Friday, February 28, 2014

Closing an account

This is just so weird! I closed my bank account as I am moving away. I went prepared: I had two ID's with me, I had the bank card and I had all the readiness to answer any questions asked and sign any paper they give me. I expected it would take me maybe 15 minutes. I went by bus as I was on my way to the downtown anyway, so I would be able to take a transfer from my bank to downtown. If I took too long, then the transfer would not be valid as they change transfer ticket from morning to evening one. I was lucky that my first transfer took only two minutes, so I was able to get to the bank in about 20 minutes. I dropped of right across the bank and there was about five lanes to go across. I was a bit worried that will I be able to go across as there were quite a lot of cars. But it was worth the risk as the lights turned read and there was no cars coming from either direction, and I was able to go across (there was no lights where I was standing).

Ones I got in, there was very little line. I was the second person in the queue and once I got to stand behind the first person, he was asked to step forward. It wasn't long when my turn came (contrarily to Finland the teller asked me to step forward first and then went to put a paper away in the near by wall) and told what business I am there for. I gave the teller my bank card, so she would be able to locate the account, and then took my passport out. She asked why I was closing the account (and few polite questions about me moving back) and then how would I like my bills. That's it. I got my money and went out. I was lucky enough to catch the next bus, although it was full with people (just waved my transfer and hopped in through the back door.

So compared to what I experienced in Finland, the closing an account is really easy! You do not even need to show a proof that you are you. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

3 days to kill

My second Kevin Costner movie for this year. First one was Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. The trailer promised me explosions, gun fights and a bit of comedy. Never trust the trailer I say, and it is true for this as well. Now I was pleasantly surprised to see the movie. It was not just another kill or get killed movie (although I do like those ones quite a lot). Surely it is not the best movie of the year, nor will it win any awards. It goes to the category of  "I do not mind that I had to pay to see it". 

So there is more family drama in the movie than what the trailer lets you on. It is not that bad, and I think I would still have gone to see it if the trailer would have been of the family drama. Contrast to the trailer it was more funny than expected. This is always good, unless you are going to see a horror movie... Only thing that still bothers me is the ending. It was a good ending, but I have this feeling that I have seen it or read it somewhere... I just can't picture it that from where have I seen it or read it. So annoying. I am pretty sure it was a book...

Anyhow, I recommend that you watch this movie. Either or is good. I'd say you will enjoy it equally at home as you would at the theater. 

Leak in the bathroom

I am just about to move out and this happens. There is a small hole in the pipe just outside the wall. We put some duct tape to slow the leak. Now it is dripping. And no, the cabinet cannot be moved (easily).

The leak is just barely outside the wall. You might see the faint shower it gives.
Yes I know that it is also dripping to the wall side, but at least it is not pouring the water to the wall. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gastric problems

I bet this is something that you all want to read about. This is so interesting that you will be discussing of this at the dinner tables years to come. Not really. As I work from home, I do not have clear time table for eating, working or sleeping. So if I sleep late and wake up at noon, I am not worried or late from work. Once I start working, I might do work for few hours or six hours without any breaks. This is highly dependent on what kind of customers I am serving. If there are nasty customers, I might need to take more breaks and I will work slower. 

So my eating habits are not very good as I can eat at anytime. Usually when I eat, I eat a little bit of this and little bit of that. A sandwich few times a day might be all I eat for awhile. As the time becomes a non existing factor (no need to go anywhere and no need to be anywhere), I might not realize that I have eaten the same stuff for days in a row. I eat little, unless I happen to cook something and then I eat a lot. If I go out I eat a lot. So no rhythm what so ever. 

Last weekend I went out with my friend. First we went shopping for trousers for my niece and then looking for chairs for my friend. We stopped at Tim's to eat Deluxe Ham and Cheese Pannini and drink Medium hot drink. After that we went to movies (more about that in another post) and I ate kids meal (popcorn, soda and candy). After this we went to eat in a restaurant, where I ate sloppy something with chicken and fries. Well I did not eat too much of the fries as we had mozzarella bread as starter. My night ended with a small tea and Timbits from Tim's... 

