Friday, July 12, 2013

When you are bored what do you do?

I like to travel and plan traveling when I am bored. I could travel almost every single day of the year. The few days that I could not travel are my nieces and nephews (and those whose godparent I am) birthdays. Those days I usually am booked. You could say that I am prebooked forever, and around those days there is no way that you could make me do anything else but participate. Now you are wondering how I did it this year for the girls and how I am going to do it for the boys. Well as the money is an issue here, and I can't travel as much as I would like, so I have to make due with what I have. So I live in Canada this year, but won't be able to go to the birthdays. Instead I lived with my sister for few months to give the kids a good healthy dose of me. I will also see my nieces and nephews while I am going to school in August.

One other thing I do when I am bored with work. I take few minutes time to update my blog. I try to only do it once a day, but sometimes I might have to do it more often. I try to have these things that I can do while working, so that the process of actually working will seem much more ideal for me and much more fun. I actually was able to do some good catching up (with work) when I was visiting my friends in Pensacola. Just the energy of seeing old friends and being out of home made the difference. 

So yes this blog is just my little breather from work. I will now be able to work few more hours a bit more energized and happy about it. Also, on my to do list is to update my resume, and start sending it to the companies here.

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