Monday, January 30, 2012

First day at school!

Today was the day. My first time in school for many years. (If the exam and interview are not counted...) First the teachers introduced themselves (can't remember single one) and then students introduced themselves (I can remember one... me). Then we were told what kind of a program did we get ourselves into. We also talked about the difference in MBA and Master's of Business Administration.

It was news to me that MBA is not an academic study! Also you cannot say MBA and mean Master's of Business Administration as the MBA is a trademark or something like that. So you should (at least in this country) never pay for your "degree" as you might actually not get one. So my studies are leading me towards a degree. Also new thing to hear is that there is possibility to get a doctoret in this field as well... What to do in five years...

So yes the first part was just about what the studies contain and what is expected of us. The second part was how to use the eTools that we are provided so that we can study online. There was lot to see and remember. I hope I will remember all the things that we talked in class. We will also start some studying this week, allthough we mostly just do things that will help us survive the school. Tomorrow we will head to the library and then we will hear introductions of the classes that we are taking.

Almost forgot. The eTool part was held in computer class. The computer that I chose first had some trouble with the screen ( I was too lazy to figure it out so I just changed the computer). Then there were some others who also had trouble with the computer and they had to find new places to sit. One went to my old place. She then went to fix the screen (the cable was not connected). For the first few seconds things seemed to go well but then when the computer restarted itself after starting itself we knew that the computer was toasted. I was like Oh no! The computer had the same problem as mine did! No, I did not stay there to fix it. 

My Computer

As I mentioned to you earlier I had some computer trouble. My computer would not start. It would start the starting process but I was not able to sign in. I noticed this when I was travelling in the train where I had hoped to listen to some music. Unfortunately this was not possible with the computer being broken and all. So I used few (read three) hours to fix the computer with all the tricks that came into my mind.

The first one that was the most obvious one was to follow the instructions given with the "your computer did not start correctly -wizard". I did the wizard thing I think at least six times. Then I remembered something about the last known good configuration. So I tried to get there where I could choose this option. Well having win 7 and all it was being a smarty pants and did not understand at all what I wanted. (This is why I did the wizard thing couple of times more.) Finally I clicked the small link in the wizard that I had noticed. Have and behold it took me to the place I wanted to go.

So I tried the config thingy couple of (read four) times. All the efforts led to an error message. This was it for me and I closed the computer. Before I put it away I took the battery away and put it back.

The next day before I went shopping with my sis I tried the wizard thing once more. As I did this before I left shopping I left the computer on (it was not charging) as I planned to continue with it when I got back. Well of course I forgot all about it when I got back. I just remember it when I was about to go to bed. I tried to turn the computer on, but it did not do anything. So I put the charger in and turned the computer on. As I waited for the wizard to come back on, my computer asked me to sing in instead!! I did so and then a black screen opened. I was puffled a bit, but then I opened task manager (ctrl+alt+del) first I opened the desktop as folder (it really didn't go this fluently... I was like hmmm I want desktop. Where could I get it... Maybe here? No. Maybe here? No. Maybe here? Ah, yes.) and then tried to run a software. Nothing happened so I restarted my computer. Still got the black screen. (I repeated the desktop -> run a software for few times.)

Then after one attempt the desktop reappeared! I ran to tell my sis about this (well not ran but quietly went as fast as I could). When I got back to my computer it was still slow and it could not run any software. So I decided to close it down the proper way and restart it yet again. When it restarted I got notice that my system was restored to a previous version. Now try to remember when I had tried to do this... So first thing I did was try to run a software. I was able to do so! I tried to locate some settings where I could do some prepares.

For the next two hours (in middle of the night)(I feared that the computer wouldn't open in the morning) I did defragging, memory testing and updating the odd software that wouldn't run because of the restore. One thing left for the next day was figuring out what to do with firefox as it did not work. It was the middle of the night so I did not think of reinstalling the software... Which is the first thing I did the next day..