The next morning I woke still feeling a bit full. Despite it, I decided to have some breakfast as I am trying to be more organized. I ate a sandwich with cheese and ham and drank chocolate milk. Also I took D-vitamin and and milk bacteria thingy. Worst decision ever. My stomach started to hurt and bloat and hurt a bit more.  My stomach felt really warm and my bra made everything just a tiny bit worse. So I had to raise the bra up to feel a tiny bit relief. After few hours I made some porridge thinking it would help. After eating it I took some tums, thinking it might help. No help, the same agony still continued. I think at first it was all fine, but then it kicked back in. I still was bloated and my stomach was really hot. The whole day went by like this. 

In the evening when I started to feel a bit better, I decided that I need to eat something so I made some macaroni. Shouldn't have done it. I did eat two oranges before the macaroni was ready. I did not feel hungry, but I had not eaten anything (it was about 10 hours after the porridge) during the day. All went down fine. Then the bloating and pain came back with this feeling that something might be on its way up. After few hours, my stomach decided that it has more than it needs and the extra items should go. 

Luckily it was only the macaroni that came out, and I did start feeling better after it. It was already midnight (might have been a bit over) so I tried to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I felt a lot better. It was all gone. I started to feel hungry again, so I knew I could eat something. This just shows that I should trust my gut when it says no more food please. It is a bit hard to change the eating habits when the stomach is not used to the regular foods. I think all this started because the dinner I ate had goat cheese in it. Had I not taken the tums and milk bacteria thingy, I am sure it would have gone by faster. Also if I had just skipped the breakfast as I had eaten a lot the day before. 

Hope you enjoyed my day of agony! :))

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


A little while ago I saw this dream, where one of my friends was in the lead. She was working for our President as personal chef and was invited to events where the president went. In my dream she had invited me to come along with them. Long story short. All I was feeling and saying to them was that I am not supposed to be here. It was like I was given accidentally someone else's dream. My friend tried to convince me that this is all right. That this is very normal. 

I talked about this dream with other friends (of which one knows the friend I was dreaming about) and I was given the explanation that the dream is about how my friends and family are trying to control my life. Now that I am moving back to Finland I am faced with many requests to move different places and visit all my friends. So basically my stress is leaking into my dreams. Well not really stress but the others desire to control my life for me is just sinking in. Apparently as I am single I am here for others to push me around and not get the respect of being my own person.  

Monday, February 24, 2014

How big is my apartment?

That is the question that I have been asking for a while (about since I moved in). Luckily I went to Ikea few days ago with a friend of mine and took two of the one meter measurement thingies. Once I got back home I taped them together and got myself a two meter measurement. With it I measured the rooms and got the total square meter to be about 36.65. My room is 8.93m2 and the closet is 1.28m2. Basically with right mattress I could sleep in the closet... 

Anyhow, now I finally know. I am about to move out and now I know. This is not the smallest room that I have lived in. But I have had bigger bachelor apartment than this "two" bedroom apartment. I really have liked this place although the roof has not been as high as what I am used to. The height of the room is 190.5 cm. Lucky I am so small! So from 5m to under 2m. I am such a versatile person when it comes to living. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Robocop (2014) IMAX

Remake of the original movie. If you have seen the original, you'll know what the movie is all about. The new movie does follow the plot quite closely although it is updated to the modern era. If you haven't seen the old movie, then all you need to know is that the lead character "dies" in the beginning and what is left is put in a robot. Also the lead character is a cop... 

