny's for couple of hours. If they would have the ceremony at Lahti where they live, I would have to leave my dog home.
He is going to have the ceremony in Pieksämäki, because almost all of their relatives live there. It is easier for me to go there too, as I can leave my dog at granny's for couple of hours. If they would have the ceremony at Lahti where they live, I would have to leave my dog home.
Long time...
I know that it has been a long time since I last wrote here. Well my sister gave birth to a baby girl, and I went there (Kemi) to take care of those two for a while. Well the daddy was there as well... Now I have changed diapers quite a few times. I spent there almost two weeks before I got back home.
Last Friday I had two interviews. One was really interesting place (market research) and the other one was not that interesting (phone center). Do you want to guess which one wanted me?? You guessed rigth! It was the not so interesting place. Well I really can't complain as I need something. The good thing is that I can make more money in this place.
It is not sure yet that can I work there or not, as first I have two weeks period of unpaid internship. If I can't sell anything within that time period they won't hire me. So let's hope I do well.
Last Friday I had two interviews. One was really interesting place (market research) and the other one was not that interesting (phone center). Do you want to guess which one wanted me?? You guessed rigth! It was the not so interesting place. Well I really can't complain as I need something. The good thing is that I can make more money in this place.
It is not sure yet that can I work there or not, as first I have two weeks period of unpaid internship. If I can't sell anything within that time period they won't hire me. So let's hope I do well.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Last Friday
My sister gave birth to a baby girl!! She is 50 cm, 3,75 kg. And I am going to take care of those two next week. My sisters man has to go to a work trip, but he will be away only couple of days. :D:D
My weekend
The reason why you haven't heard from me for a while is that I have been taking care of my granny. I am apparently the only relative that is able to do it. I don't mind taking care of my granny, but it annoys me that my mother tells me when to go there. What I mean is, that granny and I will plan when I will go there. Then my mother calls her and tells that I am coming there in a different date (because she doesn't know anything) and tells me that granny is waiting me to come in that different date, because she had told her so. So granny is confused, I am confused and we have to call each other to make things clear again. Because of my mother my phone bills are higher then they would normally be.
When I hear that my mother has said something, I have to call to the persons that my mother is talking about. She might say things like, " your granny is going to have an operation and you need to take care of her because she son't be able to get out of bed for couple of days". When I ask my granny she explains that she is going to have an eye surgery...
If there is onething my mother loves, it is making small things big. Nowadays, if I see that she is calling me, I do not want to answer the phone. I know that she is just telling lies. One other thing that I hate about her... She is always asking money from my sisters man and then she never pays it back. She used to ask money from me as well, but as I did not have a job she didn't dare. If she called me, I just told her that I am tottally broke. Of course she would call everybody and say that I don't have food to eat (which she made up, because even though I don't have money my fridge is full of food, thanks to granny) and that they have to give me money or that they have to give the money to her so she can give the money to me. Usually she asks for more than that what she gives me. She does make more money then me, she has a car, lower rent then I do, but somehow she just doesn't have the money to pay her rent!!
This is more about my mother than my weekend, but hey, she called me during the weekend.
OH, and she thought probably that she is going to do me a favour when she called my dad. My dad called me and said that she had called and that I am going to see my sister during the easter. He said that he will take me there, as he is also going there. (My sister lives far away in Finnish standards. Almost 800 km aka 7 -8 hours by train). The problem is that me and dad had already agreed about this. We agreed on it two months ago!! Because she called my dad had to make sure that our agreenment was still on.
She is worse then hurricane!!
When I hear that my mother has said something, I have to call to the persons that my mother is talking about. She might say things like, " your granny is going to have an operation and you need to take care of her because she son't be able to get out of bed for couple of days". When I ask my granny she explains that she is going to have an eye surgery...
