Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just wanted to share some pics

Would you believe me if I said that I haven't bought these myself? I have been to both places, but not bought these. Well the I <3 NY was bought by friend when I asked her to buy one (and gave her the money for it)(she would have bought it for me anyway, but I had a long list of things I wanted). The Grenada mug was a farewell gift from our housekeeper in Grenada.

Gifts from friends
I think I mentioned earlier that I have some granny's handwork that are unfinished. Here is one of them. I heard that it has a mistake in it, so I have to first fix the mistake and then finish it. I also need to find the design for it. I think I already found it, but just can't remember where I put it. It's been a long time since I have done anything like this, but I am sure that I will remember how to do it when I start it.
Unfinished work by my granny
Y'all know when you boy something and say "it had my name on it!" Well...
They had my name on it!

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