Reason for this post is, that my mother has been calling me really often, and it is starting to bug me. I talked about it with my sister and she says that reason for the frequent calls might be that she is not doing well or that she can claim the mother of the year award by calling to the child that travels. This got me thinking, that how often has she really called me. In case we really need to start worrying. Well she is not calling my sister, because they had a fall out. She is not calling my brother, because she knows she can't control him as well as she can control us. Also because last time she saw my brother was in late 2011. My brothers children she has seen in my granny's funeral in September 2011.
Anyway, this all started few days back 14th of July. Before that she has called me on 22nd of June while I was visiting my Friends in Pensacola. Then on 25th of May (don't remember why), 21st of April she tried to call in middle of the night and then I had to call back later that day. OMG! I just realized! She is calling me once a month! Creepy! She then also had called January 16th, but that was before my move. I already know that she will call me on my birthday, so can't avoid that. But omg, really! She usually calls me once a year, and now she is calling me every month. I need my space! I think I might need to call my dad, just to even things out.
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