The due date has come and gone for the Bounce Back. They were allowed to continue collecting the funding for 7 more days. However they did collect the needed amount almost in time. They were just shy of few thousand from the original amount. Now after few extra days, they have already collected 20% more than the original plan. It is also said that the Bounce Back is the highest funded movie in Indiegogo and I think it is fourth funded all time in any crowdsourcing site. Now it is good to remember that this is only for collected at one go. Iron Sky has just started to collect funding and has finished with the first part. This means that collectively, Iron Sky might have more funding but in these lists it is just not counted in.
The perks are good and they are changing. As long as they have someone keeping score on what perks have been bought, I think it will all be alright. They do have more perks available than is in the list. You will need to read the blog to find out all the perks. Also the blog is very informative anyway. It seems a bit silly that people are wondering what will happen in Criminal Minds as they think the movie will be done as soon as the funding is done. Have they not read, that it is said the movie will be filmed in 2014 when the Criminal Minds is on summer vacation. I would not expect this type of a movie to take more than few weeks up to four weeks to film. Then the cutting and post production can take a month or two. When there are not that many animations or stunts in a movie, it does not take long to film. Also if there is no other special effects to add, the post production will not take too long either.
If the film needs a lot of background people, they can just ask the funders to volunteer. That's what Iron Sky did, and the people loved it. It saves money, as you don't need to pay for the extras. What I see happening next in the Bounce Back funding, is that they save up the money they have now collected until next year. Some of it will be used to write/rewrite the script for the movie. I have not been a part in making a movie, so I do not know how much they need to spend before the movie starts. I would think they do not need to spent that much this early on. I would see that the money is spent next year when they book the places where to film and get the equipment. This means that they can start to collect more money after New Year, for the rest of it. I would see that they will try to collect $500,000 again. Depending on how much they actually collect now. It might be that they do not need to collect that much more, but just keep in mind that in Kickstarter the amount asked was $1,5 million.
Also here is the link to the Indiegogo site:
And if you are not able to find the blog, here you go: