Wednesday, June 28, 2006


As promised here is the update on my old boss...

She sent me this e-mail before midsummer, where she claims that I owe her some money and that I have three choices to pay it back. The first choice was that I will have to pay to whole sum to a bankaccount that she had just opened for the "company". the Second one is that I will have to pay it in parts to her own account and then she will put it in the company's account. the Third option was that I will have to do translations for her almost doubble the amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then she sent me the same e-mail next monday nigth (at 23:00) because I hadn't replaied. Tuesday morning I sent her a message asking for written annoucement of the matter and for some explenations.

She just answered that the official invoice will come later.

Today I sent her an e-mail saying that I still need the written annoucement on the matter and some explanation. She has answered to me, but I haven't read them yet.

So, have a nice summer, kids!

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