Monday, January 20, 2014

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D

I have to admit that I had totally wrong reasons for going to see this movie. The only bits that I really enjoyed were the parts where I heard Benedict Cumberbatch or I saw Orlando Bloom. I got a bit tired half way through. It was a bit weird that some of the CGI effects were so clear. What I mean is that you could tell that it is CGI. The plot was thin, and as so many others have said the love story in this movie sucked. I liked the idea, not saying that, but it was not good execution. 

The 3D extra was pointless. As I have mentioned earlier, the animated  movies are best with the 3D as you can go as much out with it as you want. The real life in 3D in movie theater is just bad. I am just happy that compared to the euros this movie was not that expensive to see. I had my doubts whether I should see this or not. I decided that I would as it had two of my currently favorite actors in it. There is this hype behind the hobbit movies that I just do not understand. They could have made a much better movie by making just one movie actually based on the book. 

Go see at your own risk! 

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