Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crowdsourcing part VI

The due date has come and gone for the Bounce Back. They were allowed to continue collecting the funding for 7 more days. However they did collect the needed amount almost in time. They were just shy of few thousand from the original amount. Now after few extra days, they have already collected 20% more than the original plan. It is also said that the Bounce Back is the highest funded movie in Indiegogo and I think it is fourth funded all time in any crowdsourcing site. Now it is good to remember that this is only for collected at one go. Iron Sky has just started to collect funding and has finished with the first part. This means that collectively, Iron Sky might have more funding but in these lists it is just not counted in.

The perks are good and they are changing. As long as they have someone keeping score on what perks have been bought, I think it will all be alright. They do have more perks available than is in the list. You will need to read the blog to find out all the perks. Also the blog is very informative anyway. It seems a bit silly that people are wondering what will happen in Criminal Minds as they think the movie will be done as soon as the funding is done. Have they not read, that it is said the movie will be filmed in 2014 when the Criminal Minds is on summer vacation. I would not expect this type of a movie to take more than few weeks up to four weeks to film. Then the cutting and post production can take a month or two. When there are not that many animations or stunts in a movie, it does not take long to film. Also if there is no other special effects to add, the post production will not take too long either. 

If the film needs a lot of background people, they can just ask the funders to volunteer. That's what Iron Sky did, and the people loved it. It saves money, as you don't need to pay for the extras. What I see happening next in the Bounce Back funding, is that they save up the money they have now collected until next year. Some of it will be used to write/rewrite the script for the movie. I have not been a part in making a movie, so I do not know how much they need to spend before the movie starts. I would think they do not need to spent that much this early on. I would see that the money is spent next year when they book the places where to film and get the equipment. This means that they can start to collect more money after New Year, for the rest of it. I would see that they will try to collect $500,000 again. Depending on how much they actually collect now. It might be that they do not need to collect that much more, but just keep in mind that in Kickstarter the amount asked was $1,5 million. 

Also here is the link to the Indiegogo site: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bounce-back
And if you are not able to find the blog, here you go: http://www.thebouncebackfilm.com/

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's a boy!

I'm talking about the new royal baby! Congratulations to mommy and daddy! Not that I would be assuming that they actually would read or see my well wishes, but want to participate to this hullabaloo anyway. So as you all may know, the baby was born yesterday and today the parents and baby went home from the hospital. I might have been glued to the TV, just to follow the event for the past few days...

I was wishing the baby would be a boy. Just because the Swedish royal baby is a girl. Do you see where I am going with this :)) I am not sure how that would actually work as both are heir to the thrown in their own country. Still it is something that I would love to see. 

I am not a royalist, but I consider the good news better news than what usually comes out. Also what could be more positive than a birth of a baby. I loved how they did the first appearance and how they answered few questions. I hope that the media will now let them be for a while. I know that now we are waiting for the name. I hope that they will not tell us the name at least for a month or so, just to keep us waiting. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

During the weekend

I went to the Yong and Dundas Square, where there was Unity Festival. There was lots of good music, which I enjoyed for a while. I had to go away for a while as the sun was shining really brightly. I went to see R.I.P.D, and did some shopping. There was quite good deals with up to -70% discounts. The total amount still came up to a bit too high for my taste, so I didn't actually by anything. I think I want to visit Dixie mall or Vaughan Mills to check if they have better deals. 

On Sunday I went to read my school book and also get some sun. Luckily it was not as hot as it has been. So I enjoyed the cooler air as did many others. Did not go anywhere but to the park on Sunday. Well I did go to the store, where I found the last item on my friends list. So now I have all the "souvenirs" bought and can start to see how much of my own stuff I can fit in. Well there is a packet that I will take to Finland of my friends knittings, that I still do not have. But I have reserved a space for them, so I should be okey.  

