Saturday, July 06, 2013

Where has the money gone?

Well despite the title, I am quite well aware where the money has gone. But sometimes it just feels, that money comes and money goes. It doesn't like to stay and collect interest.  It is really hard to collect enough money for hand payment, when that happens. Yes I would like to buy a house or a flat, so that I would be paying for myself and not to someone else. When I travel, I could rent it forward. But to do so, I would need to save some. Well I do not have any loans at the moment. The credit card I do have and I need to level it up, but with the money that I am owned and that I have here in Canada it is as good as leveled. 

But that leaves me with plus minus zero situation. I actually talked with a friend of mine, that what people should have for rainy day is at least two months income. Or at least  two months rent and bills. So in that sense I am screwed. Although, if I really wanted to save that money, I would stop travelling and would live with my sister. Pay little rent for her and save everything else.  

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