If there is onething my mother loves, it is making small things big. Nowadays, if I see that she is calling me, I do not want to answer the phone. I know that she is just telling lies. One other thing that I hate about her... She is always asking money from my sisters man and then she never pays it back. She used to ask money from me as well, but as I did not have a job she didn't dare. If she called me, I just told her that I am tottally broke. Of course she would call everybody and say that I don't have food to eat (which she made up, because even though I don't have money my fridge is full of food, thanks to granny) and that they have to give me money or that they have to give the money to her so she can give the money to me. Usually she asks for more than that what she gives me. She does make more money then me, she has a car, lower rent then I do, but somehow she just doesn't have the money to pay her rent!!
This is more about my mother than my weekend, but hey, she called me during the weekend.
OH, and she thought probably that she is going to do me a favour when she called my dad. My dad called me and said that she had called and that I am going to see my sister during the easter. He said that he will take me there, as he is also going there. (My sister lives far away in Finnish standards. Almost 800 km aka 7 -8 hours by train). The problem is that me and dad had already agreed about this. We agreed on it two months ago!! Because she called my dad had to make sure that our agreenment was still on.
She is worse then hurricane!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I've got a job!
Well it is not very good job... I am supposed to surf online and find places where the company can put ads. This is a job that I can do from home. ;D I also have an interview today. All the others did not do anygood. So if I get this job, I will have two jobs at the same time.
Lets make some money!
Lets make some money!
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Aunt
Now I am talking about the aunt with the farm, and the one whom I am not talking to. She congratulated me for becoming an aunt and as I sent her a thank you message, she ask whether she can come to live in my appartment for a while. She also asked that when I am going to go to see my sister... So no I am wondering, that do I want her to come here... She will go through my stuff. But she promised to pay me some money, and I could use some cash.
What do you think?? What should I do?? Invite her to stay in my place for a week??
What do you think?? What should I do?? Invite her to stay in my place for a week??
You migth have been wondering what I have been doing, as I have not been writing here. Well I have been in interviews. I have one today as well. I've got lots of mail that says "sorry, but we have chosen other person for this position". Those interviews that I had before were all also no good. Meaning that I did not get a job.
Somehow I don't mind. I know that I can always become a cleaner. (That is also what I will do, if I don't get a job within two months). I have started to write down all the places where I have applyed for. In the last two weeks I have sent 17 applications. I was supposed to sent at least five per day so I am a bit behind my goal :P
Somehow I don't mind. I know that I can always become a cleaner. (That is also what I will do, if I don't get a job within two months). I have started to write down all the places where I have applyed for. In the last two weeks I have sent 17 applications. I was supposed to sent at least five per day so I am a bit behind my goal :P
I am an Aunty
My brother and his wife got a babygirl in sunday. YEY! Now we are waiting for my sister to give birth.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Just Like ME
You are a Brainy Girl! |
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. An awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! |
Friday, March 24, 2006
Phone call
Yesterday while I had my interview my phone rang (it was silent, so I saw that it had rang). The number was not listed, so I thought that it was someone trying to sell me magazines. This is usually the case, when you can't find out who has called you.
Today they called me again (as I thougth they migth) and I was so ready to say " No thank you I am not buying anything!". To my surprise the lady in the other end says, that " you have sent us your CV couple of months ago, and we would have a position for you." It turned out that they were listing available jobs in their site, and you could leave your cv there if you had not found anything interesting. So if I am interested in the job I just need to apply for it.
This is something that I might do...
I got another phone call today as well. Well this actually is the first phone call that I got. They called me from this educational program that (they teach few days and we will work for a company for 6 months *training*) they would have a company for me, that would suite me. So I if I am interested, I would have to sent my CV to them, so that they can present me to the company. They will let me know next week, if the company wants to have interview with me. If they find a training place for me, I can take part in that program. Some of the courses in this programme are: Marketing, e-business, internationalisation... So as you migth figured out, it is just what I need... I have only graduated as BBA few months ago, so this is definately something that I need :D:D
Today they called me again (as I thougth they migth) and I was so ready to say " No thank you I am not buying anything!". To my surprise the lady in the other end says, that " you have sent us your CV couple of months ago, and we would have a position for you." It turned out that they were listing available jobs in their site, and you could leave your cv there if you had not found anything interesting. So if I am interested in the job I just need to apply for it.