Anyway the long story short. I was able to make my computer work again. I believe that the problem was caused by an update. It was the last thing that my computer did before not starting. I still can't believe that I was able to restore my computer! Un-be-lie-va-ble! Just don't ask me what I did, as I have no idea. I just tried everything that I could think of.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Just so my luck

Train is going forward fine. Just late few minutes. But my computer won't start up. I have tried all the tricks that I know, to no avil. I have three books with me but the the train is so full that I can't get them out of my bag. Same goes with my knitting stuff. So all i have is some what talkative travel companions and my phone...

Going away

Yay I got my friend to take me to the train station, so that I don't have to leave my car there! This means that I will probably take taxi home when I come, because it is so late. Unless I am able to talk my friend to come pick me up as well ;)

On another note! I was packing my laptop away (as I am taking it with me) and I found my camera! It was in the laptop bag which I have put away a while ago. I tottaly didn't even think that the camera would be there. Amazing. I told ya so, when I need it the most it will come back ;)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About dreams again

For two nights in a row I dreamed of Solo (my old dog). In the first one I was in the farm where I lived as a kid. It was summer time and I was walking past a window when I noticed that Solo was laying under neath a car (because it was a hot day). So I went outside and he came to me and I started to rub him like I always do. I told him that I thought that he had died and he then replied that he had been traveling around the world. No, he didn't speak per say... It was more of a mental exchange of words... Well hey it was a dream! So anything is possible ;)

In the second dream I was living with my mom (unreal I know. Actually I am not really sure if we are living together or if she is visiting. Still equally unreal) in a house that I hadn't seen before. So Solo runs in and again I am amazed that he is still alive because he is supposed to be dead and that I know where he is buried. He again (mentally) explains that he has been traveling all over and he indeed is not dead. This causes me and Tiina to go to the door where my brother in law's mom is waiting to take us to the grave. The dream ends with me getting really annoyed with Tiina. (//We were going to the grave to show solo that he was buried.)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Computer problems

I had some computer problems as nt A-link adapter didn't work. So first I wondered the normal stuff (why isn't the f'n net working again). So after fighting for a while I noticed that the problem was with the adapter (main computer uses the adapter to connect to the internet).  I had to get my laptop to check with it what was wrong. So long story short it took me about three hours (while trying to work at the same time) to get the A-link adapter working. Well it took me another hour to get it working in my work computer (I made it work in my laptop). So yay!

I still ahven't found my camera. I need to check the car... I'll do that tomorrow. Really can't remember when I used it last time. I have carried it with me, but then I haven't just taken any pics. So I might have thought that I have my camera with me when in reality I don't.. Luckily it is not new camera. But still it is annoying not to find it. Usually I do find the stuff I have lost when I rally need them. So double annoying that I haven't yet found it (have wanted to take pics with it) as I have had to take pics with my cell phone.

Which reminds me that I have put most of the books to the bookshelf. Now I need to find place to my DVD's. I also received the freezer! My brother brought it to me yesterday, when I was not at home. I was visiting my friend and made her some pancakes ;) Now I am watching Graham Norton show in youtube, so I am a bit distracted.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Can't sleep

It's like two am at the moment and I can't sleep. I did go to bed a bit late but tired. I just haven't fallen asleep yet. And am about to be hungry... I try not to eat in middle of the night, so that it won't become a habit. When I had the jet lag I did eat snacks in middle of the night because it was lunch time to me. But I got rid of the habit. After watching Bullshit (by Penn&Teller) I noticed myself searching for air fares to Las Vegas and back. Well I would like to do a multicity tour there and visit friends as well. But now I am going to try sleeping again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Class

I had my first class today. It was a bit exiting as I had never done this type of online lecture before. So this first one was just to make sure that we all new what the online software was like and what we need to know about using it.

Anyways it was very nice, no technical problems per say and I think that the studying with it will be fun. So just 2,5 years of that and then I'm done :) Sorry for the sort post.. lost the track of my mind once again. Will be helping my sister in law tomorrow after work.

Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2

I bought the first one just a week ago or so ( I just watched I think three days ago). Yesterday Finnkino had its  Super day (movies cheaper) and friend of mine and I went to see the second one! So basically I have been in the mood for Sherlock Holmes and seen both of them in a row.

The first movie was (as always the first ones are) more of a introductory movie. Luckily the subject is so well known already that there wasn't that much introductions needed. I like Guy Richie movies (seen many but not all) and I like what he has done to Holmes. I liked that he also did the second movie as well. Sometimes they change the director when making sagas (unless the director is Lucas). And Yes I do believe there will be a third movie. I sure do hope so!

This also reminds me to check if I can get my hands to some Sherlock Holmes books. Anyways about the movies. I recommend if possible to watch them quite fast in a row (of course it doesn't matter if you haven't the second one is good enough to carry itself). The first one... Why did I like it... Well Robert Downey JR and Jude Law.. Need I say more?? (For guys: there is fighting, blood and explosions).

Why I liked the second movie.. Well there is Robert Downey JR, Jude Law and Stepehen Fry! I kid you not but I laughed few times when I watched it. Marvelous movie! Now don't get me wrong there were few parts in both movies when I waited for something to happen. But those were only few parts so mostly it was very good. Oh, and second movie more explosions!! You'll enjoy it I promise! (and about promises from people you don't know you should check an earlier post from me; basically if you are sure you have the same taste  as I do then I promise you'll like it).

Friday, January 13, 2012

Civic duty done

Yesterday I did my civic duty and voted in the presidental election. I was not that happy with the choices but I was able to find one to vote. I have to say that with this rate I might end up voting empty in the future elections.

I also went to drop my tax card to the post office so that my boss will receive it. As I went to the post office (as that is the place where they will pick them up the latest) I saw that there was a driver just about to leave with the days mails. So I just went to the box about to drop it in (as I thought that they can't use it in this months pay anyway, so no hurry) when the driver came back and asked to have the letter so that it would go with the days mail! I was so surprised! I must have done something right in my life. :))

It really made my day! (Well my day was not bad to begin with.) The driver really went over his duties when he picked my letter. I don't like the post office (as a company) that much, but the employees that they have are the top notch!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My new stuff

My new bench! I thought about getting this one in black, but the white was a bit cheaper and goes better with my decor. :)

Tilt your head again... I am not sure how to make these pics show up the right way. So You'll just have to do some exercise moves and tilt your head. This is my new chair!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yay! I got the bench!

Today I got a call that the gift certificates are accepted again. So I went there to pick up the bench and the sheets :)  I have now put the bench together as it came in parts. In the instructions it says that you need two to build it... Well I have to say I was able to put it together by myself just fine.

I also picked up my mail when I got home from the store. I had received my new tax card that I have to send to my employer. So I just yesterday send the receipt for the chair! Now I will have to sent them a letter again. I could have sent it together if I would have realized that it comes today. The reason why I sent the chair invoice already was that I want to have the money back in the next payday (15th).

When I read the tax card through (as usually) I noticed that I have mortage interest... This was news to me as I do not have mortage (that I know of). Also my union fee is way too low. It is the rate that was when I was abroad. Now that I am home it is over 300 euros per year. So I think they might have mixed my information with someone else's. So fine, I can't send it out to my employer as it is. But were it correct and had I waited one more day, I wouldn't have to use another envelope and stamp.

Another thing that annoys me at the moment. I think I mentioned that I am getting rid of Nordea. Well today I got mail from them.. So I decided to check the online bank. Have and behold my account was still there! I had asked them to get rid of it and if they have any trouble to call me. Oh no, they couldn't call me but instead they send me mail (to the bank account so that I definately wouldn't receive it). I was told that I wouldn't have access to the account after I gave permission to get rid of it. GRRR

So that is another thing that I have to take care of. Just so annoying. I luckily do know where the bank is, so I don't have to search for it. But for the tax office... For that I have no clue, so I will have to use google in a moment. Instead of all this I could be working...

