Saturday, February 01, 2014

Selling my stuff

So now it has started. I have but my stuff to Kijiji for sale. Kijiji is a place where people can post ads. Yesterday I put up my sofa bed, but so far no takers. I have put my dining room table today and will be putting my work desk in a moment too and the kitchenware stuff as well. I hope that as I am putting this on their separate ads, it will attract more views than all in one ad. I have also contacted few students who placed an ad that they would be needing furniture and generally stuff. So here is for hoping that they will be interested in my stuff. It might be that they are not as they were wishing to get most of the stuff for free. 

 There is someone coming to check this place out tonight, so I will need to clean (well just dust up) the place. I might not be able to post this one today, as I am hopping on and off my computer to make this place presentable. I am thinking of baking something, maybe a cake or muffins... I will need to go to the store today as for tomorrow has been promised a lot of snow and water. Maybe that is what I should be doing next... Do the shopping I mean and then bake. I need to do the dishes anyway, so why not make a few more dishes dirty first :)

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