I really did not think for this subject to span this far.
So I got a call this morning (just after eight o'clock) from the place where I bought the knife. They had some bad news. The knife I ordered through their website is no longer in their assortment. It has not been in their assortment for a long time and it was an accident that I was even able to order it.
Then they asked was it not mentioned when the delivery address was changed, to which I said no. All they said in the email was that the address had been changed and they hoped it would arrive by Friday (the day before the birthday). Letting me assume that the knife will be posted on that day!
So there is no knife... I was than offered another junior knife (not a scout knife = wooden handle) with a rubber handle. It might be a tad safer I admit, but the request was for one with wooden handle. The replacement is a bit more expensive, but of course they are not billing me extra since it has been over a month since I placed the order. They will be sending it directly to my sister in law, so that my nephew does not need to wait extra weeks for me to visit.
I do have to say I am disappointed with the company, but at least (after several emails and a call) they actually checked the order and found out what the problem was. And most importantly they actually fixed the problem. The knife has not yet arrived, so the problem is still not fully fixed, but I have high hopes. Bad company would have just taken my money, and never called back.