Although I had promised myself not to eat too much xmas candy, I did... and I mean a lot. Now I hope I can keep my promise to myself that I won't buy any candy this month. I can eat if someone is offereing (not dieting) but just trying not to buy unnecessary stuff.
I got some inheritage from my granny and so far I have given some to my nephew (to his college fund)(not really college, just a fund, but we like to think of it as it is for his school), bought some xmas presents and foods (candy included) and also paid my credit card debt with it. So... it is basically gone already and I have not done anything with it. Well those friends that have small kids got an extra present this year. I also might or might not have given some discount to some who needed it.
Any who, I have not done what I planned to do. I planned to have most of it in my account. I planned not to spent it on food. I planned to get myself few things in here... Yep... Now I have to calculate if I have enough left for plan B. Then I need to think of the plan B.
I also yesterday night mabe myself a new years resolution as I was throughing away some food that I hadn't eaten in time (due to eating so much candy). I am going to use what I have in my freezer and fridge before buying more stuff. I am going to use my canned stuff before making the same thing for fresh. (I am trying not to spend so much hence this). I think I might do so that I will fill up my tank once in 10 days so that if I am out of gas then I can't go. This is because the gas is just so expensive :( I might have to drop it to once in a week though. I don't drive that much, but driving in the city takes more than driving long distance.
Also this reminds me that next time I am going to Tornio (as the school starts) I am going with train. In the day train because the online store didn't sell me any beds. I rather sit 8,5 hours than 11 hours... the night train takes longer stops so hence the same distance is that much longer to travel. As I have already bought the tickets I saved 50% that compared to the gas prices I would be able to make one journey there but not back. Also I am not sure if I would have to walk the few kilometers when the gas runs out... (Of course I would fill up the tank and wouldn't let the gas run out, but this was just a comparison).
I think I have read too many forum posts as there everybody needs to explain everything very carefully or someone will ask that are you dumb why don't you do so... So not to underestimate your brains or anything, I just like to make things really clear. And yes I am supposed to do work and not write my blog, but I have the flow going so I am not going to stop it. I can always do work later as I determine my own work times. Also that is going to change when the school starts...
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