Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Long time...

I know that it has been a long time since I last wrote here. Well my sister gave birth to a baby girl, and I went there (Kemi) to take care of those two for a while. Well the daddy was there as well... Now I have changed diapers quite a few times. I spent there almost two weeks before I got back home.

Last Friday I had two interviews. One was really interesting place (market research) and the other one was not that interesting (phone center). Do you want to guess which one wanted me?? You guessed rigth! It was the not so interesting place. Well I really can't complain as I need something. The good thing is that I can make more money in this place.

It is not sure yet that can I work there or not, as first I have two weeks period of unpaid internship. If I can't sell anything within that time period they won't hire me. So let's hope I do well.

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