Movies, movies, movies

So far I have seen two 3D movies and two normal movies, which did have the option of 3D but I preferred not to see them that way. But for a quick recap here are the movies I have seen:

G.I. Joe 2, 3D
Can't tell you too much about it, because it might ruin the movie for those of you who want to see it. Basically the back story is familiar to us all and that is all that is needed to see this movie. I recommend seeing this if you like the G.I. Joes and this type of movies in general. Good fights, not that much plot.

The Groods 3D
This is a good family movie. I liked the 3D effects in this movie. Also recommend watching it in the original language i.e. in english. Just because I think it sounds better. The ending was kind of obvious and there were some cliches obviously, but in the end it was a good movie and it made me smile.

Incredible me 2
Not as good as the first one. Funny none the less and I recommend watching it with kids. Well in the movie theater there probably will be kids so no need to rent any. It gave a whole new effect to the movie when kids communicated with the movie. Love the music. 

I recommend seeing this if you want to see the the actors. Or rent it and watch it just before going to see R.I.P.D 2. I was a bit disappointed with it. Not quite sure why I am disappointed, probably because it was not quote what I expected. Good movie, not sure if it was worth the 12,99 CAD. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wonders of Canada

I believe it is about time I write about this. I think I have mentioned some of these earlier, but here I combine them into a list form. Yay! for lists!

1. Phone and internet connection:
Unlike in Finland the prices are high. I pay about the same amount for my mobile internet connection as I paid for my land line and mobile connection together. Still it is obvious which one is more expensive. First of all the connection here is measured by how much you use it (I use it a lot) and not by how fast you want to use it. The speed is quite epic all the time, which means that if you are not careful, you have used all the data in few weeks. The phone connection... I might have been able to get a bit cheaper connection if I would have signed up for two to three years. So that really was not an option. So my phone bill is about 330% higher than what is was in Finland. It gets even higher if I call to Finland. This is just because the plans are different. All calls within Canada are included in my plan and also I get discount when calling abroad. In Finland I paid for almost every call and text I made. I could call free for my sister, brother in law, few friends and other family members. 

2. Cars and driving
There's a lot of cars in here! But that is not why I am mentioning them. In Finland we have this culture; Oh no you don't! You really see it when driving. It drives me mad! Well here, where there are more cars in the city area than there is in entire country of Finland (the GTA has close to 5 million people), the drivers are friendly. Don't get me wrong there still are some accidents and people do drive like crazy. Mostly people are friendly, and when you put the blinker on, you _know_ you can transfer to the other lane. It is so weird! Well at start it was, but now that I have driven here, I quite enjoy it. 

3. Stores and taxes
All the stores inform the prices without taxes (like in the US) and the taxes are added at the register. So when you are buying things, just remember to add the 13% to the final amount. One exception there is, if you buy food then there is no tax. I mean proper food and not candy or soda or anything similar to those. If you buy food for a restaurant anywhere else than a grocery store than there will be a tax added.  

4. Tips
The restaurant reminded me, that here you will need to pay a tip if you eat out. Well not in fast food joints, but elsewhere. My friends and I ate at Hard Rock Cafe and they actually have added a hint in the bill. It says that the tip usually here is 18-20 %. I think normally it is around 15%. So basically when you see the tax, you need to pay that amount again and a little bit more. 

5. CV or Resume?
Well here you do not need to think what you are sending, as they all are Resumes. Also you do not need to put your birthday or gender in it. Or nationality! Which in my opinion is a very good idea and we should adopt that in Finland as well! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How often do you talk with your mother?

Reason for this post is, that my mother has been calling me really often, and it is starting to bug me. I talked about it with my sister and she says that reason for the frequent calls might be that she is not doing well or that she can claim the mother of the year award by calling to the child that travels. This got me thinking, that how often has she really called me. In case we really need to start worrying. Well she is not calling my sister, because they had a fall out. She is not calling my brother, because she knows she can't control him as well as she can control us. Also because last time she saw my brother was in late 2011. My brothers children she has seen in my granny's funeral in September 2011. 