Monday, January 09, 2012

I want to buy the f'n bench!

I have planned to buy this one bench from Jysk for almost two years now... So I think it is about the time I do so. Today I checked the ads and the bench is 55 euros. I check that I have my gift cards that I received as Xmas present. As the total value is 80 I knew that I have to buy something else as well.

So first I went to fill up the tank (just because I am not sure, but I think I might need to do some driving)(So if I have a rush start I don't have to go waiting in the gas station, but I actually will be on my way) and then I went to Jysk. I checked that they had the bench there (not run out of them) and started to search something else to buy. I knew that I had 25 euros to spent. I found quite a lot of things that I would like to have, but weren't really that necessary for me. I then decided to check some bedsheets. They would be for me and then I could put some really old ones away and put the ones that I have used as guest sheets.

So I made it to the counter. There was a little bit line. I didn't mind as I knew what I wanted and I knew that all I needed to do was use the gift cards. So of course it would be my luck that today the service that uses the gift cards is not working! The cashier told me that they might not be able to get them online tomorrow. So I said that I would be coming on Wednesday to pick it up. She was really apologetic about the issue, but as I had waited for two years already I didn't mind waiting some more.

So what are your guesses that will happen on Wednesday, so that I won't be able to get the bench and sheets... I am so sure that something willl come up. Oh almost forgot. On Saturday morning as I left to Koria, I went to put some gas in (didn't fill it up) I noticed that the lock is frozen. The place where I noticed this was of course at the gas station when it was my turn. I had to give my place away. I decided to try to melt it with the cigarette lighter that is in the car. This whole time I had my wallet in my jacket pocket (as I was supposed to give the bill to the machine after I had opened the lock). After working for a while I was able to get the lock melted. Went to the line again and didn't have to wait long. Then I noticed that my wallet was gone...

I was almost ready to give up, but as I thought that it really can't be that far I didn't start to scream out loud. (Just screamed in my head.) I walked a bit and then noticed that my wallet was in the gound next to the place where I had melted my lock. Only thing in my head was that, breath in breath out, all I need to do is to get there.

Then while I was driving there the car infornt of me was driving 60 in the 80 zone... I know it has snowed and it is slippery... But it is freaking winter! Of course it snows and it is slippery. I couldn't go pass him as there were too much traffic coming from the other direction. There were few places where I would have gone if it were summer, but as I am not crazy I didn't go. But for comparison, it took me 15 minutes less to come home than it did to go there.

Theophany day

As it was Theophany day, we had a day off. I had waited for my mom to inform me when I need to go to Pieksämäki again to help clean the place. Oh well I had no news so I decided to do my laundry on Friday (as it was a day off). Well my plans didn't go as planned as I woke up after two...

I was able to do some laundry but not the whole lot as I had planned. One reason why I slept so late was that I was yet again in YouTube. I have found few more interesting things to follow. Now I am watching clips of the Ellen Show and Penn & Teller's Fool Us. One other thing that I have followed was Inside the actors studio, but I have forgotten the one who posted the clips as full (I don't know why but he/she was allowed to do so).

So yeah, I have spent quite a lot of time laughing while watching the YouTube videos. I am not planning on doing those myself. I could, but no one would follow so what's the point. I might post the travel videos there... There's an idea. But I haven't travelled that much for the past two years :( I was supposed to try go to US, but as it is a hassle to get my vacation I have dropped the plan. Also I would need a bit more cash to do so (still waiting for the lottery win)(reminder to yourself: play lotto -> better chance to win).

So my day off work was mostly spent sleeping and doing laundry. The next day I went to visit my friend whose boy would have a bday party on Sunday. I went there a day before so that we could do some baking and that I would be able to check their new home. They have moved there few months ago. We backed few pies and planned that the next day we would make pizza, in case the pies weren't enough. There were supposed to arrive quite many families with children.