This is something that I might do...
I got another phone call today as well. Well this actually is the first phone call that I got. They called me from this educational program that (they teach few days and we will work for a company for 6 months *training*) they would have a company for me, that would suite me. So I if I am interested, I would have to sent my CV to them, so that they can present me to the company. They will let me know next week, if the company wants to have interview with me. If they find a training place for me, I can take part in that program. Some of the courses in this programme are: Marketing, e-business, internationalisation... So as you migth figured out, it is just what I need... I have only graduated as BBA few months ago, so this is definately something that I need :D:D
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Second interview
I had a new interview today. Well actually, I got an interview for two places. The place where I went rents employees to companies. I told the interviewer that I am interested in other places as well and she said that that's good to know because they have this other available place (that is similar to the place I applyed). She said that she will inform the candidates tomorrow if they have been chosen to the second interview next Tuesday with the client company. The job would start Monday, week from now. The other job would also start very soon.
The interview that I had yesterday would also start soon... So if I am very lucky I will have a job next month!! YEY!
The interview that I had yesterday would also start soon... So if I am very lucky I will have a job next month!! YEY!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I think it went well. The inteviewer said that she will let me know a week from now. One other thing that happened to me today, was that I got another interview for tomorrow!!!
I think I migth like the other place more than the one I had today. The place that was offered today would mean a lot of selling. I would have to sell a certain amount of service in a month etc. but I would also have a monthly payment. :D
I will tell you more tomorrow about the other place.
These two places would both be here in Tampere.
I think I migth like the other place more than the one I had today. The place that was offered today would mean a lot of selling. I would have to sell a certain amount of service in a month etc. but I would also have a monthly payment. :D
I will tell you more tomorrow about the other place.
These two places would both be here in Tampere.
St. Patrick's Day
I was not supposed to go anywhere...
All I needed was a text message from Olli saying he and Petri are in O'Connels and would I and my friend like to join them. It took me only 45 minutes to get there (I took a shower and took my dog out). We were there around 7 pm (the guys had been there couple of hours already) and the place was packed/full. We four sat on a bench that was ment for three or less persons. We had a lots of fun and also we all were bed before eleven pm.
I bet you all thought that I was up till dawn... Sorry to dissapoint you.
All I needed was a text message from Olli saying he and Petri are in O'Connels and would I and my friend like to join them. It took me only 45 minutes to get there (I took a shower and took my dog out). We were there around 7 pm (the guys had been there couple of hours already) and the place was packed/full. We four sat on a bench that was ment for three or less persons. We had a lots of fun and also we all were bed before eleven pm.
I bet you all thought that I was up till dawn... Sorry to dissapoint you.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I just found out that my e-mail account as well as all the information that I have saved in to my account in Florida is still there!! I can get the papers that I did there and I can sent and receive e-mails to my argus. YEY!
The previous one only got to be a draft... so I desided to try again. Let's see if this one is posted right away.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Normal Day
Normal day to me now is... Wakeing up very late (usually around 11 am), takeing my doggy out for a walk (3-4 times per day), watching tv and being online. Also I do read a lot. I could tell you about some of the books that I have read. But that in a later post. Now I am talking about my normal day.
Now that I don't have a job, I have lot of time in my hand. The lack of money stop's me from travelling abroad. I have travelled quit lot and now I am having a break from it. You would think that I would go to the city a lot since I practically live in the city. But I don't. It is easier for me not to spent money, if I don't go anywhere.
So for that reason I stay inside my flat quit a lot. You might think that how can I search for a job when I am indoors... Let me tell you that it is very easy. I just go online and search either job ads or interesting firms where I would like to work. :D
So if you think that my life is very interesting at the moment, you are very wrong. I can't wait to have money to acctually do something else, then count my money. To those who are worring about my rent: I get support to it, and I only have to pay half of my real rent. I also get money to support my living since I am unemployed.
I really, really hope something interesting would happen in my life, because I am getting tired of telling you that I don't have a job. (I am trying to find a place really hard). If I don't write here about this issue, you probably would think that I have stopped writing here.
