Thursday, January 17, 2013

Organized organization

I don't know where to start. I just yesterday realized that one of my online classes is not next week, but during the next after that. Well we have our contact week with the school at that time... Do you see where I am going with this! We start at eight or half past and the day ends at five. The class starts at half past five. So there is 30 minutes time to get home and online. Some travel from another country and might not be able to access internet during the evening! Where is the point!

Lets discuss about the teachers organizing skill a bit further. We have due dates on our paper and we have been informed that if the paper is late, we will get a lower score. This semester we have given in three papers as a joint assingment. The JA1 (join assingment part one) was individual and the rest were a group work. The joint assingment included three courses. So far I have received feedback from two teachers about the JA1. We delivered the JA2 and JA3 way before the due date. There was plenty of time between JA2 and JA3... I am sure you will know where this is heading. 

So last Monday we got our group feedback on JA2 almost a week after the JA3 due date. After seeing the feedback I can say that it would not have been helpful, but at least it was just feedback from one teacher. So what I am trying to say, is that we have not received any feedback from one teacher. Two has given some, but way late considering that we have already returned the final paper! Hmmm, maybe I have not been very clear why the feedback is important. Well the JA's are a build up case. The first paper was mainly introduction of the case company, a deep analysis, one would say. The second paper was taking the three case companys and bringing them together. The final paper was even more into depth analysis and understaing the case companies. So basically the feedback is needed, so that we will know that we are going to right direction and have understood what teachers want.

One teacher actually has been very organized. She is not part of the JA group per se. She is the one that checks the spelling and grammar. So this final paper has been submitted to her as well, so that she will be able to review it and give a grade to another course on how we write academic papers and how we have followed her instructions. Her feedback comes latest a week after the due date. She really is amazing! 

The guys are the worst, because they won't give any feedback.

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