Wow time just flies by! It feels like just yesteday I was thinking what to write to my task for school. And now it is already Friday! Damn... Didn't even notice for the days go by. Luckily it is weekend coming up. I will be doing some cleaning and then on Sundya a friend of mine is coming over. Then on Monday another friend is coming over for shopping :)
It is so much easier to keep track of time when you have friends over. Also it helps that I need to remember to be in class every Wednesday :)) Oh, I almost forgot. I also send the school task to my boss to see what I have been up to in school. He liked what I had gathered so far. We might even use the plan that I had made. Yay!
I have a bad case of travel fever at the moment. If I read about some one talking about a far away place, I want to go there. I know that we are going to Bulgaria again this year, but it is so far away (time wise) and I just can't wait. Also I need to remember to renew my passport. I still have 4,5 months left in it, so there is still some time, but knowing me I might forget it if I don't do it in time.
Travel, travel, travel... I need to fiqure out a need for companies so that they would hire me to travel for them...
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