I do recommend this to everyone, as it has it all. It has action and drama. So all the guys will love the action and girls will like the drama. Maybe I am now overselling this, but I did like the movie. It did not hurt that I did not have to pay for it as I bought it with my scene card. I did have the IMAX experience so the ticket would have been quite expensive. Thus I used my scene points. Had I known earlier that Scotiabank gives you scene points, I would have gone with them and not with RBC. Just because I like movies so much. Back to this movie, it really does give a good picture of how USA sees itself. So just for that, you should go and see this movie!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Family Day

A day off in Canada. Quite many places were closed, but I did not mind as I did not go anywhere. Instead I tried to write my thesis. Instead I got invited to take part in family lunch upstairs. Delicious food! I spent most of my time upstairs. I had such a good day actually. I was just about to write you about how good the day has been, when I got a message from my boss. He has not yet sent the contract for the Thesis. So he was just asking if I still need it... Rolling my eyes! I just can't graduate without it. So now I just don't feel like doing anything. I'll write another post another time. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Not my day

Have I mentioned that I have sold everything I have already? So I have been sleeping on an air mattress for the past two weeks. Not bad if I say so myself. It has been very comfy to sleep on. Unfortunately I have now just found out that there is a leak... I am sure I can sleep on it for another week at least. I know that if I tell it to my landlord they will ask me to sleep at one of their spare beds. I just like it here, being on my own, alone. No-one disturbing me and I can wake up at any hour I like. 

Also when I was making breakfast I dropped the butter knife. Nothing bad happened but it just still added to my "not my day" feeling. Argh. Well the good thing is that there is one less thing to donate forward. Thinking that it has been in use first for 1,5 weeks and now 2 weeks continuously, the air mattress has done a good job. Luckily I still have the blankets and pillows, so I can make myself a bed with them. I just have about 11 more days left in here. It would not be the first time I sleep on the floor without any mattress.

//Edit: Few days later I find myself having a fixed mattress. Luckily I own a nail polish and a bit of tape... Did the fixing all by myself.

Friday, February 14, 2014

No news

I haven't heard from the family in Shanghai anything yet. I know my friends are exited (all those whom I have told about this) and quite certain that I will get it. I myself am not certain of it. There are a lot of good sides for me to go there: I already have a friend there, I have not been there before but I have planned of traveling to Asia and while I would be there as an aupair, after that I would be free to travel to Australia! No news is a good news in a way that at least I am still running. 

I have received a few emails saying thank you for applying with us, so I am not having high hopes. I just really like the idea of traveling, but if it is a no go, I will do an Asian tour another time. The ones that I am mostly interested are still on going, but I think I am not getting them as I haven't heard anything from them and it has been a while since I applied. So I am waiting for the thanks but no thanks email to arrive. Really nothing new to write. Just been at home for the past few weeks. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Opportunity

My aunt found me another possible job! Her facebook friend has been asking for an aupair to come help her. She lives in Shanghai! That would be such an opportunity for me. Just think I would be able to stay there for a year and then when coming back, I could stop by Australia and New Zealand. I also have another friend who is living in Shanghai, so I could visit her and her baby boy while I am there. It would fill my last years new years resolution to see old friends whom I haven't seen in years. 

I am so thinking of what I would do and how I would enjoy the trip. I think I need to think of the fact that I haven't been chosen and I haven't officially even applied yet. I just sent a description of me to the person. We will see what happens next. I am way too exited about this. Shanghai... Oh, how I wish I would be able to go there!

Friday, February 07, 2014

Today sucks!

Last night I found out that my Joint Assignment paper did not go through. Well it was expected so I am not surprised about it. I just had hoped it would pass. How to write about something when there is nothing to write about? So redo is in front of me. I think I will need to dial down and write so that the teachers will understand what I am talking about. Apparently when they say holistic writing so that you combine all three courses, it means that point out where you are writing to which course. Although they know what course they are teaching and have said it before that you do not need to repeat that much, mention the courses many, many times and repeat all the previous information you have provided.

The teachers... Oh, why bother. I need to save energy on writing the paper again and not focusing on the negative. So positive things... What is positive about this. ... ... I've been told I can find the silver lining on almost anything. So I should be able to find the silver lining here too. It is not the end of the world, so there is something good to be found. Maybe it is that what ever I write, I can put it into my thesis. Not really a silver lining. I'll find it, but first I need to change my mood around. 

