Tuesday, January 03, 2012


I've been really good girl today. I did the dishes and put some stuff away. Have not done as much work as I wanted to. Well that was more due to my back pain. I can't wait untill I get my new chair! Good bye back pain!

Also I am now burning some candles. Just because I can. I did have a weeks vacation from burning the candles, but at the moment I have quite a lot of them so I decided to burn them. Sorry I am not sure what should I call the action. Burning sounds like I have a big fire where I through candles... So no big fires here... I could take pics, if I just remembered where I put the camera.

My sis found a site that will tell you what kind of a person you are based on the starts positions when you were born and where you were born. I have to say that most of it hit quite close home and my sis told that it wasn't quite what she had even though our bdays are 5 days apart (plus one year). Some were quite far fetched, but given that the information was from the internet I would say that it was pretty spot on. (If someone would do that for me like in person then I wouldn't take any off  information)

I had something in my mind that I was supposed to write as well (not that one yet!) but I forgot. Oh, well maybe I will change computers and go upstairs. Maybe it will come to me and I will blog yet again for today. ;)

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