Now that I don't have a job, I have lot of time in my hand. The lack of money stop's me from travelling abroad. I have travelled quit lot and now I am having a break from it. You would think that I would go to the city a lot since I practically live in the city. But I don't. It is easier for me not to spent money, if I don't go anywhere.
So for that reason I stay inside my flat quit a lot. You might think that how can I search for a job when I am indoors... Let me tell you that it is very easy. I just go online and search either job ads or interesting firms where I would like to work. :D
So if you think that my life is very interesting at the moment, you are very wrong. I can't wait to have money to acctually do something else, then count my money. To those who are worring about my rent: I get support to it, and I only have to pay half of my real rent. I also get money to support my living since I am unemployed.
I really, really hope something interesting would happen in my life, because I am getting tired of telling you that I don't have a job. (I am trying to find a place really hard). If I don't write here about this issue, you probably would think that I have stopped writing here.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I can't belive this!
You all know that I don't have a car. Well I do have rented a place for a car. This because I do have a lot of friends who have cars and most of them do not live here. So I walked by the place yesterday, and I saw that someone else had claimed it to be their place...! I am now about to call to the place who rented the place for me. I am just so mad! This is just so my luck. I Will tell you later what happened.
Now I have called to the janitor, they know nothing because they don't handle this kind of a thing. So I called to the company that has rented this place to me... They are too busy to answer the phone.
The last info on the matter: The person who to I talked knew nothing about this issue and promised to check it out. I think I will still stop renting the place...
Now I have called to the janitor, they know nothing because they don't handle this kind of a thing. So I called to the company that has rented this place to me... They are too busy to answer the phone.
The last info on the matter: The person who to I talked knew nothing about this issue and promised to check it out. I think I will still stop renting the place...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I have an interview!
Yes it is true. I have an interview for this one place in 22nd of March. So I have to wait over a week, but it is ok. The job would last about a year because I would be a substitute for a person who is having a baby. After that job I would have enough money to go abroad to work. So lets hope that I will get it :D
I am not going to tell you what that job is, because then I would jinx it!
I am not going to tell you what that job is, because then I would jinx it!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
My Element is...
Your Element is Wood |
Your power colors: green and brown Your energy: generative Your season: spring Like a tree, you are always growing and changing. And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded. You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others. You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company. |
Your Monster Profile |
Basilisk Doctor You Feast On: Olives You Lurk Around In: The Backseats of Cars You Especially Like to Torment: British People |

Of course we had some problems, while there were logs in the river that we had to look out. there were one or two times when me and Idris almost got wet. Oh, and the picture here is taken by Silke. I have lot of pictures taken from there (Florida) but they are normal pictures, not digital ones.
I found the previous post of the canoeing. It was in Sunday, February 27, 2005. If you like, you can read more from there.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Nice Pics
I will try to put more picture in here but as many of you know I do not have digital camera so it migth take a while. I hope you liked the pics that I put here yesterday :D
Monday, March 06, 2006
I am so ANGRY
I got mail today... From a Bi... I mean old Boss. Now she sent me the document that I need, but (true to her nature) she had to put something in it to insulte me. She Claims that she has overpaid me... She had sent an replay to my message saying that the document cannot be redone and that I have been doing my theasis on the work time (which, my friends, is a lie). According to the document, the amount that she has overpaid indicates that 60% of my worktime went for doing my theasis. That is just full of shit!
She knew that if she puts it there that I will get angry. I have heard that in her family, when the figthing begins, it is normal to hit under the belt. She knows that I am very picky about my sallary. (I admit that picky is a wrong word). I mean that if something is wrong with it I complain. But now I just have fucking had it! I am too tired to do anything anymore.
She knew that if she puts it there that I will get angry. I have heard that in her family, when the figthing begins, it is normal to hit under the belt. She knows that I am very picky about my sallary. (I admit that picky is a wrong word). I mean that if something is wrong with it I complain. But now I just have fucking had it! I am too tired to do anything anymore.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
I have this friend...
