Sunday, January 05, 2014

School paper

This is unbelievably hard! It is the last school paper before Thesis. I have written three pages, but I have no idea if I am writing holistically about the three courses. Well I am not mentioning the courses by name nor am I referring to them. I am just using the tools mentioned in the classes. I am doing a situation analysis of the case company  and it should cover Business Intelligence, Strategic Network Management and Management Control Systems. 

I have written three pages, and I have just started. I think I should be able to write about six more, before conclusions. I am just hoping that this will be enough. I think I will need to check the power words after I have written everything. With power words I mean the words that my teachers like to use the most. I might write the same thing in my own words, but if I use the power words I will have a chance for better grade. 

Truthfully I just hope I will pass. I have no motivation to do any of this. This paper will be part of my thesis, and I have not heard from my boss anything about the thesis... Without a contract, the thesis might not be possible. I just have to hope, that if my boss will not communicate with me, that his brother might be able to sign the contract. 

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