No motivation for today either. Last couple of days have been really hard. Last night I saw news about online stalking. I have not experienced that, but the harassing and abusive language is familiar to me through my work. So basically what the last couple of days has been like, was nothing compared to what the woman in the news had to experience. I am so glad that the issue is being talked about, so more people will be aware that online behavior is a real problem nowadays. 

Thursday, February 06, 2014


Yesterday did not end with a high note. I got a nasty feedback from a customer, which made me cry in the end. I did reply to that feedback and told how I felt about it. I have tried not to engage those and just forget them, but since there are more and more nasty feedback coming I had to do something. I think people have forgot how to behave online and in email/ticket communication. There are a few people who know how to behave. I remember when in school we needed to draft email conversations (in other language) so that we knew how to be polite in writing. How I laughed at that at that time. Now I understand! 

So you can imagine that my motivation is gone. Bye bye! I did wake up early today, to get a jump start at work. Kind of showing that you are not the boss of me! So the first ticket I read... starts with "what's wrong with you people?" It's like they do not wish me to help them. No hello, no request to fix the problem. Only question in it was the one I wrote down for you. So if I were nasty I would only reply to the question part. I have done so in the past, and it really does not work. So I went with something in between polite and nasty. Oh, why do these have to be one after another. I would not mind if there were normal contacts in between the blows. 

This day sucks so far!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Still standing

Last Saturday I sold all my furniture. It was evening so I don't think Saturday counts. So since last Sunday I have tried to stand as much as I can. During Sunday I did not stand that much as it was a day off from work. On Monday I did stand for few hours and on Tuesday few hours more. I see that the standing is becoming a bit easier everyday. I still need to sit down once in a while and usually I take it more slowly during the morning than during the day. 

Things that really help is to have music so you can dance when you want to. No need to jump up from the chair as you can just start dancing when you feel like it. Love it. Squatting is good, but you need to practice that too. Also because I am a bit round (well more than a bit) squatting is not that easy. I blame my boobs, as I am not able to put them away. Just sitting on a hard floor is good too. As it is not comfy, you will want to stand up again pretty soon. Walking around helps too. It is very easy to do as well. 

About something else here. I am working at the same time, just taking small breaks from work when I get really annoyed. So I just had the best ticket ever. Someone thanked me for the work I do! I had send him a free license because of reasons I am not going to tell here. Good reasons though. He was surprised that I would give him a free license. Maybe it is me, but in his situation there should be bunch of other people all over him helping him. Apparently kindness is a rare thing. (Well usually from work perspective it is. People do not know how to behave online, if you ask me.)

On a side note. It is funny to see my friends gradually growing to the level where I was when we have met. Well not all, but it is good to be able to have discussions about different things without being judgmental. I have actually met a girl here, who is pretty much similar to me when I was her age. It will be fun to see how she grows.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Getting rid of bad habbits

So last weekend was a Superbowl weekend. For that I decided to buy some sofa (PepsiMax) to celebrate. I bought it in cans as I did not want to through away a liter of it because it would start taste so stale after a while. So I bought cans. I also bought chips for first time in a long time. This was on Friday, as for Saturday they promised a storm, so I did not want to go outside in a storm. Me few years back would have finished the soda and the bag of chips in a weekend. I also had candy... No problem of getting rid of candy, so I will not talk about that so much. I do have to say, that normally I would have eaten a bag of candy at one go. Now it lasted me quite well, so did not eat it at one go.

The chips. My favourite from a while back. Doritos Cool Ranch. Yammy! I can still taste how good they were! Just mmm-mmm-mmmmm. Now I still have over half of it left. I eat about 5 chips and then am good. So I tried to eat more. I could but it did not feel good. So the bag has been open since the weekend, and I still try to eat all of it. Just because I do not like throwing food away. It might be healthier to throw it away, but I do not want to be wasteful. 