Anyway, this all started few days back 14th of July. Before that she has called me on 22nd of June while I was visiting my Friends in Pensacola. Then on 25th of May (don't remember why), 21st of April she tried to call in middle of the night and then I had to call back later that day. OMG! I just realized! She is calling me once a month! Creepy! She then also had called January 16th, but that was before my move. I already know that she will call me on my birthday, so can't avoid that. But omg, really! She usually calls me once a year, and now she is calling me every month. I need my space! I think I might need to call my dad, just to even things out.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Constructive criticism versus insult

Not my cup of tea really to write something like this, but I gather that I need to start practicing somewhere. So this is it. Not going to use that much real sources yet, maybe another time. I have just read about this online, or more the lack of this. There are few people who have answered a question, when someone has asked. So this is my take on this matter, and hopefully I will be more academical with my words than usually. Basically this is just an writing exercise and referencing exercise as to my knowledge there is no scientific writings about this.

Constructive criticism is something that many people say they are doing, while in reality they are insulting. The main difference between the two is, that the constructive criticism does not contain malice. To be more precise, the constructive criticism contains a suggestion to improve and not simply the notion of something. The trick is that insult can be truthful, and there lies the reason why so many people do not necessarily know that they are actually being hurtful and insulting. One reason why insults are more common nowadays than they were before is the media. The celebrities and wanna-be's are daily insulted and slandered on tabloid media. People reading these magazines then go online to forums, twitter and facebook and continue the slander. They probably think that this is okey and allowed as the paper wrote it, so it is not really me who will get into trouble. The side affect of this is, that people who are so used to insulting celebrities, continue to do so to other people.

On wikipedia I read that for celebrities and public figures it is much more difficult to fight back against insults and slander in media. This unfortunately creates a barrier that means that celebrities will not fight back every time and people start to think it is all'right to say insults as truths. This can be a dangerous thing, as for a normal person i.e. non-public person the process to fight back insults in print and online is not as difficult. This means that one day people will get in trouble when other people start to sue them for slander. Fighting back this phenomena is not easy, as the change needs to happen in the media. Media is not likely to change anything that brings them money, and insulting celebrities brings money at the moment. There are some who refuse to buy certain papers, because of their behavior but there needs to be more movement. 

Being truthful is always good. Just be truthful to yourself as well on the reasons why you are saying certain things. Are you saying things to make yourself feel better or to help the other. The problem with recognizing constructive criticism from insults is harder and harder the more used to we get on hearing negative feedback. The truth is we do not need to accept the insults that are given as truth. You might not be good at something, but it does not mean that you suck at it or that you should stop trying. What hurts your feelings will also hurt someone else's feelings. Things actually might not be that black and white, but for this post it is good enough. If I would go after excellent posts, I would write these before hand and not as I go. You might not agree with what I have just written. As an example, implying that this post sucks, is an insult. Saying you do not agree with it, is your opinion. Giving examples on what you would have done differently, is constructive criticism. Also if you write something nasty about my persona as a comment to this post, it is also insult and as a non-public person I can sue you. Would I be a public person, I could only delete the comment, as I would have to prove that you intended to harm me (and something else as well, but if you want to read more just go to wikipedia and search defamation). 

I just love to travel

Why, people have asked me. There are many people that I know who prefer to stay at home. By home I mean the home country. They do not believe in traveling abroad. Mostly these people have not traveled when they were kids, and the idea of traveling far scares them. Then there are the types that like to visit places, but prefer to go back to home country. Nothing wrong with that. Well I don't quite understand the point of going abroad and drinking so much that you don't remember what you did. Is it really that much fun to loose time? 

