As it was Theophany day, we had a day off. I had waited for my mom to inform me when I need to go to Pieksämäki again to help clean the place. Oh well I had no news so I decided to do my laundry on Friday (as it was a day off). Well my plans didn't go as planned as I woke up after two...
I was able to do some laundry but not the whole lot as I had planned. One reason why I slept so late was that I was yet again in YouTube. I have found few more interesting things to follow. Now I am watching clips of the Ellen Show and Penn & Teller's Fool Us. One other thing that I have followed was Inside the actors studio, but I have forgotten the one who posted the clips as full (I don't know why but he/she was allowed to do so).
So yeah, I have spent quite a lot of time laughing while watching the YouTube videos. I am not planning on doing those myself. I could, but no one would follow so what's the point. I might post the travel videos there... There's an idea. But I haven't travelled that much for the past two years :( I was supposed to try go to US, but as it is a hassle to get my vacation I have dropped the plan. Also I would need a bit more cash to do so (still waiting for the lottery win)(reminder to yourself: play lotto -> better chance to win).
So my day off work was mostly spent sleeping and doing laundry. The next day I went to visit my friend whose boy would have a bday party on Sunday. I went there a day before so that we could do some baking and that I would be able to check their new home. They have moved there few months ago. We backed few pies and planned that the next day we would make pizza, in case the pies weren't enough. There were supposed to arrive quite many families with children.
In the morning we put everything on their place and started doing the pizza. Well I was doing something (mushrooms or the meat) I noticed that there were guests arriving already. Luckily they were my friends parents whom I had met when I was a kid. (I hadn't met his parents yet). So when they came in there weren't any awkward momen. Well there weren't that much awkwardness when his parents arrived as they were all quite open people. Sometimes it is wierd to meet friends family & parents... Don't relly know why. Most of my friends parents are cool, its just that few times I have had the feeling they are looking down on me like I am not good enough. I don't care about it, but I just don't like the feeling. (I am friends with their kid, not with them, so hell with them).
Anyways party went well. I helped where I could. I poured coffee and made sure that there was food on the table. (Well just put the pizza on the table at one point...). When most of the guest were going home, there still were two families that hadn't shown up. One had informed that they might not be able to make it, so it was not a porblem. The other family had said that they would come in the afternoon... We then discussed that when does the afternoon turn into evening. This is because the family had children and we didn't think they would come really late. If they wouldn't have had family I would have quessed that they would have come around six.
So no word at all about coming or not coming. It was a bit rude. It is no the habit of the family so it was okey (by this I mean that everyone forgets things once in a while). If it were a habit, then I at least wouldn't like to be that family's friend. Also I was sorry to hear that the Godparents of my friends boy weren't showing up. They hadn't shown up or shown interest at all for a while. :( So we discussed a bit about the possibility of me becoming a "fairy" godparent. I could be a real one as well (even though I am from different religion, but as I am Christian it doesn't matter). So basically I got a new godchild. The fairy part just means that when the records are checked I won't be there, but it is kind of a deal between the parents and me that I will take the part of the real godparents.
Like my niece and nephew both have fairyparents (fairy godparents = haltijakummi) and godparents. The fairy ones are people whom otherwise would be godparents but they are not part of the church so they can't be godparents (in the recors). So basically one can be a fairy godparent from the start or from any other time that the deal between the parent and the subject is made. One can be added as an official godparent as well nowadays. I am not sure how many godchildren one can have, but I think I won't be able to take quite many more... Officially I have three, but I think I will start saying from now on that I have four.
Just came to my mind that next time I need to ask my friends son that it will be okey with him as well. I am sure it will, but I think it will feel better for him if I ask him about it.
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