So my problems with the article mentioned in the previous post are handled in this post. I will just have the number and explanation, so you'll need to check the previous post for the article and the link for it.
2. Go for number two in your best friends bathroom... Right, sure. I don't see why you can't do it in your friends bathroom as well. Maybe it is because I am a Finn, that I do not understand how this can be a measure of your friendship??
9. Best friends click on all your activity on social media? No way. Stalkers might do, but it is not a measure of a friendship!
12. I am bit unsure how to feel about this. If someone is an a-hole, I do not think I would be their friend for long and I also think that if someone is a-hole, they will be told off by non-friends as well. So how does this really measure friendship??
15. Insults... Really?? I do not like to hear or use any kind of insults. No way will I listen to insults coming from anyone. Best friend might find themselves looking for someone else to insult. I think this is American thing, as I do not see it fit in European culture. There is no such thing as casual insult. Insult is an insult.
17. So you have friends or friends that are bullies. As I mentioned earlier, insult is an insult and bully is a bully. This about your values basically. If you are against bullying, you are against all type of bullying.
19. So what about the number 5? How can you know everything, if you are not talking constantly? I prefer the number 5 over this one. Of course the birthday is valid for this one, but otherwise this is not true if you ask me.
23. Sorry I do not understand this. My friends ask what I want to hear and we mix the music if we are not listening to same genres. So what was the point of this one? Make sure that you have selfish friends?
Also the list was supposed to talk about true friends. To me this list quite well describes friends. You know the normal kind. For example the moving part, I have had friends come over and help me move during any time of the year. True friends would stay and clean up after packing, which I also have had the pleasure to experience. Truth to be told, I have had ones been told that they would not help be pack although I had told before hand that it was the plan.
I've taken and picked up people from airport and my friends have done this to me too. I have loaned my car and I have loaned my sisters car. Sometimes I am the DD for my friends when we go out, but usually we take the public transit. Normal friend stuff and taking each others into account. So I do not understand how this list is supposed to reveal a real, true friend... Few items on the list are right to the point, but some of it is just rubbish if you ask me. I am not saying that I would be expert on this subject. This list just rubbed me the wrong way, so I had to went about it.
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