Wednesday, January 02, 2013


It's a bitch. I am just waiting if the paper from bank arrives today. That is the only paper I will need and then I will be able to sent the application forward. I had thought that they would be able to write the paper there and then at the bank. Unfortunately it will be done in the main office in Espoo and then sent to me. I think the paper has been written during Friday already, so I am just waiting for the post to carry my letter here. 

I have done some calculations: My application will be sent latest on Friday, so it will arrive around Wednesday next week (so a week from now). Then I was told that the application process should take about two weeks. Then there was this one paper in Allianssi that I need to fill out 30 days before leaving, so I will need to buy the tickets at least a month before leaving. This all totals almost two months, and if you count this first week of the year that is just waiting, then you can say that I will be leaving in two months. So end of February, is the new deadline. So it will be almost a year, since I decided to move. Most of it has been just waiting for papers to come or waiting for the right time to come. 

I have checked few places where to live. I think I will take the place that is a bit more expensive, but in my mind a bit more secure and quiet. It is also right next to the lake. It is not quite in Toronto, but in Etobicoke. I had looked at the places in Toronto, but those that I had in my mind turned out to have some problems as I have mentioned in earlier post. So, I had to drop the places out and decided that I will choose one of the places in Etobicoke.

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