Friday, March 24, 2006

Phone call

Yesterday while I had my interview my phone rang (it was silent, so I saw that it had rang). The number was not listed, so I thought that it was someone trying to sell me magazines. This is usually the case, when you can't find out who has called you.

Today they called me again (as I thougth they migth) and I was so ready to say " No thank you I am not buying anything!". To my surprise the lady in the other end says, that " you have sent us your CV couple of months ago, and we would have a position for you." It turned out that they were listing available jobs in their site, and you could leave your cv there if you had not found anything interesting. So if I am interested in the job I just need to apply for it.

This is something that I might do...

I got another phone call today as well. Well this actually is the first phone call that I got. They called me from this educational program that (they teach few days and we will work for a company for 6 months *training*) they would have a company for me, that would suite me. So I if I am interested, I would have to sent my CV to them, so that they can present me to the company. They will let me know next week, if the company wants to have interview with me. If they find a training place for me, I can take part in that program. Some of the courses in this programme are: Marketing, e-business, internationalisation... So as you migth figured out, it is just what I need... I have only graduated as BBA few months ago, so this is definately something that I need :D:D

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