Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Opportunity

My aunt found me another possible job! Her facebook friend has been asking for an aupair to come help her. She lives in Shanghai! That would be such an opportunity for me. Just think I would be able to stay there for a year and then when coming back, I could stop by Australia and New Zealand. I also have another friend who is living in Shanghai, so I could visit her and her baby boy while I am there. It would fill my last years new years resolution to see old friends whom I haven't seen in years. 

I am so thinking of what I would do and how I would enjoy the trip. I think I need to think of the fact that I haven't been chosen and I haven't officially even applied yet. I just sent a description of me to the person. We will see what happens next. I am way too exited about this. Shanghai... Oh, how I wish I would be able to go there!

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