Monday, January 02, 2012

It is snowing!!

Yay! It is now snowing! Let's just hope it won't be all sloth tomorrow. I know that I have been writing a bit today about almost anything that comes to my mind. I still have few ideas that I am going to write but they are not yet ready. Like my usual stuff is so carefully tought out...

What I mean is that I need more material than just one sentence like I think that is shit... Also I will need to write enough stuff now that you all can survive if I don't write much this year. You know with the school and all... Have I yet mentioned that I am starting my masters in the end of this month... Yeah I am rubbing it in.

What have I written today already... xmas (check), vacation (check), money (check).... I could write about New Years eve, but there is not that much to write about. I spend it at my friends place where we watched TV. Had I been home, I would have either been reading a book or watched a rental movie... So nothing new there. School (check), snowing (check), writing about what goes in my head right now (check), writing about not having any idea what I have written before (check)...

Yeah maybe I shouldn't start making any lists here... Just should make mental notes so people wouldn't know how dumb I really am.

Oh, almost forgot, I got my new credit card today! I just need to pick it up from the post. Now I can finally close my account in the bank where I have had my old credit card. I tried to have my credit card in another company (bank) but they refused. I think it is because I said I had worked in one company for over two years. Which I have, but I have lived abroad some time in between as well and that might show up differently. At least that is what I think caused it. I might need to go ask that. Well I ordered a normal debit card instead (as I had originally planned anyways) and it should come through soon (I got the password number thingy already)(PIN).

So out with the old 27 year old bank account and in with two new ones... one is almost two years old and the other one too... well there were only 6 months difference between them. I have to have two as the one that is my main bank won't take any money in. So if I am given money and I want to put them into my account I have to use the second bank for it. Also the second bank will be my food bank from now on. I will use it only to buy food (I get bonus for using debit).

This will hopefully help me save some money. I am not sure if I will be able to get my Credit Card today as it is pretty late already. I am about to go to the gym now. I really can feel the pain (need to write about that more later) in my back, so I need to go do some stuff. This time I will remember to take the water bottle with me! (last time I didn't...)

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