Sunday, February 16, 2014

Not my day

Have I mentioned that I have sold everything I have already? So I have been sleeping on an air mattress for the past two weeks. Not bad if I say so myself. It has been very comfy to sleep on. Unfortunately I have now just found out that there is a leak... I am sure I can sleep on it for another week at least. I know that if I tell it to my landlord they will ask me to sleep at one of their spare beds. I just like it here, being on my own, alone. No-one disturbing me and I can wake up at any hour I like. 

Also when I was making breakfast I dropped the butter knife. Nothing bad happened but it just still added to my "not my day" feeling. Argh. Well the good thing is that there is one less thing to donate forward. Thinking that it has been in use first for 1,5 weeks and now 2 weeks continuously, the air mattress has done a good job. Luckily I still have the blankets and pillows, so I can make myself a bed with them. I just have about 11 more days left in here. It would not be the first time I sleep on the floor without any mattress.

//Edit: Few days later I find myself having a fixed mattress. Luckily I own a nail polish and a bit of tape... Did the fixing all by myself.

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