My friend from Helsinki came over today. Well she came because one of her friends had an interview in here. So we three spent the afternoon walking around the city. We ate at Koskipuiston Rosso. The service was normal, not slow as my aunt had complained to me. Well I have to say that after we had been served I heard the waitress told other customers that they would have to wait at least 45 minutes for their food. So it was getting busier/rushed. It was nice to eat out (really out) next to the rabid (?) even though the food got could(er) sooner.
We spent 4,5 hours in the city before they had go home. She still has to drive back to Mikkeli, as she is spending her vacation in there. So three more hours for her to drive after a day of walking around. Lucky me who lives here.
Juu, hauskaa oli, otamma joskus uusiks :o)