Lots of free advertising for Indiegogo from me, but hey it's not my fault that the two film developers that I am rooting for chose them. So firstly, although I haven't mentioned them so often, Iron Sky! Wohoo! They met their demand and went over with flying colours. Well I was not surprised about that at all. There are many people who are passionate about them and are willing to help. Also they had awesome perks. Other thing is that while their budget for the movie is 15 million dollars, they have started by asking only 150,000 dollars. One good thing about this is, that the payers will be able to follow the process of the film a bit better. What I mean is that the first part now collected is for the development of the script. Next project is for the next part so on and so fort.
This means that the money is collected around the time when it is needed. Many little projects collecting small amounts which are reachable. The movies due date is in the future (late 2014 or 2015) that allows this type of project management. Also when the small projects sore to collect more than originally needed, it helps to skip other small projects. What I mean that you can either collect the necessary end amount sooner and don't need to have so many small projects or you can collect more than is needed in case the budget is not enough. And trust me, when doing a digital/special effect movie, the budget is never enough.
Secondly, The Bounce Back. I have written a bit more about it, because I think it needs a bit more help than the Iron Sky team. I have already discussed about the first difficulties that the project faced. Those have been dealt with and the project has gained new life by developing into the same direction as what Iron Sky has done. The main difference is that the Bounce Back team is collecting more money at one go. This is probably do to how the money is spent. On the one hand as the movie will have more focus on real people (who will need to be paid first) the amount of start up money is going to be higher. On the other hand this type of movie does not need as much time for post production. This means that the money needs to be collected before the post production starts. In Iron Sky the post production will take more time than the actual filming, and will require more finance during that time as well.
Back to the Bounce Back now. About two weeks left with the fundraising, still more pledges needed. All the pledgers have been very good. With this I mean that the average pledge is quite high. What I would recommend for this project next, is to take a sneak peak on what Iron Sky did. They have upgrade perks available. This means that once someone has pledged money, if they do it again they can gain more perks with lesser amount of money. For example, I have pledged say with 100 dollars. Next I will pledge with 50 dollars. The current system gives me options to take a perk that is already included in 100 dollar perk. So what they could do, is that they will add a per for an upgrade pledge. Some new stuff for those who are pledging again. It should be done so, that it is 20, 40, 60 etc. upgrade perk and it is then available for all who have pledged no matter what was the original pledge.
That is my thoughts for now. If you haven't yet pledged, go do it now! Here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bounce-back
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