In the morning we put everything on their place and started doing the pizza. Well I was doing something (mushrooms or the meat) I noticed that there were guests arriving already. Luckily they were my friends parents whom I had met when I was a kid. (I hadn't met his parents yet). So when they came in there weren't any awkward momen. Well there weren't that much awkwardness when his parents arrived as they were all quite open people. Sometimes it is wierd to meet friends family & parents... Don't relly know why. Most of my friends parents are cool, its just that few times I have had the feeling they are looking down on me like I am not good enough. I don't care about it, but I just don't like the feeling. (I am friends with their kid, not with them, so hell with them).

Anyways party went well. I helped where I could. I poured coffee and made sure that there was food on the table. (Well just put the pizza on the table at one point...). When most of the guest were going home, there still were two families that hadn't shown up. One had informed that they might not be able to make it, so it was not a porblem. The other family had said that they would come in the afternoon... We then discussed that when does the afternoon turn into evening. This is because the family had children and we didn't think they would come really late. If they wouldn't have had family I would have quessed that they would have come around six.

So no word at all about coming or not coming. It was a bit rude. It is no the habit of the family so it was okey (by this I mean that everyone forgets things once in a while). If it were a habit, then I at least wouldn't like to be that family's friend. Also I was sorry to hear that the Godparents of my friends boy weren't showing up. They hadn't shown up or shown interest at all for a while. :( So we discussed a bit about the possibility of me becoming a "fairy" godparent. I could be a real one as well (even though I am from different religion, but as I am Christian it doesn't matter). So basically I got a new godchild. The fairy part just means that when the records are checked I won't be there, but it is kind of a deal between the parents and me that I will take the part of the real godparents.

Like my niece and nephew both have fairyparents (fairy godparents = haltijakummi) and godparents. The fairy ones are people whom otherwise would be godparents but they are not part of the church so they can't be godparents (in the recors). So basically one can be a fairy godparent from the start or from any other time that the deal between the parent and the subject is made. One can be added as an official godparent as well nowadays. I am not sure how many godchildren one can have, but I think I won't be able to take quite many more... Officially I have three, but I think I will start saying from now on that I have four.

Just came to my mind that next time I need to ask my friends son that it will be okey with him as well. I am sure it will, but I think it will feel better for him if I ask him about it.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


I have started to listen to online radio again after a while. I really like to listen to the music. I think I need to get something that I can listen music with when I travel to north next time. I am going by train so I will need something to do. My laptop lasts about three hours, so that will do for a time. The total travel time is 8,5 hours so I need to figure out something.

I could use my phone, but as the battery in it is really lousy I bet I could only get an hour or so with it. Need to think about it. I could start using my old Nokia which I had about a year. It did start working badly so I was happy to change my phone... But I think I will take it. With it I can listen to the music at least three hours or so... I might have a mp3 player somewhere (very old one), but I have no idea where it would be.

I forgot what I was about to write... yet again. Well the reason is that I am working and chatting with friend at the same time, so I lost the idea.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012


I've been really good girl today. I did the dishes and put some stuff away. Have not done as much work as I wanted to. Well that was more due to my back pain. I can't wait untill I get my new chair! Good bye back pain!

Also I am now burning some candles. Just because I can. I did have a weeks vacation from burning the candles, but at the moment I have quite a lot of them so I decided to burn them. Sorry I am not sure what should I call the action. Burning sounds like I have a big fire where I through candles... So no big fires here... I could take pics, if I just remembered where I put the camera.

