Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Nice surprise

I checked my bank account today to see that what the balance is, so that I can calculate how much spending money do I have untill the payday. Well I was nicely surprised to see that I had got some money from my school because of the travel I did almost two months ago. This means that I will have more money to take with me when I move to Canada. 

I at the moment have just above the bare minimum, so it will be a big plus to get some more. I will try to make it so that I will not have to send money every month. Firstly I will save some money (about 30 euros per month I am not sending the money) and secondly I will have money to buy the basic stuff. Having in mind that I will be moving in to an empty appartment. This means that I will have a lot to buy... Which reminds me that I will need to find a facebook group that gives stuff away in Toronto area and try to locate a flee market near the place where I am moving in.

If I save up enough I might not need to buy stuff from the flea market, but I will try to save money so that I will be able to do some traveling as well. I hope to visit my friends in Florida during this year and the tickets are as expensive as flying to Finland from Canada... So more I save, the more I can travel.

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