Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Canada, Oh Canada!

I just realized that I have not written that much of my Canadian experience as compared to normal daily living. That is mainly because I haven't had that much weird experiences and I have mainly stayed at home. I do have to say that after I have gone home, I will miss the politeness of people. Although not everyone is that polite in the greater Toronto area (more people and not all Canadians yet). Still people are generally more polite than elsewhere. 

The roads. It is in middle of the winter, and the roads are mainly clear. If there is a storm, then the roads will not be clear of course. Generally if there is a bit of snow or ice, it will be salted away. The cars will look more white or grey(ish) white because of the salt. All the sidewalks will be salted too. This means that all your shoes and trousers will also have this whiteish colour. You might need to wash your trousers a bit more often like daily, as the salt will become hard when it dries. 

Extreme weather warning! It is going to be -20 outside and the wind factor will make it feel like -30 so be careful! So, that sounds like February to me. No need to warn me about it, because I kind of think that is normal winter weather. Apparently the homeless shelters depend on the extreme warnings, as if it is not extreme they are not allowed to keep doors open!? Or then it was the extra shelters or something, but still it is mind poggling to through people out if the warning is not extreme enough. 

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