Then there are the types who want to travel, but for one reason or other, can't do it. They plan and dream a lot, but rarely get to travel. Usually the reason is that they have kids that are too small to travel. I salute the decision. I might not be so strong. But I do think that it is not ideal to travel with children when you flights leave in the middle of the night. Still I have seen this many times. Sometimes the reason is a valid reason like normal travel from place A to B. But if you are going to go partying, why do you bring your kids with? 

The last group is the group that travels. I would say that I barely belong to this group. I do travel, but I prefer staying in a hotel. I can stay in a hostel as well like I have done before, but I am starting to like my solitude so much, that the thought of sleeping with bunch of stranger does not sound good. Also I fly a lot and don't necessarily take the most cheapest option. Sometimes I do value time over money, which means that I rather pay a bit extra and spend another day somewhere than save some money and spent extra time in a bus or train. Well train is fine, if there is a bed! In Finland you can travel up north with night train, which means that you sleep most of the time anyway. So no time missed in a way. 

But the reason why I love to travel, is yet to be revealed. It's not a big secret or anything. I think you already know why. I just love to travel. :)) It is as simple as that. We moved a lot when we were young, and I have continued that ever since. Good thing about being rootless is that you can settle down anywhere. I like new places and history, what amazing things you can learn just by walking through a cemetery. You'll learn that the life is same all over. There is no need to miss home country just because there things are done little bit differently. Things change all the time, when we get older it is like going to a new country. I would say that if a young version of us would travel to the future, it would be cultural shock. Things might not be that different as we thought, but the little things would be entirely different. Also when we are old, we are going to miss the good old times, what ever period of time that is to us. 

So I am preparing myself for the future, and try to learn and see as much as possible now. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Fight Depression and Loneliness Without Outside Help

This text is a link to article: How to Fight Depression and Loneliness Without Outside Help

Just testing how the sharing of an article works with blogger. Not quite fancy this system. It only shares the link and not the whole article with reference. That would be what I would actually prefer. Good to know for next time.

Wilco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufVRMP2BQ00

Friday, July 12, 2013

When you are bored what do you do?

I like to travel and plan traveling when I am bored. I could travel almost every single day of the year. The few days that I could not travel are my nieces and nephews (and those whose godparent I am) birthdays. Those days I usually am booked. You could say that I am prebooked forever, and around those days there is no way that you could make me do anything else but participate. Now you are wondering how I did it this year for the girls and how I am going to do it for the boys. Well as the money is an issue here, and I can't travel as much as I would like, so I have to make due with what I have. So I live in Canada this year, but won't be able to go to the birthdays. Instead I lived with my sister for few months to give the kids a good healthy dose of me. I will also see my nieces and nephews while I am going to school in August.

One other thing I do when I am bored with work. I take few minutes time to update my blog. I try to only do it once a day, but sometimes I might have to do it more often. I try to have these things that I can do while working, so that the process of actually working will seem much more ideal for me and much more fun. I actually was able to do some good catching up (with work) when I was visiting my friends in Pensacola. Just the energy of seeing old friends and being out of home made the difference. 

So yes this blog is just my little breather from work. I will now be able to work few more hours a bit more energized and happy about it. Also, on my to do list is to update my resume, and start sending it to the companies here.

Crowdsourcing part V

Lots of free advertising for Indiegogo from me, but hey it's not my fault that the two film developers that I am rooting for chose them. So firstly, although I haven't mentioned them so often, Iron Sky! Wohoo! They met their demand and went over with flying colours. Well I was not surprised about that at all. There are many people who are passionate about them and are willing to help. Also they had awesome perks. Other thing is that while their budget for the movie is 15 million dollars, they have started by asking only 150,000 dollars. One good thing about this is, that the payers will be able to follow the process of the film a bit better. What I mean is that the first part now collected is for the development of the script. Next project is for the next part so on and so fort. 

