Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Birthday gift for my god son part IV

I really did not think for this subject to span this far. 

So I got a call this morning (just after eight o'clock) from the place where I bought the knife. They had some bad news. The knife I ordered through their website is no longer in their assortment. It has not been in their assortment for a long time and it was an accident that I was even able to order it. 

Then they asked was it not mentioned when the delivery address was changed, to which I said no. All they said in the email was that the address had been changed and they hoped it would arrive by Friday (the day before the birthday). Letting me assume that the knife will be posted on that day!

So there is no knife... I was than offered another junior knife (not a scout knife = wooden handle) with a rubber handle. It might be a tad safer I admit, but the request was for one with wooden handle. The replacement is a bit more expensive, but of course they are not billing me extra since it has been over a month since I placed the order. They will be sending it directly to my sister in law, so that my nephew does not need to wait extra weeks for me to visit. 

I do have to say I am disappointed with the company, but at least (after several emails and a call) they actually checked the order and found out what the problem was. And most importantly they actually fixed the problem. The knife has not yet arrived, so the problem is still not fully fixed, but I have high hopes. Bad company would have just taken my money, and never called back.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Birthday gift for my god son part III

Nope! It has not arrived yet! It has taken over a month! I've asked them to send it to directly to my sister in law a week ago. They said they would change the address. It was supposed to take a week for delivery... A month is plenty of time. Too much if you ask me. I had to give a backup gift for my nephew of which he was not too happy about. I did say that the real gift from me and my sister (other aunt) is coming later. This is so annoying! 

I've ordered it well in advance. At one point it was not even sure if he would continue scouting, but I had the order in already by that time. I've now send them again email about the order. I'm going to give them some time before I call. If they are able to send me a link where I can follow the order, I'll be happier (not happy). Because at the moment I do not know where the knife is. Have they really sent it or not. I need a code or something, so I can call the shipping company to ask about it.

Fun fact from the birthday: Me and my brother had bought the same card for my nephew.

Edit: /I called, and apparently the knife is only being sent out today or tomorrow... So I am a bit surprised/dumbfound/speechless. Really!?!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Job interviews

So far I have had five job interviews since I moved here. So the decision to move has paid off. Now I just need to get the job. Oh, and I am having my sixth interview today. From one interview I am waiting for the results, they should come during this week, so lets keep fingers crossed. It would be only for 6 months, but it is better paid. The one that I am having today is at first for 6 months, but it might continue with the company (first is with rental company) or they might have other job opportunities for me. Win-win!

The salary is not that good, but it is better than nothing. It is almost as good as was in my last employment, but in my last employment I was underpaid. I just hope they will see my flexibility and see it as a big plus. Last Friday I had the previous interview, and here in Finland we had this silly little thing where almost whole country stood still. It was because the government decided to lower our benefits. The thing is that the changes would not apply to the government... So I hope that the interviewers saw it as I am willing to work, as I was able to get to the interview. 

Now I first missed the call (phone was silent), which I know is not a good sign. So couple of hours later I called back, after checking what the number is of course, and checking the rental company. I approved what I saw, so I called back (and not waited for them to call again). Also I am not in Tampere, but babysitting my niece and nephew (while my brother is out of the country and other reasons not discussed here) so an unexpected interview is not very handy for me. None the less I have agreed to come to Tampere to be interviewed for the position. See how flexible I am, you future possible workplace bosses! 

If I have understood correctly, both of these places have quite a quick starting schedule. Meaning I might have a job next month. I do hope I will be getting one of these two places. They both are multitasking jobs in an international company. So I do not have a preference, and I will be giving all my best at the interview. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Birthday gift for my god son part II

The birthday scout's knife has not yet arrived. I emailed last week about the time table, to which I got no reply. Then I emailed this week that they should change the delivery address, as it seems that it will not arrive in time. Yesterday I got an email reply that the delivery address has been changed. There was also an added note, that said: Hopefully the knife will arrive in time for Friday due to the address being written by hand. So I assume it has left the factory yesterday. Fingers crossed that it will arrive in time.

