Friday, January 17, 2014

Travel plans/wishes for 2014

1. Travel back to Finland
Early March I will move back to Finland. My Visa/work permit closes on 27.2, but I asked permission to stay until my flight leaves when I last time entered the country at the boarder. The boarder employee said that I could stay as long as I will not work at all during thew three days I am staying extra. I promised I will not. I will literally not work and have a long weekend off from work (if I still have work) as I will be staying with a friend of mine, so I will be spending more time with her. (Basically I take any excuse not to actually work.) 

2. Visit Nottingham
My friends has moved to Nottingham, and I promised her that I will visit her. I will need to check if she has room for me, as I know that she is dating someone. Also I will need to ask if I can bring a friend or my sister over. Me and my sister have not traveled together since Bulgaria in 2011, so it is about time we traveled together. 

3. Visit friends in Germany
I have two... well three friends in Germany that I would like to visit. The problem is that I haven't been in contact with them that much. So I would need to make the travel plans so, that I would be staying in hostels or hotels and not with them. So this would be quite an expensive trip. Also I need to check from the map the locations of where they live, as if I remember correctly they do not live close by. So I might not be able to see all of them. They are the friends I made in Florida all those years back, so visiting them would go under the new years resolution I made last year (to meet long lost friends). 

4. Travel to Canada
Travel back to Canada. Well this could be just a visit with another friend of mine. We have been talking about traveling this year, and this would be a perfect fit. This might not be possible if I find another job, as I might not be able to take any vacation time off. Or if I can it might be unpaid, which would mean that I would need to have savings enough to be able to support myself for this trip and the next month when the paycheck would be smaller. 

I think this year I will be doing mainly European travels. I am thinking of maybe doing it by interrail, because then I can combine as many locations as I like into one swoop trip. Global 22 days is not priced too bad and if I am unemployed it should be doable. I need to plan this more!

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