Saturday, January 19, 2013

I see trouble in the future...

Little bit of background information. Our mother owns a flat, but does not live in it. She lives in with her boyfriend. A week ago he had an accident and was taken to the hospital. Yesterday there was a meeting of the flat owners in the building where our mother owns the flat. She did not go there. She has not gone there at least for two or three years. She owes some money to my brother in laws father. The flat was bought from my father in laws father. She also owes some money to the condominium. 

So yesterday the condominium meeting decided that they will start to ask the money from our mother and sent out a letter to her. (She received them, but usually doesn't read them.) So in few working days she will be receiveing a letter from the condominium and if she reads it will be quite angry. I know that she will not call my sis, as she has not called her in a long time. She prefers to call me instead...

So I anxiously wait for the call to come.

I can't wait untill I am able to move to Canada. At least then I will have a very good excuse not to answer her calls.

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