I have also bought a backup gift. A few pencils, two bendy pencils and eraser pen. Just so that I will have something to give. I am sure that he will like them, although his mother (my sister in law) might not enjoy them as much. (The bendy pens at least.) I also have my other nieces and nephews gift for him. I bought a gift certificate to BR toy store. I also have really nice card, which was a bit more expensive than I had hoped for (5 euros), but besides the knife he will not be getting anything expensive from me. The knife is also from my sister, so we bought it together. So it is not entirely from me. Ah, you know what I mean!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MyKronoz activity wristband

I assume ya'll remember when I mentioned that I got the wristband. Well it is busted now. I think it might have something to do with the Windows 10 upgrade. Now the customer service said that it is because it is not compatible with the 10, but it was compatible for two days before it broke. It downloaded an update and just was not able to install it. Then it just would not start. 

The customer service said I should be able to recover it, but with other computer than the one with 10 in it. Well, the windows 7 computer crashed when I tried to activate the wristband again. Luckily I was able to recover it (it took few days, as it got stuck before properly opening and I was not on it all the time) but I have not tried to recover it since. I think I will just let the importer handle it, and I will email them about this issue as well. As soon as I find the email address. 

It was good as long as it lasted. All few weeks of it. I don't think I would recommend this one to anyone. It is really difficult to use soon. I am thinking of updating my other computer to 10 as well, and the wristband is not compatible with my phone. So I have no way of using it. (Unless I win in lotto, and am able to buy a new phone. In that case I will also buy a better activity wristband.)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

First: I collected some bottle tops (or codes in them) during the summer. I collected enough codes to get a free ticket to the movies. The only catch was that I had to use it quite soon. I think I had like 1,5 months to use it. Now I have less than two weeks to go. Thus I decided to use it on the next movie I go see full price.

Second: They really have increased the ticket prices! Now during the week, if you go to the movies in the evening, it costs 12 euros! Bloody rip off I say! *Some info digging* Well they haven't increased all prices yet. The special movie is 12 euros (so if a movie is going away it's special?) There are supposedly some movies during the week that are 9,5 euros... I just haven't found them yet. Well they are classic ones, so I don't know what that means.

Third: Went with a friend and we thought we were on time, but actually we were 15 minutes late. Luckily the movie just started literally when we bought the tickets. So what we missed was some first text and shots. We literally were sitting down before the main gimmick (the plane + Cruise) even started. So no problem!

The movie was good. One of the best in the series I think. (If you ask me the second one was not that good.) There were action, there were some comedic moments and whilst I was able to be a step ahead of the plot (as quite many of us probably were able to do) it was not boring. It was entertaining. To be honest we just decided the movie quite last minute. I had recommended some horror movies that are showing now. So I did not have too much expectations going in. I think that gave some boost to my enjoyment. This is the type of movie that you will enjoy most while watching at the movie theater. Thumbs up!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ant Man 3D (2015)

I quote my friend: "At least it was better than the new Fantastic four!" I tell you it was a lot better than fantastic four, which still boggles my mind. How could they do such a bad job with it. Ant Man is a good addition to Marvel universe, and I will be going to watch the sequel when it comes out. I just hope they will not be changing actors in the meanwhile. I found the chemistry between the current ones to be very good, and I know it will annoy me if they change actors. Yes I am talking about Hulk (and others). If the movies are good, then the actor changes are not that important, but when we are talking about Marvel level movies, the continuity is quite important. 

A quick word about the movie itself; the start seems a bit over run - too long - however when considering that they are building the characters it is okey. It just means that in the next one the action will start sooner. I do think that the character development on most characters was believable and true. I enjoyed the movie as did my friend. Also it was a Super day, so we only paid 8 euros for the 3D movie. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

General update on things

I went to bake for my god son's birthday (which is in three weeks) and asked my sister in law about the knife she bought for my niece. I heard that it took really long time for it to arrive, so I should not be worried yet that the knife I ordered hasn't arrived yet. So I am going to give it another week, before contacting them. 