This means that the money is collected around the time when it is needed. Many little projects collecting small amounts which are reachable. The movies due date is in the future (late 2014 or 2015) that allows this type of project management. Also when the small projects sore to collect more than originally needed, it helps to skip other small projects. What I mean that you can either collect the necessary end amount sooner and don't need to have so many small projects or you can collect more than is needed in case the budget is not enough. And trust me, when doing a digital/special effect movie, the budget is never enough.

Secondly, The Bounce Back. I have written a bit more about it, because I think it needs a bit more help than the Iron Sky team. I have already discussed about the first difficulties that the project faced. Those have been dealt with and the project has gained new life by developing into the same direction as what Iron Sky has done. The main difference is that the Bounce Back team is collecting more money at one go. This is probably do to how the money is spent. On the one hand as the movie will have more focus on real people (who will need to be paid first) the amount of start up money is going to be higher. On the other hand this type of movie does not need as much time for post production. This means that the money needs to be collected before the post production starts. In Iron Sky the post production will take more time than the actual filming, and will require more finance during that time as well.

Back to the Bounce Back now. About two weeks left with the fundraising, still more pledges needed. All the pledgers have been very good. With this I mean that the average pledge is quite high. What I would recommend for this project next, is to take a sneak peak on what Iron Sky did. They have upgrade perks available. This means that once someone has pledged money, if they do it again they can gain more perks with lesser amount of money. For example, I have pledged say with 100 dollars. Next I will pledge with 50 dollars. The current system gives me options to take a perk that is already included in 100 dollar perk. So what they could do, is that they will add a per for an upgrade pledge. Some new stuff for those who are pledging again. It should be done so, that it is 20, 40, 60 etc. upgrade perk and it is then available for all who have pledged no matter what was the original pledge.

That is my thoughts for now. If you haven't yet pledged, go do it now! Here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bounce-back

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Plane spotting


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to work

Yes, it is time to go back to work after a day off. I had fun times as me and a friend of mine went airplane spotting near the airport. It was good because I didn't have any connection at home, so I was able to keep my peeps informed of where I am and how things are. Surprisingly there was connection in Richmond Hill and near the airport. I think the black out was only around the Toronto area. 

So anyway, we saw many many planes and actually talked to one plane spotter as well. He informed us that best time to come and see big planes is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around 4 pm. Then the really big planes will arrive. We did see some quite big ones around that time yesterday as well. We didn't mind watching the small ones land at all, like the guy we talked to. He preferred seeing bigger ones and more rare ones. 

So now today it is back to work. Answering to people why I didn't reply to them yesterday. I really do believe that our customers think that there are more than one person answering all the tickets. Also I had to call and find out what is the matter with my work phone connection. Apparently I will have to top it up by 10 dollars every month to keep it going. Luckily I can transfer the rest to my own phone and internet connection, so I will not actually be loosing any money. I will probably transfer the money to my internet connection as then I don't have to buy that many top up codes. 


The power-outage lasted about 8 hours and the lights came back in the middle of night. There are still some places closed (subway station, train) due to flooding and some people are without electricity. There are going to be (or already are) rolling blackouts which means that everybody will have a at least some electricity to cook. 

Also there will be more rain coming in tomorrow. So I expect that there might be more blackouts waiting us tomorrow. For this reason I have not bought perishable food. I already through some food out, because of the power-outage. So I am going to wait few days until buying more food. I have some dry food, which I can snack to in case there is need to do so. I had some food earlier too, but not that much that it would have lasted a few days. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Lots of rain equals

No power!

It's been 4 hours since the power went out. It all started around five pm with lots of rain pouring down. There was a little bit of thunder in the air but mostly lots of rain. I watched the news for an hour (and then the power went out) and learned that they were about to close some roads and there were some power outages somewhere. 

So I spent about 2,5 hours talking with my landlord about all sort of things. She was really lucky as she probably was able to come home with the last working train. Sadly there was no power so she was not able to cook herself a dinner. There was something to eat, so she is not starving. 

