Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Normal Day

Normal day to me now is... Wakeing up very late (usually around 11 am), takeing my doggy out for a walk (3-4 times per day), watching tv and being online. Also I do read a lot. I could tell you about some of the books that I have read. But that in a later post. Now I am talking about my normal day.

Now that I don't have a job, I have lot of time in my hand. The lack of money stop's me from travelling abroad. I have travelled quit lot and now I am having a break from it. You would think that I would go to the city a lot since I practically live in the city. But I don't. It is easier for me not to spent money, if I don't go anywhere.

So for that reason I stay inside my flat quit a lot. You might think that how can I search for a job when I am indoors... Let me tell you that it is very easy. I just go online and search either job ads or interesting firms where I would like to work. :D

So if you think that my life is very interesting at the moment, you are very wrong. I can't wait to have money to acctually do something else, then count my money. To those who are worring about my rent: I get support to it, and I only have to pay half of my real rent. I also get money to support my living since I am unemployed.

I really, really hope something interesting would happen in my life, because I am getting tired of telling you that I don't have a job. (I am trying to find a place really hard). If I don't write here about this issue, you probably would think that I have stopped writing here.



  1. For #%&!'s sake woman! I've told you now at least twice. COME HERE! There is still a vacancy for a Finn in our company and I'm 100% sure you'd get it. You'll get much more paid here than in Finland plus you'd get to live in London. You can even crash at my place until you'll find a flat. Listen to the destiny.

  2. Yes, I know... I should go there. But at the moment, as my sister is almost given birth to her first child and as I am going to be the god parent, I don't dare to move out of the country. But this I can promise to you, by the end of next year, I will not be living here anymore.
