Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to work

Yes, it is time to go back to work after a day off. I had fun times as me and a friend of mine went airplane spotting near the airport. It was good because I didn't have any connection at home, so I was able to keep my peeps informed of where I am and how things are. Surprisingly there was connection in Richmond Hill and near the airport. I think the black out was only around the Toronto area. 

So anyway, we saw many many planes and actually talked to one plane spotter as well. He informed us that best time to come and see big planes is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around 4 pm. Then the really big planes will arrive. We did see some quite big ones around that time yesterday as well. We didn't mind watching the small ones land at all, like the guy we talked to. He preferred seeing bigger ones and more rare ones. 

So now today it is back to work. Answering to people why I didn't reply to them yesterday. I really do believe that our customers think that there are more than one person answering all the tickets. Also I had to call and find out what is the matter with my work phone connection. Apparently I will have to top it up by 10 dollars every month to keep it going. Luckily I can transfer the rest to my own phone and internet connection, so I will not actually be loosing any money. I will probably transfer the money to my internet connection as then I don't have to buy that many top up codes. 

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