There has been record flow of water and there still is coming some rain down. There have been over 100 000 people in next city without electricity, there are mixed numbers for the Toronto area. I have heard 6 000 for different areas (even for this area here). Lots of flooding on the roads, rails and in peoples homes. 

So yeah, I am glad I am safe and dry in my basement apartment with no electricity. It is pretty late, so who needs electricity anyway. Nights are for sleeping. 

Monday, July 08, 2013

Where to live in the future

In Finland my favourite city is Tampere. Mainly because I have lived there before and because I have friends that live there also. Some of the friends have moved out, but still live quite close by. Now although it is my favourite city, I am not ruling out other cities or places in Finland. Turku is one good example that has a bad reputation, but actually is a really nice place to live. It is actually cheaper than Tampere and has much richer cultural environment. 

In Canada I would prefer to stay here where I am now. The rent is not too bad considering how close by everything I live in. If I want to have a car, then this is not a good place. Just because the space between the houses is very narrow, and there really is not enough space for two cars. Also as long as I have friends who have cars, I do not need to own one. I might consider moving a little bit further away from the city, if I had a car. Just because then I would actually need it :))

In England I can see myself living in London or Brighton. Close by airports I would say, is a good match for me. Also I have friend living in Brighton, so I would not be alone there. I have friends living in London as well, so not a big deal. I would love to live in Australia for a year as well. Not sure how I would organize that one though. I can't apply to the working visa, because alas I am too old for one. So I might need to check if there are any open positions anywhere in a big city in Australia.

I will not be moving anywhere in the next 8 months, as that is how long I still have to live here. Time flies by, so I know I will need to start planning soon, but so far I am just enjoying the freedom of now.

Lessons learned today

 - Although you have washed the jean shorts couple of times already, they will still release colour if you walk in warm rain. 

I noticed this when after the walk today I went to the shower and noticed my legs were blue. Hmmm... I thought, what could have caused this. There was not that many other options than the new shorts that I had bought from Pensacola. I already have washed them a couple of times, because I really like them. 

Other thing I learned today is that gum wrapping is not water tight... Yack.

Sunday, July 07, 2013


Yesterday's post got me thinking a bit more about my finance. I told you I know where my money goes, but I didn't tell you how I know. It might be silly to tell you, because I think those who really read already know this. But here goes nothing. I have always kept some kind of record of my financial situation. When I had my dog, I had to sometimes go to the vet and ask if I could pay later because at the time I did not have enough money. I tried to avoid these situations by having at least 5 euros cash so I would have money to eat. This meant that if I had to use all the money from my bank account, I still had money to eat. And no, it was not weird! I was a student, so I had to come by with very little. Well honestly I was not yet a proper student as I was just studying languages for a year before I got to a real school. 

I had to work and pay the school to study. I also gave money to my mother and sister as I was the only one that worked  (from the three of us). My mother was studying to become a nurse and my sister was in University. We are going off rail here, so lets just skip to the end by saying that I have many years of experience of getting by with little money. 

So now I am planning on traveling back to Pensacola, to Las Vegas, Los Angeles/San Francisco, Vancouver, etc. All these plans take money. So instead of buying all at once and then have no money to spent there, I am already budgeting some of the expenses for these months leading to the trips. I might not be able to do everything I plan, but at least some of them. So basically what I am saying, is that I am doing this miracle thing called saving up. Little bit more, and I have saved up for one air fare to either Pensacola or to round trip between Las Vegas, Vancouver and Toronto or Los Angeles/San Fransisco, Vancouver and Toronto. 

I am doing the saving up in my Canadian account, so that I will have money to pay the rent whilst I pay my air fares with my credit card. So my income will go towards paying the credit card loan away. I do have some saved up in my Finnish account as well, but that is saved up towards the credit card as well. Some things can only be bought with credit card (air fares usually) thus I have to save up for them. I like to keep my credit card full, as that will be my backup if I ran out of cash. Also I prefer paying with it when travelling.

