Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Still panicking!

Man I wish my ideas would come more easily to the paper. I can see what I need to write. I know what I want to write. So why, oh why, won't my hands write it! Sometimes I get a good vibe going and am about to get to the point when I notice that I actually have no idea what I am writing about.... Yay me!

Well I am not too worried. This is just the first class so I assume that I will become better at this after a while. It is just so funny how all our teachers are like you are not doing your bachelor's degree anymore. You are now academical students! Also I would really like to know where the hell do I find a job for me with this education?

It's just that all the openings that I have been looking at lately are  more or less not for me. Even with this new degree (after 2,5 years)(keeping fingers crossed) I am not able to find anything. And don't let me start with the Thesis... Argh! *goes to look for paper pack*

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