My wrist is still itchy because of the My kronoz wristband. I am currently using a bandage on top of it so I can use the wristband. Not very good. Still haven't had the time to buy the nail polish to use it as insulation. Blaah. 

The shoes I bought are good. I've been walking with them since I bought them and no I haven't proofed them yet. Will do it as soon as I buy the liquid. The shoes are doing good for my plantar fasciitis. Lets hope it will go away soon, so I can keep on walking. It has not been very easy to walk lately as the heel has been so sore. My score for today is 8 634 steps so a bit under the target.

That's it for now! 

Monday, September 07, 2015

Birthday gift for my god son

My oldest god son started scouting this autumn. So I have decided (with my sister) to buy him a scouts knife with a text (with his name). So I have ordered it almost two weeks ago, and it still hasn't arrived. I will be contacting them if the knife does not arrive by the end of this week. I know that it will take some time to make the text and the knife, so if it takes two weeks, then it takes two weeks. 

The delivery was said to be a week... So maybe I should contact them today or tomorrow. The birthday will be in few weeks, so the knife should arrive soon. I think I might ask my sister in law how long it took for my niece to get her knife. I think we have ordered them from the same place. The knife is the same, that I know for sure. Too bad it hasn't arrived. I could have shown it to you otherwise. 

Short post of a knife not arrived.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

The wristband and unwanted surprise

The b-day gift that I got a while back, has proven to have one flaw. It has nickel in it. So I have to stop using it for a while until my allergic reaction goes away. Then I will put some nail polish on to the part that gave me the reaction. I just fiddled with the wristband, and I see that I can take the part out, so I can "paint" the whole thing and put it back once dry. 

Good news is that the patch with the skin irritation is not itching anymore. First when I saw it I turned the wristband so that the clock was on top of the rash. But then I came to the conclusion that I have to let the rash heal, and not let the nickel part touch my skin at all. Otherwise the rash would just keep on going and I do not want that. I am a bit surprised, as I would have thought that something like this would have been taken care of already. There are quite many people who are allergic to nickel. There are plenty of choices to avoid allergenic materials. 

Last time I got a reaction was, when I was wearing silver necklace and silver earrings. As you know silver has very little nickel in it if it is not the purest kind. Even the purest ones might have tiny traces in them (or that is what I have been told). So after that I didn't use any jewelry for awhile. Oh no wait! That was not the last time. The last time was when I wore jeans that were given to me. The button had nickel and my bellybutton had the rash! Nasty! That was just after several hours.

Now I wore the wristband almost a week before the rash appeared. Day and Night! So I have been good on keeping the nickel levels down. Lets just hope that I will be able to use the wristband after I have dealt with it. 

Saturday, September 05, 2015


Went shopping the other day, as I have noticed that I need few things. Mainly I have been told that I need a hair dryer (for guests) and then I have noticed it myself as well that I need it when I use wax on my short hair. The wax I am using is a cheap kind, so it is not good on its own. So when I went shopping, I bought Remington hair dryer.
Remington hair dryer
I took the picture with my phone and for some reason it is upside down here. Sorry for that, but you see what I bought anyway. I think I had one of these earlier, but I am not sure. The last one I had was also travel size, as I do not use one daily. When I had long hair, I used hairdryer maybe once or twice  a year. 

I have been wanting to buy a new electric toothbrush as my old one is over 10 years old. So I bought something different than Oral-B. This time I chose Philips sonicare, because I have heard good things about it (my niece and nephew got one). We will see what it will be like. One big plus is, that it will automatically stop after two minutes. Fingers crossed my nose won't itch.

Philips Sonicare toothbrush
I went to second hand store with a friend of mine. I don't normally find anything, as the clothes do not quite fit me. So I was surprised to find something I liked. It wasn't priced too high, and the note said these are new ones. So a win win!  I got second hand shoes that had not been worn before.

Hiking shoes
Because I do have a curious nature, I did check how much would new ones cost. I did find out that the these are not the latest version, so the price is probably a bit lower. For similar, but new version shoes, cost is about 170 €. Wow! I made a great deal! I feel so lucky right now! 

