Monday, March 13, 2006

I can't belive this!

You all know that I don't have a car. Well I do have rented a place for a car. This because I do have a lot of friends who have cars and most of them do not live here. So I walked by the place yesterday, and I saw that someone else had claimed it to be their place...! I am now about to call to the place who rented the place for me. I am just so mad! This is just so my luck. I Will tell you later what happened.
Now I have called to the janitor, they know nothing because they don't handle this kind of a thing. So I called to the company that has rented this place to me... They are too busy to answer the phone.
The last info on the matter: The person who to I talked knew nothing about this issue and promised to check it out. I think I will still stop renting the place...

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