I had hoped that I would be able to leave and be by myself tomorrow, when I am meeting some of my group members. Unfortunately I just yesterday heard that this is not going to be so. My brother in law has made some plans with the children to go swimming in Kemi as well. Oh bore! Now I will have to leave at the same time as them and wait at the gas station until my group members come. That would be about an hour of waiting. I could go shopping near by, but I would not be able to leave anything in the car.
Now they are all outside while I work and do some school stuff. Yesterday I went out for 30 mins, with the consequence that the internet connection broke off and I had to work about 30 mins to get it back. So I lost an hour of my work time. Just because my sister asked me to be out with my niece. I wouldn't normally mind, but when it starts to interfere with work, I get annoyed. When I am annoyed I can't work, because I do not want to customers to suffer. Some how they both, my sister and brother in law, see me as available to do bits of this and bits of that beacuse I work from home. I didn't mind it when they were visiting me, because I would be able to do the work after they would have gone away. Now it is not possible. Grr.
This was also why I had hoped to be able to be by myself. So lets just count together how long does it take for the post to arrive...
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