Friday, March 09, 2012


I am babysitting my nephew and niece. My nephew said that I should use red instead of black nail polish. The reason why it should be red is because it is my niece's favourite color. So I asked why can't I use a color that I like. They figured out that my left hand should have black nails and right hand red nails. Don't ask me how they came to this conclusion. Now they are both asleep so I can update my blog.

I also now know when I am having my summer vacation. Or at least part of it. Which reminds me that I need to check how many days of vacation do I have. I know already who is going to substitute me so I don't have to worry about it.

Man, I have been watching too much wliia on YouTube but I can't help it. It just cheers me up. I simply love it. Now my phone is doing something I don't like, so better to stop.

//had to edit it a bit as it looked really funny.

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