Luckily I know what expenses I will have every month, as my rent includes everything. Also my phone and internet is prepaid with unlimited calls within Canada. So I know how much money I need for each month here plus I know how much insurance fees I have in Finland as they are automated and have been so for years. This gives me the clear idea of how much money I have to spent each month. From the amount that is left (it varies month to month, depending on how much insurance fees I have to pay) I try to save half. When I have school, it is easy to save as I don't have the time to go anywhere. Now that I don't have school, it takes more effort not to buy something. 

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Where has the money gone?

Well despite the title, I am quite well aware where the money has gone. But sometimes it just feels, that money comes and money goes. It doesn't like to stay and collect interest.  It is really hard to collect enough money for hand payment, when that happens. Yes I would like to buy a house or a flat, so that I would be paying for myself and not to someone else. When I travel, I could rent it forward. But to do so, I would need to save some. Well I do not have any loans at the moment. The credit card I do have and I need to level it up, but with the money that I am owned and that I have here in Canada it is as good as leveled. 

But that leaves me with plus minus zero situation. I actually talked with a friend of mine, that what people should have for rainy day is at least two months income. Or at least  two months rent and bills. So in that sense I am screwed. Although, if I really wanted to save that money, I would stop travelling and would live with my sister. Pay little rent for her and save everything else.  

Last day at Pensacola and Canada day picture update

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Driving in Toronto and Pensacola

So I have driven in Toronto and in Pensacola. I wouldn't say that those were on my must do list, but I would say that they definitely were on my "if you have a chance, go for it!" list. I was lucky and there was no rain or too much traffic. Considering where I come from, there were traffic, don't get me wrong. But somehow when I was behind the wheel, it all seemed very relaxing thing to do. As long as I had someone to follow, and I didn't need to find my own way :))

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


On Canada day I walked from downtown to home. That makes about 15,6 km (according to google maps). This is new record for me while in Canada. Also my knees were okey the whole trip. I did not walk at one go, I did stop to listen to music and browse what's happening around. I did not have my sunscreen with me, which I actually should have had. Well I did not plan to walk home either. It was very cloudy in the morning, and it was promised that it will rain on Canada day. But instead when I was at Harborfront the sun came out. So I decided to walk as long as I could. Luckily I did not burn very much, just have little bit red skin.

Today I walked 4 km, while I took a small packed to the post office. I am happy to say that my knees are still okey and I do not have cramps in my legs. I am a little bit sore from yesterday, but it did not affect my walk today. This is such a good news, because it means that my legs are finally healed from fall I had in January and that my health has gone a notch up.

Edit: On Wednesday: 4,1 km
Edit2: On Thursday: 4,2 km
Edit3: On Friday 3 km
Edit4: On Saturday 3,3 km
Edit5: On Sunday 13,3 km

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Crowdsourcing part IV

As I mentioned in the last similar post, the movie Bounce Back changed into Indiegogo. At first it seemed that not all fans jumped to the new site, but now after two weeks, I think almost all have changed. The amount collected is almost half of the asked. This is good because the campaign is half done. Well there is still 6 more days to half way point. This means that if this pace keeps up, the campaign will be close to the asked amount. Then the development process can start.

I would think that after few more months they will need to start the campaign again, to collect money for the second phase. I would think that the same amount and time will be sufficient. They will need to have at least three campaigns to have the needed funding. But like I said before, now that the money does not need to be given right up front, but can be given gradually, more people will be able to participate. Not only more people, but one person will be able to donate more by being able to donate when having a dollar or two extra. So much better system this time. 

I do have to mention that I am not a fan of romantic comedy films, but I do like to follow how the movies are made. I would love to do my thesis for them, but I am not sure how I could connect international business to it. So far I see that this movie will be marketed mainly in US and Canada and go directly to video elsewhere. Never mind that! If you wish to read more about the movie and don't want to go through my previous posts for a link, use this one: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bounce-back?c=home