My sis found a site that will tell you what kind of a person you are based on the starts positions when you were born and where you were born. I have to say that most of it hit quite close home and my sis told that it wasn't quite what she had even though our bdays are 5 days apart (plus one year). Some were quite far fetched, but given that the information was from the internet I would say that it was pretty spot on. (If someone would do that for me like in person then I wouldn't take any off  information)

I had something in my mind that I was supposed to write as well (not that one yet!) but I forgot. Oh, well maybe I will change computers and go upstairs. Maybe it will come to me and I will blog yet again for today. ;)


Today I went to Tapiola (my insurance and bank place) to check if all my things are in order.  As I received my new debit/credit card I also canceled my debit card. I will get a new debit card soon from another bank (the store bank that I have mentioned earlier). That debit card I will use solely to buy food. Yay! I am getting rid of Nordea :) I have been unhappy with them for years now, and have not used is as my main bank. But as I have had some credit card debt I haven't been able to get rid of them. So now I can. Thanks Granny!

Also today I started to save for my retairement. You know the thingy when you save up for many years untill you retire and then you will get the money back. I had planned to do this earlier as well, but never really had the time for it. Now I have put some of my inheritance into it as a startup. Also I started it slowly so all my money won't go there first. But anyway I don't have to put there money every month, but as it goes automatically it goes every month. If it weren't automatical I wouldn't pay it... Anyways Thanks Granny for helping with this as well :))

I also put that money to my nephews fund, which I think I mentioned in earlier post... (Thanks Granny!)

I also applied for health insurance.. I am not sure if I will get it as I lived in Grenada few years back. I was told that I would need to live two years, but this lady had other informations (talked about 5 years). But as I am citizen (and born here) I might get it. I would be some extra cost, but seen how much both my grannies and also my grandad were in the hospital in the end, I think it is better to get one. Also as I am healthy, there shouldn't be any problem getting one.

Some sad news. The snow has almost melted away.... It really came down good yesterday. But it has been such a warm day today. Here goes hoping for more snow.

Oh I went to the store today... Just because I needed margarin! I also bought some bread and salad stuff. I also bought the dough for xmas pastries (because it was a bit cheaper than before xmas and I still have some jelly that I need to use before it goes bad). I think I will do them few pastries at the time so that I won't need to through anything away. That is also one thing that I will try to do. Through less food away. I am such a bad eater, that I can't have too much foog in my fridge. The problem is that if I have little food, I more often go buy something that I don't have to make.

So I might need to start making more and eating the one thing for the whole week... Yeah, I can't imagine it either.

Oh the stuff I need to do:
*clean up
*move my bookcases
*buy a new bookcase for books (one is for dvd's and the other is for decoration stuff)
*get granny's freezer from Pieksämäki to here (big problem there...)
*get other stuff from granny's as well
*buy a bench (I already received a gift certificate for this, I am just waiting for the second one to arrive. Then I'll go buy it. I will only have 25 € or so to pay myself)

Monday, January 02, 2012

It is snowing!!

Yay! It is now snowing! Let's just hope it won't be all sloth tomorrow. I know that I have been writing a bit today about almost anything that comes to my mind. I still have few ideas that I am going to write but they are not yet ready. Like my usual stuff is so carefully tought out...

What I mean is that I need more material than just one sentence like I think that is shit... Also I will need to write enough stuff now that you all can survive if I don't write much this year. You know with the school and all... Have I yet mentioned that I am starting my masters in the end of this month... Yeah I am rubbing it in.

What have I written today already... xmas (check), vacation (check), money (check).... I could write about New Years eve, but there is not that much to write about. I spend it at my friends place where we watched TV. Had I been home, I would have either been reading a book or watched a rental movie... So nothing new there. School (check), snowing (check), writing about what goes in my head right now (check), writing about not having any idea what I have written before (check)...

Yeah maybe I shouldn't start making any lists here... Just should make mental notes so people wouldn't know how dumb I really am.

Oh, almost forgot, I got my new credit card today! I just need to pick it up from the post. Now I can finally close my account in the bank where I have had my old credit card. I tried to have my credit card in another company (bank) but they refused. I think it is because I said I had worked in one company for over two years. Which I have, but I have lived abroad some time in between as well and that might show up differently. At least that is what I think caused it. I might need to go ask that. Well I ordered a normal debit card instead (as I had originally planned anyways) and it should come through soon (I got the password number thingy already)(PIN).

