Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My new toy

I bought myself a new toy that I had been wanting to buy for quite some time. As I have lend some money to my aunt, this was not in my budget per say. But it was on "sale" (the price was the same as in TV, but I wouldn't have to pay any postage as I picked it up from the store) kind of. 

New toy <3

I already tested it, and noticed that it is a cool toy (sorry for the pun). I can't wait till I start cleaning (and not just testing)! I might do some testing along the way though... So, I am not a germ-a-phobe (however it is spelled) but I do like things to be steamy clean. I would love if someone else would do the cleaning for me, as I am lazy as hell, but with this I will be able to make myself feel a bit better!

Also the freezer in the back is my granny's freezer. I can't remember if I have shared pics of my place or not (probably not), but it is where one of my bookcases used to be. I had to change the bookcase next to my desk (so that there wouldn't be yet another plug in my extended socket). Also I haven't yet bought a place for my dvd's so they are in my granny's dresser which I got at the same time as the freezer. The dresser is a good place to hide the dvd's but it is not very good place to keep them.

This I noticed when my friend was over and we watched few movies. First to choose the movie, we had to go through all the dvd's by taking them out of the dresser and then putting them back. Compare this to a shelf where you can just check the movies by eyeing them over. Also if I want to see something and I have to find it, I might opt out and just go to youtube. Much easier to find something to watch there. I also have many dozens of new (granny's) books which I can read instead of watching a movie. (My stuff is what I have bought and other stuff is X's stuff where X is the person from whom I received the said object)(not counting mugs and other small stuff.)

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