Monday, January 30, 2012

My Computer

As I mentioned to you earlier I had some computer trouble. My computer would not start. It would start the starting process but I was not able to sign in. I noticed this when I was travelling in the train where I had hoped to listen to some music. Unfortunately this was not possible with the computer being broken and all. So I used few (read three) hours to fix the computer with all the tricks that came into my mind.

The first one that was the most obvious one was to follow the instructions given with the "your computer did not start correctly -wizard". I did the wizard thing I think at least six times. Then I remembered something about the last known good configuration. So I tried to get there where I could choose this option. Well having win 7 and all it was being a smarty pants and did not understand at all what I wanted. (This is why I did the wizard thing couple of times more.) Finally I clicked the small link in the wizard that I had noticed. Have and behold it took me to the place I wanted to go.

So I tried the config thingy couple of (read four) times. All the efforts led to an error message. This was it for me and I closed the computer. Before I put it away I took the battery away and put it back.

The next day before I went shopping with my sis I tried the wizard thing once more. As I did this before I left shopping I left the computer on (it was not charging) as I planned to continue with it when I got back. Well of course I forgot all about it when I got back. I just remember it when I was about to go to bed. I tried to turn the computer on, but it did not do anything. So I put the charger in and turned the computer on. As I waited for the wizard to come back on, my computer asked me to sing in instead!! I did so and then a black screen opened. I was puffled a bit, but then I opened task manager (ctrl+alt+del) first I opened the desktop as folder (it really didn't go this fluently... I was like hmmm I want desktop. Where could I get it... Maybe here? No. Maybe here? No. Maybe here? Ah, yes.) and then tried to run a software. Nothing happened so I restarted my computer. Still got the black screen. (I repeated the desktop -> run a software for few times.)

Then after one attempt the desktop reappeared! I ran to tell my sis about this (well not ran but quietly went as fast as I could). When I got back to my computer it was still slow and it could not run any software. So I decided to close it down the proper way and restart it yet again. When it restarted I got notice that my system was restored to a previous version. Now try to remember when I had tried to do this... So first thing I did was try to run a software. I was able to do so! I tried to locate some settings where I could do some prepares.

For the next two hours (in middle of the night)(I feared that the computer wouldn't open in the morning) I did defragging, memory testing and updating the odd software that wouldn't run because of the restore. One thing left for the next day was figuring out what to do with firefox as it did not work. It was the middle of the night so I did not think of reinstalling the software... Which is the first thing I did the next day..

Anyway the long story short. I was able to make my computer work again. I believe that the problem was caused by an update. It was the last thing that my computer did before not starting. I still can't believe that I was able to restore my computer! Un-be-lie-va-ble! Just don't ask me what I did, as I have no idea. I just tried everything that I could think of.

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