PepsiMax. Well I am old coke drinker, than after they weren't able to decided what recipe to use, my friend and I changed into PepsiMax. Some back reference on our drinking habits. We used to buy 4x1,5l per person for the weekend and then 2x1,5l for the movie/cooking/hanging out night. So we loved our caffeine boost in sugary form. We are better than that now, but just that mental image for you that we really loved coke! So now I have cans of PepsiMax. One can is 355ml. I have trouble to drink the one can per day. Now don't get me wrong, I might go sometimes out and drink coke or other soda when watching movie or eating. But that is one time event and not day after day. 

So I am actually getting rid of the bad habit of drinking soda and eating salty snacks! Now if only I would be able to do the same with the sweets. The sweets are still my week point. Luckily here in Canada there are not that many good sweets and the sweets are expensive. Soda is cheap and there is a lot of variety. Same with the salty snacks. I am so lucky that this is the situation and not vice versa.  

Monday, February 03, 2014


Well that was easier than I thought! I have now sold my sofa bed, two tables and three chairs. I did not ask the full asking price as my landlord was the one that actually did the selling to her relative, so I gave a discount. So all I have left here are the air mattress and kitchenware. This means that I will be doing a lot of standing in the following month. I don't mind, as I usually sit the whole day. So this is something different. Also standing is better than sitting down :)

So one could say I have a February challenge of doing work standing. So far so good. I have walked around if my legs feel tired. Also I have music blasting, so I can dance along while working. It really does help. I think the most tiring part is to stand still. So little bit of movement helps with this. My landlord did say that I can come up at any time, so if I get really tired I will do just that!

Oh, almost forgot! The people never came to see the apartment. As the landlord and her relatives did come down, my cleaning was not done for nothing. The snow-slosh storm that was promised for Saturday, was not a real storm. Just very basic snowy winter day. Of course people did not behave like that and now there are lots of frozen snow piles... Sometimes it is just so funny to see how people panic about nothing. Considering that this is Canada, I would not have expected that. In southern parts of US yes, but in Canada no. 

Oh, and because of the standing I sometimes wear shoes inside. Just because floor is hard and I am quite heavy. I might be able to stand better once I get used to this. But for now I do what I can to be comfortable. 

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Arght! part I don't know

This is just about work. Argh! People don't seem to understand what fundraising means! It means that we need money and are trying to collect it. We are offering some perks, but the value of the perks cannot be greater than what we are trying collect. So if a perk is a cup of coffee, the donation needs to be greater than the cup of coffee! What grinds me most, is that I am not involved with the project and I have to answer people about the project. I know it is my work, but I would kind of need more info and at least be kept in the loop to be able to do my work. 

Oh, how I hate FYI at the moment. That is how my boss informs me things. FYI and a link, or FYI we are doing things like this from now on. FYI you will not be needed after new years, date to be announced. Then when I ask about the date, it's oh, I'll tell you after new year. So now I haven't even asked. I got paid for January, so I wasn't fired yet. Now I will wait till next payday to see if I was fired, but not told. Well the last check will include all my vacation days, so I know if it is my last one. I kind of had hoped not to have to work for the last month, so I could have just done stuff. Oh, well better for my future to be able to collect more money now. 

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Selling my stuff

So now it has started. I have but my stuff to Kijiji for sale. Kijiji is a place where people can post ads. Yesterday I put up my sofa bed, but so far no takers. I have put my dining room table today and will be putting my work desk in a moment too and the kitchenware stuff as well. I hope that as I am putting this on their separate ads, it will attract more views than all in one ad. I have also contacted few students who placed an ad that they would be needing furniture and generally stuff. So here is for hoping that they will be interested in my stuff. It might be that they are not as they were wishing to get most of the stuff for free. 

 There is someone coming to check this place out tonight, so I will need to clean (well just dust up) the place. I might not be able to post this one today, as I am hopping on and off my computer to make this place presentable. I am thinking of baking something, maybe a cake or muffins... I will need to go to the store today as for tomorrow has been promised a lot of snow and water. Maybe that is what I should be doing next... Do the shopping I mean and then bake. I need to do the dishes anyway, so why not make a few more dishes dirty first :)