Friday, September 04, 2015

Currently unemployed

Still unemployed. Last week I had three interviews, but they didn't pay out. But at least now I have been in more interviews than what I was while living up north. I've had four interviews since moving, and it has been about six months now. So quite good. Proves that it was the right decision to move. The jobs I've lately been applying are not quite the right fit, but it would have been customer service job. My friend got it, so I am eagerly waiting to hear if she enjoys it or not. 

I've been taking part in a project that improves job hunting, and I guess it has paid off. Haven't found my dream job yet, but maybe soon. I've been searching in Finland, but honestly I am open for any job. I just decided to try focus on one location more. I think I will soon start applying elsewhere as well. It would be so much easier if I knew for sure what I wanted to do. All I know for sure is that I want to have some adventure! 

So keep your fingers crossed that I will find something exiting!

LinkedIn is where you can find me, if you have a job offer...

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Minions (2015)

Not my first pick, but went with a friend so this is something we both wanted to see. For this I did pay the 12 euros (weekday after five pm). Not quite worth it in my opinion. This is what'ya call feel good movie. Good for families and stuff. I do feel that the movie has not reached it full potential if you don't think it was worth the ticket you paid. 

I am not quite sure what I think of this, as an origin movie. Maybe it is that I really never have liked minions that much, or maybe I have liked them too much, that I didn't really enjoy the movie. Well I did enjoy at times, but then I was bored and just waited for the plot to move on. Or maybe I am too old for this type of movies... No, I think it is because these hasn't been a good horror movie in awhile. I've been seeing only these feel good or family friendly movies, so my standard has gone up. 

Need to watch something different soon, or stop going to the movies. With minions you definitely know what you are going to see. If you love'em, go see'em. 

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Fantastic 4 (2015)

Why? Why the reboot? Has it really been that long, that they need to reboot this? When I heard that there was going to be another F4 movie, I thought it would be the third installment. Then it took forever for them to make this movie that I had forgotten all about it until it now has been released. So a reboot. Well, maybe the other actors were too expensive so they had to cast new ones. You know new and young, someone who no-one has ever heard of. 

First things first. I was not too bored at the movies, I was entertained. But really! I think I need to get me some F4 comics just to see how far off they are. I felt like I was in a movie for teenagers! The jumping and cuts were sometimes a bit hard to follow especially because sometimes there would be a text and other times not. One year later... 

No character build what so ever, the plot was obvious considering that it is a reboot and it tells the birth story... I do think that they could have done it totally differently considering that the original movie came out just 10 years ago. Ha! I checked from wiki, they started to develop this one in 2009, thus my mix of it being the third of the series. Also, there is going to be a second one in two years time. Really?? Then a new reboot in 10 years? I think I will pass this one. Maybe I will watch the second one from the TV if we get that far. Not worth the 12 euros, so I was in luck it was a Super day and costed only 7 euros.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Marriage simulator (2015) Summer Theater

I went to see this play called Marriage simulator in Pyynikki summer theater. My sister in law wanted to see this one, because it is based on a book she ready a year ago and enjoyed it immensely. I hadn't been to Pyynikki summer theater before so I did not know what to expect. The first impression was not too good, as the first thing I saw was bunch of people drinking. The second thing was, the we were not asked to show our tickets anywhere. 

At first the theater seemed a bit small. There were a lot of room for the audience in the middle. Once the play started, I understood that the stage was actually quite big and round. The audience was in middle of the stage and the audience turned around following the play. Very cool indeed! 

The play itself was okey. The idea in it was okey. Well maybe you get the idea... I am not into Finnish movies and it seems that I am not into summer plays with proper actors. I have enjoyed many summer plays with amateur actors, and I think they have more character. Now don't get me wrong, I laughed! The play was funny at times, but I also were bored at times! My sister in law enjoyed it and she had good times. I had good time as well, but still think that the price to see it was a bit steep. Oh, maybe I should say something about the plot... A boy meets a girl and they fall in love. So they decide to break up with their current boy/girlfriends and move together. The one lives with father and uncle and brother at a farm and one lives in very outspoken environment. So comedy ensues.