So out with the old 27 year old bank account and in with two new ones... one is almost two years old and the other one too... well there were only 6 months difference between them. I have to have two as the one that is my main bank won't take any money in. So if I am given money and I want to put them into my account I have to use the second bank for it. Also the second bank will be my food bank from now on. I will use it only to buy food (I get bonus for using debit).

This will hopefully help me save some money. I am not sure if I will be able to get my Credit Card today as it is pretty late already. I am about to go to the gym now. I really can feel the pain (need to write about that more later) in my back, so I need to go do some stuff. This time I will remember to take the water bottle with me! (last time I didn't...)

Xmas candy

Although I had promised myself not to eat too much xmas candy, I did... and I mean a lot. Now I hope I can keep my promise to myself that I won't buy any candy this month. I can eat if someone is offereing (not dieting) but just trying not to buy unnecessary stuff.

I got some inheritage from my granny and so far I have given some to my nephew (to his college fund)(not really college, just a fund, but we like to think of it as it is for his school), bought some xmas presents and foods (candy included) and also paid my credit card debt with it. So... it is basically gone already and I have not done anything with it. Well those friends that have small kids got an extra present this year. I also might or might not have given some discount to some who needed it.

Any who, I have not done what I planned to do. I planned to have most of it in my account. I planned not to spent it on food. I planned to get myself few things in here... Yep... Now I have to calculate if I have enough left for plan B. Then I need to think of the plan B.

I also yesterday night mabe myself a new years resolution as I was throughing away some food that I hadn't eaten in time (due to eating so much candy). I am going to use what I have in my freezer and fridge before buying more stuff. I am going to use my canned stuff before making the same thing for fresh. (I am trying not to spend so much hence this). I think I might do so that I will fill up my tank once in 10 days so that if I am out of gas then I can't go. This is because the gas is just so expensive :( I might have to drop it to once in a week though. I don't drive that much, but driving in the city takes more than driving long distance.

Also this reminds me that next time I am going to Tornio (as the school starts) I am going with train. In the day train because the online store didn't sell me any beds. I rather sit 8,5 hours than 11 hours... the night train takes longer stops so hence the same distance is that much longer to travel. As I have already bought the tickets I saved 50% that compared to the gas prices I would be able to make one journey there but not back. Also I am not sure if I would have to walk the few kilometers when the gas runs out... (Of course I would fill up the tank and wouldn't let the gas run out, but this was just a comparison).

I think I have read too many forum posts as there everybody needs to explain everything very carefully or someone will ask that are you dumb why don't you do so... So not to underestimate your brains or anything, I just like to make things really clear. And yes I am supposed to do work and not write my blog, but I have the flow going so I am not going to stop it. I can always do work later as I determine my own work times. Also that is going to change when the school starts...


Is it a vacation if you do some work?? Well I had to do some work as I did not have anyone doing the work for me while I was trying to relax. So basically one could say that instead of the four days of vacation I only did three... But hey who's counting... Not me.

So continueing the last post my Xmas ended in not so happy feelings (what's new and the reason why I don't do that stuff normally). So the Monday (boxing day) I was home. I can't now remember wheather it was monday or sonday but I talked to my mom about going to my granny's place to pick up some stuff (if you don't know yet, she died). The only day that was good for my mom and aunt was tuesday which wasn't so good for me.

Well I decided to risk it (as sometimes the plans that I have made are not kept by others) and go to Pieksämäki on Tuesday. I woke up early and went. I might have been speeding a bit as there were no snow. There had been snow on Xmas eve but the boxing day storm melted all away. (It hadn't been much, but the ground had been white). So I think I did a record and was there just over 2 hours. For normal winter weather it would take over 3 hours. One big thing was that there were no road renovation? and I was able to drive the top speed the whole way there.