That moved here (to Tampere) because I live here. She had told everybody that she is going to stay with her relatives before she finds a place of her own. She told that to my mom, my sister... (She was my sisters roommate). True or False: She stayed with me before moving into her own flat? ... You are right. She stayed with me!!
She is now in school and they have a school break at the moment. You would think she would stay home and rest or read school books (she is a bit behind because she hadn't bought the books in time). You would think... Last weekend she stayed two nights at my place. She has been here almost everyday!!
Of course it is nice to spent time with friends, but when she starts makeing comments that she actually doesn't like to spent time at my appartment, I really do get angry... She invites herself (she calls and says: I'm in town can I come?), so if she doesn't want to come, I am not forceing her, she should not come. I hope you get what I mean... :)
I also have tried to introduce my other friends for her, but she doesn't make any effort to get to know people. So far she has made only one friend at school. When I move into new place, I try to meet people very actively in the first couple of months. Usually by then I have made friends...Like some of you know.
Well I do not mean to judge anyone... It is just my hobby. Tell you the truth she was one of my best friends at one point. Now it just seems that I have moved a lot ahead or that she has stayed the same.
Take care my baby's!
She is now in school and they have a school break at the moment. You would think she would stay home and rest or read school books (she is a bit behind because she hadn't bought the books in time). You would think... Last weekend she stayed two nights at my place. She has been here almost everyday!!
Of course it is nice to spent time with friends, but when she starts makeing comments that she actually doesn't like to spent time at my appartment, I really do get angry... She invites herself (she calls and says: I'm in town can I come?), so if she doesn't want to come, I am not forceing her, she should not come. I hope you get what I mean... :)
I also have tried to introduce my other friends for her, but she doesn't make any effort to get to know people. So far she has made only one friend at school. When I move into new place, I try to meet people very actively in the first couple of months. Usually by then I have made friends...Like some of you know.
Well I do not mean to judge anyone... It is just my hobby. Tell you the truth she was one of my best friends at one point. Now it just seems that I have moved a lot ahead or that she has stayed the same.
Take care my baby's!
Yey me!
I really know how to read through my writings (or usually read) and check the mistakes... I have sent an application where I mention that I am applying for something else than the available position... Oh, and I sent an application in the evening of the last aceptance day. That probably means that they won't take it. :(
Really... Yey me!
Really... Yey me!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Still no news
I am wondering whether my phone is broken... My sister told me once that she had problems calling me. Maybe this is the reason why no employers have called me. I should take my phone to repare shop, but at the moment it is impossible.
Now I am getting tired of writing applications. I have like almost a million of them by now. Well of course, I have not sent that much but it feels like it. Everybody says that I should move to Helsinki, if I want to get a job. But I don't want to!! You would think that it is easy to find a job (I do speak quite many languages) but no. It seems that I should be an expert on everything before I'll get a job.
Now I am getting tired of writing applications. I have like almost a million of them by now. Well of course, I have not sent that much but it feels like it. Everybody says that I should move to Helsinki, if I want to get a job. But I don't want to!! You would think that it is easy to find a job (I do speak quite many languages) but no. It seems that I should be an expert on everything before I'll get a job.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
You will never believe this!
I talked to my old co-workers and now friends the other day. They told me that my old boss has been talking about me at work. She had said that she had seen light coming out of my window, and wondered reason for that. Now for those who don't know, my old work place is just next to my home. The thing is that she couldn't have just accidentaly seen the light. She really have had to make an effort to see my window. It sounds so creepy, to hear that your old boss is stalking you... well in a way she is.
Next step that I will take is calling to the tax office. I just have to make sure that she has done everything right. I don't want to have problems with my tax thingys.
Next step that I will take is calling to the tax office. I just have to make sure that she has done everything right. I don't want to have problems with my tax thingys.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
My old boss
What can I say about her!! There is a lot of stuff that I would love to say, but because I am nice person (if someone else says I'm not, don't believe them!) I won't. I will just tell you what she did...
You all know by now that I quit my job in New Year. In my contract it says that my paycheck should arrive in the fifth of the following month. For this last paycheck I only had to wait for three weeks!! And not only did it come late, she also had taken 17 hours away without any explanation. She still hasn't explained these things to me, nor sent me new paper for the taxation.
