Thursday, February 06, 2014


Yesterday did not end with a high note. I got a nasty feedback from a customer, which made me cry in the end. I did reply to that feedback and told how I felt about it. I have tried not to engage those and just forget them, but since there are more and more nasty feedback coming I had to do something. I think people have forgot how to behave online and in email/ticket communication. There are a few people who know how to behave. I remember when in school we needed to draft email conversations (in other language) so that we knew how to be polite in writing. How I laughed at that at that time. Now I understand! 

So you can imagine that my motivation is gone. Bye bye! I did wake up early today, to get a jump start at work. Kind of showing that you are not the boss of me! So the first ticket I read... starts with "what's wrong with you people?" It's like they do not wish me to help them. No hello, no request to fix the problem. Only question in it was the one I wrote down for you. So if I were nasty I would only reply to the question part. I have done so in the past, and it really does not work. So I went with something in between polite and nasty. Oh, why do these have to be one after another. I would not mind if there were normal contacts in between the blows. 

This day sucks so far!

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