Just as I arrived there my mom started telling what would be for me and what for my sister in law and what for my brother. She didn't mentioned my sister at all... She was a bit mad that my sis hadn't told her about the wedding. (Not just a bit mad she had tried to yell at me over the phone a bit earlier, can't remember when but it was just after the wedding)(she already knows that if she yells at me I will put her in her place)(My sis used to tell our mom that if she didn't behave my sis would tell me...That is our family dynamic). Anyways, I had been there for ten minutes when my mom was about to leave. I was like so you wanted me here because... (just thinking to my self I mean). So I ended helping my aunt with taking stuff to recyling and to the flee market. Then I packed my car (full with extra stuff) and left for home. Oh, first I did have a cup of tea with granny's neighbour.

Then when I got home, I asked my friend if she was home yet. As it turned out by risk was succesful and she was not yet home. We made new plans for the next day. The next day just as I had arrived to my friends place with xmas gifts and small baby clothes my sister in law asks if I would like to go to Ikea with her and the kids. If the original plan had kept I would have been able to go, but as it hadn't I was not to. I didn't intent to stay that long at my friends place as they were supposed to continue their xmas journey soon. I did stay for few extra hours. Then I went home.

Happy New Year!

There has been a lot of stuff in my mind that I should write to you. I was supposed to write to you already last week but I got a bit tired. You know that at the moment we don't have snow in the Southern parts at all... Well maybe a millimeter or two but that doesn't count. Last year we had lots of snow.

Anyways as it is really dark without the snow I am really sleepy. I like the snow because it brings some light (reflects it). So basically I have been a lazy little pixie and done absolutely nothing... Really. Lets start what happened with my sis. She got married, and was supposed to come during the holidays. (Just mentioning stuff as I go as I am not sure if I mentioned it already and as I am writing this I am not checking what I have wrote before) (see... Lazy!) Anyways, she infomed me that they actually are coming earlier. Week earlier and would leave at Xmas.

So I had to do my cleaning earlier (I had timetabled it in so that I would have time to do otherstuff as well). So that did not happen. Then when my sis arrived she told me that her kids were sick.. So all the plans that I had made for us for the xmas week that I had tried to change to the week earlier were now to be through out. Also it did not help that my sister in law said that they could not come over if the kids were at all sick. So the reason why they came at all was now also throughn away.

We were able to see our aunt who came here to see the kids. (We were supposed to go there). And also we were able to go visit out dad. He actually invited us to his place! Yay! It was my second time there in four? years. My sisters first time. The reason why we haven't been there is that usually there is a bunch of us and he lives in a small apartment. So there really is not that much room. Our dad really enjoyed the visit and the special time that we gave him. Usually we only meet for an hour or so, but this time we were there for four hours.

One reason why we were there so long was that there weren't other people that we wanted to meet there. Well of course we wanted to see our grandad but due to some issues with one of our aunts we were not able to go see him. (long story for that too in another post) So anyways, we saw our dad and that was the best thing for the whole Xmas for me.

Then what happened was that as my sister's family was not invited anymore to my sister in law's place I thought that I wouldn't either be. So that I would spent the time with my sister. Of course this is not what happend. My sister in law started messaging me that OF COURSE I would be coming over... Even though I had spent a week with sick children... I really started to feel like I didn't want to go and hoping that the whole Xmas time would just be over. I felt pressured to go. So me and my sis talked and we decided that I would go as they might leave in the xmas eve night or very early the next day.

Next day I hoped that I would be able to leave early as I had no holiday spirit left, even though I hope I portraid it as such. Next year I will go stay with my sis for a while if I can (might not as not sure how the school and birthdays are going to mix) (I won't be there for long as a month there is a very long time). Anyways, I was able to get home in the evening where I found that my sister's hubbie had cleaned the place from top to bottom. What a nice Xmas present.