Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year!

There has been a lot of stuff in my mind that I should write to you. I was supposed to write to you already last week but I got a bit tired. You know that at the moment we don't have snow in the Southern parts at all... Well maybe a millimeter or two but that doesn't count. Last year we had lots of snow.

Anyways as it is really dark without the snow I am really sleepy. I like the snow because it brings some light (reflects it). So basically I have been a lazy little pixie and done absolutely nothing... Really. Lets start what happened with my sis. She got married, and was supposed to come during the holidays. (Just mentioning stuff as I go as I am not sure if I mentioned it already and as I am writing this I am not checking what I have wrote before) (see... Lazy!) Anyways, she infomed me that they actually are coming earlier. Week earlier and would leave at Xmas.

So I had to do my cleaning earlier (I had timetabled it in so that I would have time to do otherstuff as well). So that did not happen. Then when my sis arrived she told me that her kids were sick.. So all the plans that I had made for us for the xmas week that I had tried to change to the week earlier were now to be through out. Also it did not help that my sister in law said that they could not come over if the kids were at all sick. So the reason why they came at all was now also throughn away.

We were able to see our aunt who came here to see the kids. (We were supposed to go there). And also we were able to go visit out dad. He actually invited us to his place! Yay! It was my second time there in four? years. My sisters first time. The reason why we haven't been there is that usually there is a bunch of us and he lives in a small apartment. So there really is not that much room. Our dad really enjoyed the visit and the special time that we gave him. Usually we only meet for an hour or so, but this time we were there for four hours.

One reason why we were there so long was that there weren't other people that we wanted to meet there. Well of course we wanted to see our grandad but due to some issues with one of our aunts we were not able to go see him. (long story for that too in another post) So anyways, we saw our dad and that was the best thing for the whole Xmas for me.

Then what happened was that as my sister's family was not invited anymore to my sister in law's place I thought that I wouldn't either be. So that I would spent the time with my sister. Of course this is not what happend. My sister in law started messaging me that OF COURSE I would be coming over... Even though I had spent a week with sick children... I really started to feel like I didn't want to go and hoping that the whole Xmas time would just be over. I felt pressured to go. So me and my sis talked and we decided that I would go as they might leave in the xmas eve night or very early the next day.

Next day I hoped that I would be able to leave early as I had no holiday spirit left, even though I hope I portraid it as such. Next year I will go stay with my sis for a while if I can (might not as not sure how the school and birthdays are going to mix) (I won't be there for long as a month there is a very long time). Anyways, I was able to get home in the evening where I found that my sister's hubbie had cleaned the place from top to bottom. What a nice Xmas present.

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