*About the Tax thingy... Since this year all the Finns will get half filled taxpaper and we self have check whether it has everything. We also have to keep all the necessary papers at least five years. This means that if I don't get the papers from my old employer, I might get in trouble.*
This is not the only time that there has been problems with the paycheck nor am I the only person. She keeps on doing it every month. For her excuse I have to say, that she has never studied the field of business, marketing or anything related to them. She is an engineer of cloth... Not really but it envolves clothes and something.
Blaah... Now I feel very very bad (almost like sick) just because I had to write about her. So if you want to make me feel miserable, just mention her to me.
Now take care you kids, and don't do anything I would regret!
You all know by now that I quit my job in New Year. In my contract it says that my paycheck should arrive in the fifth of the following month. For this last paycheck I only had to wait for three weeks!! And not only did it come late, she also had taken 17 hours away without any explanation. She still hasn't explained these things to me, nor sent me new paper for the taxation.
*About the Tax thingy... Since this year all the Finns will get half filled taxpaper and we self have check whether it has everything. We also have to keep all the necessary papers at least five years. This means that if I don't get the papers from my old employer, I might get in trouble.*
This is not the only time that there has been problems with the paycheck nor am I the only person. She keeps on doing it every month. For her excuse I have to say, that she has never studied the field of business, marketing or anything related to them. She is an engineer of cloth... Not really but it envolves clothes and something.
Blaah... Now I feel very very bad (almost like sick) just because I had to write about her. So if you want to make me feel miserable, just mention her to me.
Now take care you kids, and don't do anything I would regret!
Job Hunting
I have been sending those applications out as crazy... No response... Well almost no response :) I have had couple of interviews but that's all. Now I have applied to an Embassy to work. Lets hope I will get it. I sure do have the language skills.
Now lets keep our fingers crossed!!
Now lets keep our fingers crossed!!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Looking for a job!
As you might guess from the previous, I am at the moment looking for a job. I am not being picky or anything, but I will not under any circumstances do: cleaning, sell over the phone, sell mobilephone connections, nor translate a text which I don't understand.
And as an answer to your question: Yes, Yes I have translated texts which I haven't understood. (It was in my last job)
So if you know anything that might interest me... Please sent me message!
And as an answer to your question: Yes, Yes I have translated texts which I haven't understood. (It was in my last job)
So if you know anything that might interest me... Please sent me message!
Some of you might know that I was working for this one company... Well I am not working there anymore. You might wonder why...
First of all: you were told to do something, and after you had done it, you were told that you shouldn't have done it. (Or that you did it the wrong way).
Second of all: You were not allowed to talk to other employees. (only in coffee and lunch breaks it was allowed)
Third of all: No music. (We worked in silence)
We were not told of these rules at all. But if we did broke the rules, we were punished.
At the moment (as I am not working there) still my last month and my vacation money haven't been paid for. It is now over two weeks late!
I wonder why I am not working there anymore...
First of all: you were told to do something, and after you had done it, you were told that you shouldn't have done it. (Or that you did it the wrong way).
Second of all: You were not allowed to talk to other employees. (only in coffee and lunch breaks it was allowed)
Third of all: No music. (We worked in silence)
We were not told of these rules at all. But if we did broke the rules, we were punished.
At the moment (as I am not working there) still my last month and my vacation money haven't been paid for. It is now over two weeks late!
I wonder why I am not working there anymore...
School is over!!
Hear yee, hear yee!!
I have graduated! I have done my theasis (it was graded as 3 from 1-5 where 5 is the best). The school is finally over!
Well actually it was officially over in 22.12.2005. So I graduated before x-mas. I just have been so lazy to write that you are hearing it just now. Sorry
I have graduated! I have done my theasis (it was graded as 3 from 1-5 where 5 is the best). The school is finally over!
Well actually it was officially over in 22.12.2005. So I graduated before x-mas. I just have been so lazy to write that you are hearing it just now. Sorry
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